October, 2023

Community Newsletter

Monthly Awareness

The Hispanic Heritage Month celebration continues in October 

Hispanic Heritage Month kicked off in September! Over 20 countries make up the umbrella that is Hispanic Heritage. It is a diverse collection of culture including food, dance, music, traditions, and history! Did you know North Carolina is one of 13 states with one million or more Hispanic Americans who call it home? Trillium is excited to celebrate Hispanic Heritage and health with our upcoming October SUMMIT event.  

Hispanic Heritage Month continues into October! “Herencia Hispana/LatinX: ¡Vamos a Hablar! (Hispanic/LatinX Heritage Let’s Talk!)” kicks off Trillium’s SUMMIT program on October 25! The event takes place from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Sturgeon City Environmental Education Center in Jacksonville and open to the public with registration. Speakers will focus on physical health concerns such as diabetes, HIV, and child preventative measures.    

This is the first in-person event as part of the new SUMMIT Program. The program seeks to provide our communities with the knowledge and tools to take control of their health. Topics will cover health disparities experienced by marginalized populations along with issues affecting certain diagnoses.

Learn more on Summit event webpage.

Register for SUMMIT

October is Down Syndrome

Awareness Month 

Down Syndrome Awareness Month is a celebration of the lives of people with Down syndrome. Together, we can imagine a more inclusive world for our family, friends, and neighbors with Down syndrome. Let’s then build that world where individuals realize their life aspirations, lead fulfilled lives, and are welcomed as valued members of their communities.   


Morehead City Marlins make inclusion a home run in August  

Trillium was proud to join up with the Morehead City Marlins for a night of inclusive fun in August. Trillium staff greeted baseball fans and handed out earplugs, sunglasses, fidget spinners, and more for guests to enjoy. We had over 100 members and families join the fun!    

A baseball stadium can be overstimulating for individuals with autism spectrum disorder or other diagnoses. Each sensory item made the game a more welcoming experience for all. Thank you to all our invited friends from Carobell, Easterseals UCP, Monarch, and the Autism Society of North Carolina.   

New playgrounds bring inclusive fun to Columbus, Bladen, and Halifax Counties 

Come play during the Halifax County inclusive playground grand opening on October 10! The celebration begins at 3:30 p.m. at 1310 Main Street in Scotland Neck. It follows playground grand openings in Columbus and Bladen Counties this summer. 

Trillium’s Play Together initiative allows individuals of all ages and abilities to play in 34 communities and counting! These inclusive playgrounds are fully accessible. Many locations include a Liberty Swing for individuals who use wheelchairs. Each playground has equipment designed with physical and sensory benefits in mind. A playground is more than slides, swings, and structures. They help build physical, social, and mental health when everyone can play together. 

Inclusive Playgrounds

Trillium hosts Re-Entry Simulation events

in Wilmington and Greenville 

Trillium’s Re-Entry Simulation events had participants walk a mile in a neighbor’s shoes. Events took place in Wilmington on August 16 and Greenville on September 26. Simulations were a hands-on experience of barriers individuals face when released from incarceration. Empathy is a powerful tool to change. Over 300 participants registered for one of the two events. 

The simulation is part of a larger effort to ensure individuals released from incarceration have the services and resources to lead full, fulfilled lives. A big congratulations to the Trillium Training Department for leading such impactful events! 

Trillium member Ronnie shares his Roadmap2Ready story  

Ronnie has lived in Eastern North Carolina his entire life. He knows firsthand the destruction hurricanes can bring to your doorstep. He shared his story of preparedness and safety with us. It’s his hope that his experience will inspire others to plan ahead, prepare, and stay informed when disaster strikes. Hear how he kept himself and his family safe on the Trillium YouTube channel.  

Hurricane Season continues until November 30. It’s never too early to prepare. Build your disaster kit and make your plan at

Trillium's Community Crisis Disaster and Response

Chrissy shares her story of determination and discovery 

Chrissy is living her best life at her job at Easterseals UCP. Life can push us down. We can all use support to help us get back up. With the help of Supported Employment, therapy, and empowering music, Chrissy has the confidence to find fulfillment helping others. Watch Chrissy tell her own story of hard work and joy on the Trillium YouTube channel.  


Share your Trillium story 

We love to see members reaching their fullest potential. If you have someone who has a positive story to share (and their permission to do so!), please let us know! You can send any pictures and stories to   


Trillium continues Narcan kit delivery across our communities  

Narcan kits continue to help save lives in the hands of our community partners. Since 2015, Trillium provided an average of over 1,200 kits each year to Sheriff Offices, EMS, fire departments, schools, and local health departments. Narcan kits contain a safe medication that can reverse the effects of an opioid overdose. Our most recent deliveries went to Jones County EMS as well as Carteret and Craven Community Colleges. Our thanks to Trillium staff for delivering these lifesaving kits!   

