The dark nights and grey days of November are upon us. It’s the beginning of days becoming colder, but the months yet to come are even colder – spring is so far away! However, this time of year is a great time to start that transition into winter. There are additional challenges families must overcome as winter arrives. Leaving the house takes longer for example; more clothes to put on with jackets, hats and mitts being pulled out from storage for those colder mornings. And for the younger ones, this is the first time they will have the frustrating task of getting all those layers on. We also naturally spend less time outdoors which means dealing with cabin fever and extra energy. So, what are the best ways to get through this transition of season? Here are some tips!
Take mini-breaks
Outdoor time during colder months doesn’t mean you have to stay outside for hours on end, even small amounts of time can be very beneficial to ease stir-craziness. Autumn is a great time of year to get outside in small amounts throughout the day. Try 20-minute intervals throughout the day. Who doesn’t feel better after having some fresh air on their face? Children love running around and observing nature and fall is the optimal time to do it! It’s also a great time to start having children practice layering up to go out without all the big winter layers like boots, and snow pants and so on.
Dress for the weather
The important thing to remember is that there’s no bad weather, only bad clothes. If you’re warm and comfortable outdoors in the cold, it’s less of a chore and is more enjoyable for all. By the time the snow flies, the laborious task of getting on snow pants, boots, jackets, hats, mittens will be routine and won’t pose as big of a challenge when trying to get outside. Once there is snow on the ground there is no stopping those who love winter from getting outside as much as possible.
Embrace the Mess!
The weather is also in transition during this time of year, which can make for some messy days. This is the time of year (along with April) where everything is in a perpetual state of soggy. When it’s colder there is less mess as everything is frozen. Cleaning and washing endless amounts of clothing and gear can make any of us a little crazy. However, messy outdoor play is as perfectly natural in the colder months as it is during summer. Muddy boots and clothes are evidence of children exploring and learning. Embrace the mess by having a spot designated for the disaster that walks in the door to limit the mess to one area. Planning and preparing will save time and frustration down the line. Because as every parent knows, there isn’t a puddle a child does not want to jump into.
Appreciate Nature
Lastly, one of the best ways to get through this time of year is to model joy and appreciation for nature. It’s not just children who have to be convinced to go outdoors in the cold. Adults do too. We know it’s good for us, but we still moan and groan about the cold, which our children can begin to pick up on. By showing our children that there is something wonderful in all the seasons, we are teaching them to find gratitude for nature no matter what the temperature is outside. Like with most things, it starts with us. If we are showing appreciation and joy in the world, our children will too. Let your children take the lead on exploring during these days. The excitement they feel for the changing environment is contagious, don’t be surprised if you find yourself jumping into a muddy puddle or two!