Message from Pastor Carolyn

Friday, September 29, 2023

Dear Saint Mark Family,

I pray you are doing well.


Yesterday, Jonathan Easter shared with the congregation his resignation as Director of Music and Organist at Saint Mark. His last day will be Sunday, October 22, 2023. Jon has been with us for 7 years, and he has played a vital role in leading our music ministry during this time. He and his family have become a part of Saint Mark's family, and they will truly be missed. As you see Jon in the coming weeks, please take the time to thank him and let him know how much you appreciate him and the ministry he has done at Saint Mark. There will be a celebration for Jon and his family October 22nd. Mark your calendars, and plan to be here to celebrate them.


This Sunday, we will continue our Listening Sessions. It will be right after the second service, at 12:15pm in the Chapel. If you have registered, please come and participate, so your Church Council members and I can listen to your questions and concerns.


This Sunday, at 4:00pm will be our Blessing of the Animals service on our front terrace, facing Peachtree Street. We invite you to come out with your pets and let us bless them. This will also be a great opportunity to meet our neighbors in the community and their pets. It will a time of fellowship and fun, and we are looking forward to seeing you and meeting your pets.


Tuesday, October 31, will be our Halloween Extravaganza (Trunk or Treat.) It will be from 5:30pm to 7:00pm. We need volunteers to decorate their trunks, hand out candies, organize the games, and to donate candies. Madi, our Children's Minister, will be reaching out to you in the coming week, inviting you to volunteer. Please consider saying yes to this amazing opportunity to bring a bit of joy and fun to our children, and to the children in our neighborhood.


Sunday, October 15, will be Pride Sunday, and it will be a wonderful time of worship, fellowship, reconnection, and celebration at Saint Mark. Our visiting pastors will be Reverends Beth LaRocca-Pitts, Jimmy Moor, and Philip Thomason. Rev. Beth will be our preacher for the day. Reverend Dana Everhart, who will not be able to attend because he is now leading a new church start, will send a special message to share with the congregation ahead of Pride Sunday. 


Please note that there will be only one service on Pride Sunday, at 10:00am. Volunteers are still needed. This Sunday's bulletin will have a list of the different ways you can serve. 


I must say a special thank you to the Pride Committee for all the work they have done over the months to prepare for Pride Sunday. Thank you for the vision and the long hours you have spent working to make it a success.


Finally, this Sunday will be World Communion Sunday, and we will be joining our siblings in Christ across the globe in participating in this Holy Sacrament. We will come to the table of our Lord, knowing that no one is forbidden, but all are welcome. Rev. Steve Fazenbaker will be preaching. Come and let us celebrate the Table of our Lord.


God's blessings,

Pastor Carolyn.

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