November/December 2023

Hello Nicole,

As we are all heading deep into autumn, the weather has decidedly taken a turn. November is one of those months that people can find a little dreary, so we have a newsletter full of tips, activities and recipes to help you and your family stay positive and have fun! In our homes this month as part of our Together Wee Can Program - “Explore the Great Outdoors”, Providers and children are going on a leaf hunt, doing some fall themed science experiments and other fun crafts and games. Heading into December, they are “Whirling into Winter”, blowing ‘frozen bubbles' and going on an outdoor winter scavenger hunt! Our program this year focused entirely on getting children outdoors for learning and has been a great success! We look forward to telling you all about our program for 2024 in January!

As we head into the holiday season, we are proud to say that our over 1200 Providers and 6500+ children in care are as diverse as the communities they are in. We wish all our Wee Watch family the best as you celebrate Kwanzaa, Diwali, Hanukkah, Christmas and the new year!


Lisa Parise

Learning is Fun with Wee Watch

Beat the November Blues

The dark nights and grey days of November are upon us. It’s the beginning of days becoming colder, but the months yet to come are even colder – spring is so far away! However, this time of year is a great time to start that transition into winter. There are additional challenges families must overcome as winter arrives. Leaving the house takes longer for example; more clothes to put on with jackets, hats and mitts being pulled out from storage for those colder mornings. And for the younger ones, this is the first time they will have the frustrating task of getting all those layers on. We also naturally spend less time outdoors which means dealing with cabin fever and extra energy. So, what are the best ways to get through this transition of season? Here are some tips!

Take mini-breaks

Outdoor time during colder months doesn’t mean you have to stay outside for hours on end, even small amounts of time can be very beneficial to ease stir-craziness. Autumn is a great time of year to get outside in small amounts throughout the day. Try 20-minute intervals throughout the day. Who doesn’t feel better after having some fresh air on their face? Children love running around and observing nature and fall is the optimal time to do it! It’s also a great time to start having children practice layering up to go out without all the big winter layers like boots, and snow pants and so on.

Dress for the weather

The important thing to remember is that there’s no bad weather, only bad clothes. If you’re warm and comfortable outdoors in the cold, it’s less of a chore and is more enjoyable for all. By the time the snow flies, the laborious task of getting on snow pants, boots, jackets, hats, mittens will be routine and won’t pose as big of a challenge when trying to get outside. Once there is snow on the ground there is no stopping those who love winter from getting outside as much as possible.

Embrace the Mess!

The weather is also in transition during this time of year, which can make for some messy days. This is the time of year (along with April) where everything is in a perpetual state of soggy. When it’s colder there is less mess as everything is frozen. Cleaning and washing endless amounts of clothing and gear can make any of us a little crazy. However, messy outdoor play is as perfectly natural in the colder months as it is during summer. Muddy boots and clothes are evidence of children exploring and learning. Embrace the mess by having a spot designated for the disaster that walks in the door to limit the mess to one area. Planning and preparing will save time and frustration down the line. Because as every parent knows, there isn’t a puddle a child does not want to jump into.

Appreciate Nature

Lastly, one of the best ways to get through this time of year is to model joy and appreciation for nature. It’s not just children who have to be convinced to go outdoors in the cold. Adults do too. We know it’s good for us, but we still moan and groan about the cold, which our children can begin to pick up on. By showing our children that there is something wonderful in all the seasons, we are teaching them to find gratitude for nature no matter what the temperature is outside. Like with most things, it starts with us. If we are showing appreciation and joy in the world, our children will too. Let your children take the lead on exploring during these days. The excitement they feel for the changing environment is contagious, don’t be surprised if you find yourself jumping into a muddy puddle or two! 

Wee Play & Learn

Every Provider and child has access to our Wee Learn educational curriculum! Wee Learn and all its associated programming was designed by a team of childcare experts to help children meet their developmental milestones and to prepare them for success in school and beyond! Our program is focused on play based learning for all ages and stages! 

Try some of these activities which align with our program:

Wee Beginners (1-2 years):

Frozen Paint Activity

Wee Explorers (2-3 years):

Melted Snowman Painting

Wee Builders (3-4 years):

Colour Sorting Mitten Activity

Wee Learners (4-5 years):

Winter Nature Art 

Wee Experts (5-6 years):

Name Snowman Activity

Wee Mentors (6+ years):

Marshmallow Snowflakes

Together Wee Can Read, Learn & Grow

Each year Wee Watch organizes exclusive and educational events and activities around a theme that all Providers across Ontario participate in called "Together Wee Can".

All year long we are going to get out and explore the great outdoors! Why? Not only because it’s fun, but also because there are sooooo many great benefits to taking children outdoors to learn!

Learning outdoors allows us the space to be more active and increases a child’s physical, emotional, mental, and social health. Most children learn better by using their senses, and outdoor environments provide wonderful hands-on experiences in nature.

Take a look at what's coming up in our homes...

As temperatures start to drop and days get shorter, noticeable changes take place all around us. Leaves change colour and begin to drop, leaving the ground covered in colourful crunchy leaves, squirrels are busy gathering food, and birds start their long journey south. Winter is getting close…but for now let’s “Fall into Fun”!

This month we will be going on a leaf hunt, making leaf prints, doing some autumn yoga, and learning about hibernation and how animals get ready for winter.

Did you know Autumn doesn’t end until December 21st? This month includes 2 seasons – the end of Fall and beginning of Winter, Winter Solstice. December may feel and sometimes look more like Winter, but it is still fall…so let’s get ready to “Whirl into Winter”.

We have so many great activities planed as the season changes from fall to winter, creating snowstorms in a jar, making our own working thermometers, and frozen bubbles!

Kids Can Cook

Cooking with kids isn't just about recipes, it can be a delicious learning experience for everyone! Cooking encourages literacy skills, harnesses imagination, empowerment, and creativity.

Check out this months recipes for kids:

Memorable Moments

There is always so much happening in our homes, be sure to check out our slideshow to experience some of the fun & learning.

Click here to view our slideshow

Wee Watch Team Spotlight

Provider Anniversaries

Congratulations to our wonderful Providers on their milestone anniversaries! 

We thank you for your ongoing commitment to the families in your care, your community, and Wee Watch.

See who we are celebrating in November/December

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"On this Childcare Worker & Early Childhood Educator Appreciation Day we want to express how much we appreciate our Home Visitors!

At Wee Watch, we take pride in delivering quality childcare and we know that YOU, our RECE Home Visitors, play a critical role in ensuring that quality is implemented in our homes, daily. Your dedication and passion for the growth and development of children is admirable and the ongoing support you give to our Providers, the children in their care as well as the parents who entrust their children with them is truly immeasurable.

So, we want to take this time to say a huge “THANK YOU” to all our Home Visitors!"

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"Our Provider Israt shared this Letter search and find activity she made for the children. We always love sharing simple and fun ways to help our little friends learn through play! All you need here is a large piece of cardboard, pencil and plastic letters – such a simple activity that encourages letter recognition and fine motor skills and can be set up for individual or group play.

Thanks for sharing Israt! 😊!"


Sharing Some Wee Talk

How to limit your Childs sugar intake over the holiday season - Wee Watch

If your child has a sweet tooth, we have ways to help you reduce your childs sugar intake over the holidays.

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