Sharing hope across our communities during Suicide Prevention Awareness Month  

September was a month of hope and healing. Suicide Prevention Awareness Month is a global campaign to ensure our families, friends, and neighbors have the resources to discuss suicide prevention and to seek help. Trillium joined One Community to spread the message of the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline and supporting one another’s mental health. The team distributed 10,000 towels sharing that message to our communities to use at the beach, pool, or favorite park! 

Free courses are available on My Learning Campus to support mental health. Find more information at 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline and National Alliance on Mental Health.   


Over 100 officers and first responders complete CIT training across Eastern North Carolina 

A huge congratulations to our CIT graduates in law enforcement and emergency services: 

  • 11 law enforcement officers representing the NC Department of Adult Corrections (Probation and Parole), Durham Police Department, Halifax Sheriff’s Office, Franklin County Sheriff’s Office, Nashville Police Department, and the NC State Parks Police Department.   
  • 12 members of the NC Department of Adult Corrections from Eastern Region Corrections Facilities. The group consists of correction officers, case managers, and nurses.  
  • 13 officers representing Onslow County Sheriff’s Office.   
  • 18 officers representing New Hanover Adult Corrections, UNCW Police Department, Surf City Police Department, Wallace Police Department, Swansboro Police Department, and Onslow County Sheriff’s Office.  
  • Five law enforcement officers represented the Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office, Martin County Sheriff’s Office, and the NC Wildlife Resource Commission completed 40 hours of training. 
  • 11 NC Department of Adult Corrections officers completed 40 hours of training. Dr. Glenn Johnson, who is a radio talk show host, CIT supporter, and survivor of a Traumatic Brain Injury was a guest speaker. 
  • 11 law enforcement officers from New Bern Police Department and the Department of Veteran Affairs in Morehead City. 
  • 10 members of the NC Department of Adult Corrections (Probation/Parole) from Bladen and Brunswick Counties completed the Mental Health First Aiders training. 
  • 10 officers representing Sunny Point Military Police, Brunswick County Sheriff’s Office, Ocean Isle Beach PD, Boiling Springs Lake PD, and NC Wild Life. Officers completed 40 hours of training at Oak Island Police Department. 
  • 11 New Hanover County CIT 911 Dispatchers completed 16 hours of training. 

And this just in! Check out the newest development from Trillium’s Training team! Watch the new video showcasing CIT training and its many graduates. If you or someone you know dial 911 during a mental health emergency, make sure you request a CIT Officer. 

Staff Spotlight:

Dr. LaDonna Battle and Dr. Sue Ann Forrest Swift  

Join us in congratulating

Dr. LaDonna Battle!  

LaDonna received her Doctorate in Nursing Practice - Executive Nurse Leadership. The degree places Dr. Battle among two percent of nurses in the country with this designation and training. This achievement builds upon LaDonna’s 32 years of experience as an advance practice registered nursey.  

As leader of Trillium’s Care Management Department, LaDonna provides visionary leadership to our clinical teams. She also serves as the Population Health Officer. In short, she is leading the charge to looking at our members as a whole. It means meeting our member’s needs using evidence-based methods to address barriers to care. 


Join us in congratulating

Dr. Sue Ann Forrest Swift!  

Sue Ann recently completed her Doctorate of Health Sciences. The program focused on modern health care delivery, population health, and organizational improvement. The experience proved a great opportunity for professional growth and eye-opening lessons. One Sue Ann is ready to bring back to her work at Trillium. 

As Director of Government Relations, Sue Ann’s responsibility is to build and sustain the bridge between Trillium and our legislatures. Educating legislators of Trillium’s various areas of our work and expertise is one driving factor for Sue Ann’s work. Sue Ann approaches every meeting understanding legislators are regular people. They live and work in our communities. Many are our neighbors. She also remarked advocacy is exciting when it’s clear how much her colleagues at Trillium care for our members and communities.  

Trillium continues its steadfast planning for future of health and wellness in Eastern North Carolina. We are proud to have the expertise and innovative mindset of Dr. Battle and Dr. Forrest Swift as we chart the course for our communities.  

Share your Trillium story 

Have a Trillium staff member who’s gone above and beyond serving our communities? We want to hear from you! Let us know the incredible things our staff are doing for the health and well-being of Eastern North Carolina. Email us at 

A look back at previous awareness months 

This past summer brought us amazing stories of our neighbors and communities here in eastern North Carolina and beyond. Take a look back at the following awareness months recognized: 

  • Trillium recognized International Overdose Awareness Day on August 31. This year’s theme was “Recognizing those people who go unseen.” It was a call to acknowledge people in our communities affected by overdose but often unseen in the crisis. We all have a role to play in ending overdose. Find ways to share your support on the IOAD Campaign Resources 2023 page.   
  • September reminded us that recovery is possible for anyone. National Recovery Month shares the message that the right treatment, support, and resources can pave the path to recovery. Discover resources at   

Take a look back on these awareness months and more on Trillium’s social media pages. 

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