Membership Meeting at Fibber's Bar & Restaurant - October 10

Club Brushing Day - October 14

St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club

October, 2023

Volume 2023-24 | Issue 2



Trail Conditions

President’s Message

It’s autumn, the leaves are turning vibrant colors and snowmobilers are thinking about winter. Some have already planned their trips and made their accommodation reservations. It’s not too early to get the sleds ready, plan your trips, and get outfitted with some new Bo-Boen logo clothing. There is a good selection of Bo-Boen clothing available from the online store.

The Bo-Boen 10th Annual Golf Outing at the St. Germain Golf Club is in the history books. It was a great and fun event. A new record was set with over 100 golfers participating. Thank you to Janelle Ewen and Josh Renkes for organizing this event, to all the volunteers, the golf course staff, the raffle basket donators, the hole sponsors, and the golfers for making the event successful.

Our initiatives to keep our trails safe are moving along. Robin Lindberg has completed the Snowmobile Safety Pamphlet and Joe Domenico has ordered the Bo-Boen T-shirts with the “Ride Your Side” safety message on the back. These are popular and have been available at our recent events. We have several newly certified DNR Snowmobile Safety Instructors to supplement the current instructors at our next class in December. Let’s all do our part to keep our trails safe and enjoyable.

We participated in St. Germain’s Colorama event this year. John and Robin Lindberg set up a Bo-Boen booth providing information about our Club and our sponsors. They had membership applications, Bo-Boen banners, and T-shirts available. They answered a lot of questions, sold some merchandise, and signed up some new members. Thanks, John and Robin, for starting a new tradition.

It was enjoyable to meet several new members at our September membership meeting. I look forward to seeing more of you at Trail Bushing Day and our October membership meeting at Fibber’s. As always, think snow.

Roger Klein, President

Thank you to Clearview Supper Club for an amazing dinner! Kris, Connie, Shawn, JJ & the rest of Clearview Staff; we appreciate your amazing hospitality!

October Membership Meeting

 Tuesday, October 10th

Fibber's Bar & Restaurant 

Cocktails: 6 pm

Dinner Payment Due: 6:45 pm

Dinner: 7 pm


Menu Selection

  • Slow Roasted Pork Shanks served with pinecone potatoes
  • Breaded Canadian Walleye served with wild rice blend
  • Stuffed Jumbo Shrimp served with baked potato


The cost is $30/person, and all dinners include fresh lettuce greens, fresh bread, dessert, coffee, tax, and tip.

Members are responsible for payment of their reservation whether they attend or not. Make checks payable to Fibber's Bar & Restaurant.

Please RSVP by Wednesday, October 4th using the below button, or call Shelby Szott at (715) 614-2240.

Register for the Dinner

Membership Corner

Renewal membership forms were mailed out right after Labor Day and the renewals have been steadily coming in. If you haven’t yet, please return your form or use our secure membership renewal on our website Club Membership ( All AWSC memberships expired June 30. Renew now so we can process along with your AWSC membership if we are your primary Wisconsin club, and you can apply for discounted trail passes if you qualify. All trail pass information can be found here Trail Pass Info (

The club had 89 that renewed along with 24 new memberships before the renewals had been sent out. We look forward to having you once again support your club. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know. Enjoy the fall.

Ed Siergiej, Membership Chair


From The Trail Boss

Brushing Day is Saturday, October 14!

Don’t forget to bring your loppers, clippers, chain saws, weed eaters, etc. to help make our trails safe. We need to make signs clear and visible from the front and back. Crews have been out with the new Diamond Cutter, but debris must be cleared close to the signs.

Looking forward to seeing everyone at our Cleanup Day, Saturday, October 14.

Fred Suchy, Trail Boss 

Snowmobile Safety Instructor Training Complete

We had a very good turnout for the DNR Safety Instructor Training. There were five from Bo-Boen: Jim Promer, Bill Humphrey, Michael Haas, Joe Domenico, and Kirby Giampa. Joining us were two from Sno-Eagles, one from New Tom Snow Fleas and three from Rib Lake. They will need to pass the online exam and the background check and then they will be certified instructors. Congratulations!

