Ah summer, what power you have to make us suffer and like it.

~ Russell Baker

Animals in that barn?

I am not sure how or why the idea grew into a rumor that Woodlawn is building a Barn to again care for farm animals. And those (more than two) who ask are not feeling sorry for me that some events in the new Barn may degenerate into a messy party aka Animal House (is that reference too old?) So let me assure everyone: there will be no live animals in the Barn though visitors may be lucky enough to see a few delightful images, fun interpretations or restored visual elements. We may even sell stuffed animals in our gift shop - Wilbur and her farm friends; thank you E.B. White. For a start, take a look at the Barn roof - our golden horse is flying proud in the wind, letting us know its direction.

As to the rest of the campus, we are working hard to bring a few things back once construction stops. The community garden will return as promised next year as we also develop a pollinator garden. I am still looking for a bee keeper! There are plans to further enhance the Formal Garden (thank you Amy Reisman for getting it ready for conservation planting) as well as the Cutting Garden (between the Carriage and Sleigh Barns.) We salvaged rhubarb and grapes from the old rock wall that was removed before construction and we will be replanting that around the new rock walls. We will be pruning the apple trees and planting a few more as we bring back the feeling of orchards at Woodlawn. I intend to introduce color around the barn and to indicate parking lot turning areas by having planters on top of whisky/wine barrels that burst with color for three seasons. And we hope that our grounds continue to attract turkeys, foxes, skunks, deer, owls, ducks, frogs, blue birds, and eagles. We are not so happy to see the groundhogs, gophers, and mice. Even the snakes don't bother me since they are not venomous and eat their fair share of mice! I have noticed a few bats flying around my house in the evening and we do want to establish bat houses which should help reduce the mosquito population. So wild creatures and critters, yes; farm animals - no. And be sure to visit us at the holidays because there is a rumor that Santa will be visiting and how else will he get here but by reindeer?!

I love that people are curious and eager to see what we are doing. I promise that as soon as we are open, or even ready to open or even suspect we know the date we will open, you will be the first to know. Construction is a challenge and I want us to build the best barn for Hancock County, not rush to the finish. We have all waited a long time, another month or two will be worth it! I promise. Going inside every time takes my breath away, it really is beautiful. I trust that you will agree. Patience, young grasshopper!

Thanks for caring about Woodlawn.

Kathy Young

On the Forest Ridge Stage

Aug 6-10, each evening 6:00 pm

Bring a chair, a picnic, and bug spray then sit back and enjoy this delightful version directed by Nick Turner, The Grand's Executive Director

Tickets from The Grand - click HERE. Refreshments will also be available.

On Golden Pond is a classic American comedic drama that's every bit as touching, warm, and witty today as when it debuted off-Broadway in 1978. Retired couple Ethel and Norman Thayer (Woodlawn Trustee Charlie Alexander) are spending their 48th summer at their vacation home on Golden Pond in the woods of Maine. Their delightful summer routine--fishing, picking strawberries, enjoying old mementos, listening to the loons call--is given a bitterly comedic edge by Norman’s unreliable memory and cantankerously morbid statements. When their daughter Chelsea (PJ Keenan, Ellsworth Chamber's new Executive Director!) visits for Norman’s 80th birthday, bringing her boyfriend Bill and Bill’s teenage son, Billy Jr., the whole family must come to grips with Norman and Chelsea’s mutual bitterness while Norman blossoms with his chance to mentor young Billy. This is a summer delight you don't want to miss! Honestly, every time I stopped to watch a rehearsal in June, I was in stiches.

Museum Open

Thursday, Friday, & Saturday

Weekly through September 16

9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Check the website to book a guided tour,

only available Thursdays.

We have these books for sale in our gift shop and online.

Please register for one of these fun events Here

Barn Update

The big news and most visible is the weathervane that was installed last week. Richard Tupper, Caretaker and Clerk-of-the-Works, had the privilege of installing the golden horse. It is beautiful - thank you to the Dunleavy great-granddaughters for their support of this restoration project. Also thanks to Jeff Clarke for making as much headway as possible on the grounds during such a wet month. We may get a break in the next few weeks to get some exterior painting done as well as work on the parking areas. Inside, painting, plumbing, flooring, and all the other big and small details are again under the thoughtful and careful management of Greg Murray, Site Supervisor for E.L. Shea.

We missed you buddy! Welcome back.

Captured Memories

Summer is in full swing, bringing with it special events, family vacations, and lots of memory making. Recording special moments in pictures is easier now than ever before. Anyone with a smart phone can take a photograph and share it instantaneously. However, prior to 1900, photography was practiced as a profession or skilled hobby. Cameras were bulky, taking pictures required patience as well as an affinity for science or mechanics, and the resources to invest in the equipment. Capturing a spontaneous moment was difficult.

There are dozens of 19th century images in Woodlawn’s collection that show us the people, places, and pets that meant so much to Nixon and his friends. We believe that the person who took many of the images we have was Nixon’s companion, Charles Pitman, and that he may have used this camera, also in Woodlawn’s collection.

The box shaped camera has no identifying marks other than the lens maker’s name, R&J Beck of London. The camera is made to sit on a tripod, uses the dry glass plate negative process to take a picture, and has an innovative viewfinder and top quality focus lens. Beck lenses were available in both England and the United States. Nixon and Charles traveled to Europe repeatedly and could have purchased the camera abroad just as easily as in Boston or New York. Unfortunately the purchase receipts do not exist. Whatever the exact history, today we cherish the 19th century photographs in our collections and are please to share this image of Nixon and his mother with two of his dogs outside the sunporch in honor of National Dog Day on August 26th.

Watch Executive Director Kathy Young parade as part of Dee's costume show, modeling not one or two but three costumes! Should be a fun event.

The theme this year is Enchanted and we couldn't be happier since we believe Woodlawn is the land of enchantment.

This year, we will be taking part in the Autumn Gold weekend with a day of fun events and maybe something in the evening ?! While we are not confirmed with times and all participants, our goal is to welcome you to see the Barn, visit our Fairy Village where you can create an abode that attracts and warms a field fairy through the fall and winter, fly a kite (first 100 kids who register will get one free) and enjoy some Morton's Moo ice cream. We hope to have music on the Forest Ridge Stage, we will be launching a new story trail - another of Astrid Sheckels' Hector Fox stories! We hope to have a food truck and there may be the opportunity to try your hand at croquet and play some cornhole. Make plans to join us; final schedule will be confirmed next month. Would you like to be an event sponsor? Please call Kathy at 667-8671 if you want to help us enchant Ellsworth.

Come up and be enchanted!

September 30th

Woodlawn Fairy Village

Thank you to the nearly 300 children, parents, and grandparents who came up to our new Fairy Village on July 22. This will be a permanent place for visitors to visit, to continue to work on wee fairy house, or make a new one. The nature of such a village is that sometimes the fairies rearrange things as they like it. They also appreciate all the hard work of the kids who gave them a new place to live. I hope you are able to come and enjoy our village and give a fairy a home if you have the time. Thank you to SVB Wealth Management for sponsoring our village and for the Darling's Ice Cream truck for being part of the day making everyone happier than they already were!

Just like the sign says, you and the fairies are always welcome.

We are looking for a sponsor for this event or for four sponsors for festival elements. If you are interested, please call 667-8671 and speak with Kathy.

Thanks in advance for helping to make this event something special.

Please consider becoming a

Friend of Woodlawn


Thank you!

Visit our website


Black House Drive, P.O. Box 1478

Ellsworth, Maine 04605

(207) 667-8671

For general questions, click here
