Preaching: Dr. Brad King
Scripture: Matthew 23:34-46
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This week, we will commission the FUMC Chancel Choir and Children's Choir and celebrate the gift of music in worship.
Join us in the Sanctuary for worship this Sunday at 9:00AM and 11:00AM or participate in 11:00AM worship online via livestream by visiting Youtube Channel or Facebook or listen to the podcast on our Worship Archive.
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On Sunday, September 24, Chance McCardle was baptized into Christian discipleship, and he and Shelley Bauman joined FUMC Austin by profession of faith. Please welcome Chance and Shelley into this community of faith.
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English as a Second Language (ESL) 20th Anniversary Celebration
Sunday, October 1 | 10:00AM
EDU Murchison Chapel
Did you know that First Church has been offering free English as a Second Language (ESL) classes for 20 years? Let’s celebrate this amazing milestone! Learn how it began and how ESL has grown to provide classes both in person and on Zoom. We will hear stories of friendship and transformation from some of the dedicated ESL teachers and their students.
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Immigration and Faith: Searching for Good News
Tuesdays, October 3, 10, and 17
6:30-8:00PM | Zoom
Reverend Elizabeth Wright, Executive Director of Austin Region Justice For Our Neighbors (JFON Austin), will lead a three-week opportunity to explore our own stories and connections to immigration, examine what the news is and is not telling us, and enrich our perspectives through varied voices of immigrant neighbors. JFON Austin was founded 10 years ago by Methodists in the Capital District and is celebrating a decade of continuing to welcome immigrants and refugees into our communities through free, high-quality immigration legal services, advocacy, and education. To facilitate conversation, Reverend Wright will provide a curated list of suggested resources to those who register. There will be opportunities to listen, watch, and/or do some light reading before each session, though no one will be left out of the conversation if your week gets busy. Zoom link sent with registration.
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Caregiver Support Group
Wednesday, October 4
8:00-9:00PM | Zoom
Henri Nouwen writes, “Caregiving feels solitary. We look out from our own lives and see so many people who seem not to experience what we feel. But we are not alone. Christ and caring friends are our companions.” Caring for a loved one in their season of need is a sacred trust and holy work. Maybe you are caring for a spouse, a child, or a friend; it might be temporary or long-term. Often, caregivers need a brief time away to renew their spirits, to just be themselves, and to connect with others in similar circumstances to receive support and encouragement. Pastor Cathy Stone and member Judy Breckbill will host this time that is open to those currently caring for a loved one or who have recently been in this role, whether in home or miles apart. For the Zoom link or questions, email Judy.
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Acolyte Training
Sunday, October 8 | 10:00AM
EDU 109 and Sanctuary
Children in second or third grade (or older friends who missed the last training) are invited to learn and practice what it means to serve in our worship services as an acolyte. After children check into their Sunday School classroom in EDU 109, we will move to the Sanctuary. Parents are asked to pick your child up from the Sanctuary on this day. If your child is interested in becoming an acolyte but cannot make this date, email to arrange another time.
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2024 Appalachia Service Project (ASP) Registration and Meeting
Sunday, October 8 | 12:15PM
FLC Garrison Chapel
For over 40 years, First Church has sent youth and adults to Appalachia to build relationships and help make homes warmer, safer, and drier. All high school youth and their families are invited to this first team meeting. We will eat lunch, hand out forms, discuss preparation, and answer questions regarding this service opportunity. A non-refundable $50 deposit secures your youth’s place on the trip. For more information, email Devon Bailey, Director of Youth Ministries.
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Women's Spirituality Book Study: Wild Mercy
Mondays, Beginning October 9
6:30-8:00PM | Zoom
If you are interested in reading and discussing works by women authors and theologians, join the Women’s Spirituality Book Study on Monday nights beginning October 16 with the first conversation about a new book, Wild Mercy: Living the Fierce and Tender Wisdom of the Women Mystics by Mirabai Starr. With Wild Mercy, Starr shares the subversive wisdom and fierce compassion of the feminine mystic across cultural boundaries and throughout history. For more information about this small group opportunity which began meeting in February or to request the Zoom link, email Kristin Robertson.
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Lunch & Learn: Transgender Education Network of Texas (TENT)
Sunday, October 22
12:15-2:00PM | SAN Wesley Hall
During the 2023 legislative session, lawmakers passed several bills targeting trans-Texans. As a community of faith committed to justice and equity for all of God’s LGBTQ+ children, we invite you bring your family to join our Mercy & Justice Team to learn from Transgender Education Network of Texas (TENT). TENT is the largest trans-led, trans-focused organization in Texas. They are dedicated to furthering gender diverse equality through a racial justice lens, with an intersectional approach. Our presenter will be Gin Pham, Community Engagement Manager. Adults and youth are welcome for this time of learning and conversation. If your family includes children in kindergarten through fifth grade, our Children’s Ministry staff will host a shared meal for kids, supervised play, and a reading of Red: A Crayon’s Story in EDU Room 108. Red emphasizes the importance of being true to your inner self and following your own unique path despite obstacles along the way. Childcare for children pre-K and younger is also available upon request. Lunch will be provided by the Mercy & Justice Team. Invite friends to come learn with you as TENT brings vital information about how to honor the dignity of Trans Texans.