Snowmobile Safety Class Scheduled

December 9 & 10, 2023

Beginning January 1, 2001, any person born on or after January 1, 1985, and who has reached the age of 12, must have completed and received a snowmobile safety certificate in order to operate a snowmobile in Wisconsin. The certificate must be carried while operating the snowmobile and displayed to a law enforcement officer upon demand.

Safety Education class is scheduled for December 9 & 10 at the St. Germain Community Center. Anyone 11 years of age or older is eligible to take the class and receive a safety education certificate, however, the certificate does not become valid until the child reaches 12 years of age. Adult students are also welcome to take the class. There is a $10 DNR fee required to take the class. Registration will begin at 8:30 AM on Saturday, December 9, class will begin at 9:00 AM and complete around 2:30 or 3:00 PM. Lunch will be provided. On Sunday, December 10 class will run from 9:00 AM to noon. You are required to attend both days. Pre-registration is required by calling Peggy Ausloos at 715-542-3548 or mobile at 715-892-6467 or email: You can also register online at

All students are required to obtain a Wisconsin DNR Customer ID# as part of the criteria to graduate from any Recreational Safety Class and provide that number to their instructor. Students can obtain a DNR Customer ID# by logging in to or by calling 1-888-936-7463 between 7 AM and 10 PM. You can also visit a Wisconsin DNR Service Center during their regular scheduled hours. You will need to provide your social security number. For additional DNR Service Center hours and locations go to and click on the “Get Started” tab.

The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again!

Continuing a tradition over 41 years in the making, the Apple Dumpling Gang rides to lunch every Wednesday, once the trails officially open.  

To join the Gang, just show up on your sled at the Bo-Boen groomer barn at 9 a.m. sharp on Wednesdays and bring cash. If you want to meet the Gang members before trails open, come to the season kick-off dinner on Sunday, November 5th at Fibbers. Time and dinner details will be broadcast next month. There will be order forms for ordering caps, sweatshirts or shirts at the dinner. We will also have our annual “Guess the First Four Inch Snowfall” contest.

If your email address has changed, or you can’t make the kickoff dinner, send your contact info by email or text to Wayne Ax at, or 815-978-4116.  

There are no overnight trip details to share at this time. Think SNOW!

Wayne Ax, Leader of the Gang

10th Annual Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club

Golf Outing

The 10th Annual Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club Golf Outing was held on August 27th at the St. Germain Golf Club.  There were 106 golfers – a record number!  We had a cool start to the festivities, but it turned out to be a beautiful day.  A huge thank you to the golfers, hole sponsors and all the businesses and individuals that donated prizes.  Congratulations to all the winning foursomes, hole event winners and the many raffle prize winners.


We would also like to recognize Margo and the staff at the St. Germain Golf Club for all their help and to Angela and her staff at the Whitetail Inn for the delicious lunch. 


We would not have had such a successful day without the help of the many volunteers.  Thank you to Don Baumann, Larry Chamberlain, Doug Christensen, Janelle Ewen, Jim Grace, Dave Johnson, Roger & Carla Klein, John & Robin Lindberg, Greg & Roxanne Platz, Josh Renkes, Bob Strand and Shelby & Kyle Szott.

To view a complete list of our sponsors, click here: Golf Outing Sponsors.

Janelle Ewen & Josh Renkes

Golf Outing Co-Chairs

St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club 2023—2024 Officers & Directors

President: Roger Klein

President-Elect: Joe Domenico

Treasurer: Ed Siergiej

Secretary: Roxanne Platz


Bob Strand

Dianne Dieter

Janelle Ewen

John Lindberg

Josh Renkes

Kyle Szott

Past President: Bob “Ozzie” Ausloos

Trail Boss: Fred Suchy

Mark Your Calendars

Calendar of Events