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Mercy & Justice 5th Sunday Presentation: Homelessness in Austin
Sunday, October 29
10:00AM | SAN Wesley Hall
Our Mercy & Justice Team invites you to come learn more about homelessness in Austin. Our presenter will be Laura Torres, a clinical case manager serving with HOST (Homeless Outreach Street Team) and the Downtown Austin Community Court. Come to both learn and be inspired by her experience and compassion for our unhoused neighbors. For more information, contact Pastor Cathy Stone at
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Chili Cook-Off Competition and Lunch
Sunday, October 29
12:15-2:00PM | FUMC Parking Lot
Unleash your inner chef or just bring your appetite and get ready for a sizzling showdown of flavors at our second annual Chili Cook-Off! After the smashing success of last year’s cook-off, we are excited to make this an annual tradition that is spicier than ever. Join us for this event packed with flavorful fun, friendly competition, and a whole lot of community spirit. Get competition guidelines and enter your chili by Sunday, October 22 or just enjoy eating all you want for $5 per person.
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Youth Night at Blazer Tag
Sunday, October 15 | 4:00-6:00PM
1701 West Ben White Blvd.
Ready for a little friendly competition? All middle and high school youth and their friends are invited to an evening of fun at Blazer Tag! Please bring $20 for two rounds of laser tag and pizza. Recruit your best team and we will find out who will reign as champions! Questions? Email Devon Bailey.
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3rd Grade Bible Presentation
Sunday, October 15 | 11:00AM
Studying scripture is one of the most important ways we learn about God and, at First Church, the congregation gives each third grade student a personal Bible as a recognition that they are old enough to study and read the story of God for themselves. This presentation will happen in both worship services on Sunday, October 15. Contact Lara Greene and Jen Seibel at if you have questions about how to ensure that your third grader is included.
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3rd Grade Bible Basics
Friday, October 20 | 6:00-9:00PM
EDU Rooms 108 and 109
Join us for an adventure through the pages of the Bible. This event is specially designed for 3rd grade students, who will explore the Bible in a fun and interactive way while building a strong foundation in faith and understanding of the Bible itself. Bring your curiosity and enthusiasm and join Lara Greene and Jen Seibel for 3rd Grade Bible Basics!
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Kids' Night Out
Friday, October 20 | 6:00-9:00PM
SAN Wesley Hall
Kids' Night Out is a great night for grown-ups and kids since everybody gets a break when infants-2nd graders and 4th-5th graders join our trained childcare staff for pizza, play time, and a movie. (This time, 3rd graders get to enjoy a special event just for them—Bible Basics!) The cost is $45 for the first child and $15 for siblings. Contact Jen Seibel with questions or to request a scholarship.
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Middle School Retreat at Mo Ranch
October 20-22, 2023 | 2229 FM 1340, Hunt, TX | $200/person
All middle school youth are invited to a weekend in the Texas hill country! We will hike, kayak, eat s’mores, run wild, and share some meaningful time together. The cost is $200 per person. Sign up now and don’t be afraid to rope your friends into the fun, too! In fact, want to make things interesting? The student who recruits the most new friends (other middle schoolers who don’t currently attend youth) will have their trip fees refunded and can enjoy the fun for free!
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Sunday, October 29
12:15-2:00PM | FUMC Parking Lot
Need something sweet to go with all the Chili Cook-Off spice? How about candy? Children of all ages are encouraged to join us for this year’s Trunk-or-Treat! This event will be held in conjunction with the Chili Cook Off. Infants, todders, and children are invited are encouraged to wear their costumes to church and stop by decorated cars to get a treat! There is no cost to attend, but families are encouraged to bring a shelf stable food donation for Caritas of Austin. This is just one small way we can treat our food insecure neighbors well this fall. If you love to get creative and are interested in decorating a car and handing out candy, sign up here.
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In October, we are highlighting two partners working for mercyv& justice for refugees and immigrants in Texas.
La Posada Providencia, located in San Benito, Texas, is an emergency shelter for individuals and families who flee to the United States due to political oppression, natural disaster, and other life-threatening actions in their native countries. La Posada is the only shelter in the lower Rio Grande Valley that offers individual case management to optimize client resettlement outcomes and that can accommodate extended stays for clients when needed.
Austin Region Justice for Our Neighbors (ARJFON) is a nonprofit law office founded by United Methodists in the Capital District, and welcomes refugees and immigrants into our communities by providing free, high-quality immigration legal services, education, and advocacy. ARJFON focuses on providing key services to the most vulnerable immigrants, like asylum seekers and children or teenagers who are working through the immigration system alone and who may qualify for Special
Immigrant Juvenile Status.
We invite you to support ARJFON and La Posada with your prayers and financial giving. Your gifts, marked “October Mission Emphasis,” may be brought to worship, mailed to or brought by the church office, or using the button below.
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Submit a prayer request online.
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Within Our Congregation
Bob Baines, Chris Higgs, Mimi Raper, Sally Watkins, and Cecily Wright.
Condolences to Courtney Katzmeyer-Vielma on the death of her grandfather, Don Newman.
Beyond Our Congregation
Jo Rene Altenberg, sister of Fay Brown; Bianca, our At the Well neighbor; Sue Byrd, family of David Bonner; Lillian Coil, friend of Mary and Jan Higgs; Nancy Ellison, friend of Jan Ashmos; Aida Garza, friend of Anne Venno; Elissa Marek, friend of Curt Ashmos; Patty McCormick, friend of Jan Ashmos; Jerry McMurtrey, uncle of Curt Ashmos; Mitzi Moore, friend of Jan Ashmos; Linda Newton, friend of Susan Griffith; Sachin and Evan Parekh, friends of Sally Watkins; Vickye Patrick, friend of Jan Ashmos; Stormy Rappaport, granddaughter of Fay Brown; Rae Lynn Rowe, sister of Molly Drazic; Ken Snider, brother of Maggie Kahn; Lauren Stafford, niece of Cheryl Bias; Carolyn Storey, friend of Peggy Davis; Tonya Basler Stout, sister of Grady Basler; Scott Weiss, stepfather of Jackie Mader-Archey.
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Contact Us
First United Methodist Church
1201 Lavaca St. Austin, TX 78701
(512) 478-5684
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