2024 Older Americans Month: In-Review

Older Americans Month 2024

Recap from Rutgers

May was Older Americans Month! We at the Rutgers University Hub for Aging Collaboration celebrated in multiple ways, including hosting a table on "Embrace the Age Wave" at Rutgers Day 2024, organizing a webinar with cutting-edge research findings on older adults as leaders of age-friendly communities, joining the conversation on the future of aging at the annual conference of New Jersey Advocates for Aging Well, and recognizing the release of the "Age-Friendly Blueprint" from the New Jersey Department of Human Services. Scroll below for more details. #poweredbyconnnection

Rutgers Day 2024: What Do You Wish for as You Age?

At this year's Rutgers Day, the Hub engaged attendees in conversations about aging, including their wishes for their aging selves and our aging world. Here is what we learned!

What is one wish for your aging self?

Common themes of what people wished for themselves as they age:

What is one wish for our aging world?

People also shared their wishes for our aging world. Common themes included:

  • Address climate crisis
  • A more equitable, inclusive, and just society where our needs our met
  • Greater access to affordable healthcare
  • A good life and connections with future generations
  • Passing down the wisdom of older generations

'I'm Part of Something that Matters' Kick-Off Webinar for Older Americans Month

This event, co-hosted by the Hub and the Rutgers Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI-RU), explored insights from a recent publication by the Rutgers Age-Friendly Research team exploring what older adults value in their age-friendly work.

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NJAAW 2024 Conference "Dare to Envision"

Congratulations to our colleagues at New Jersey Advocates for Aging Well (NJAAW) for an outstanding conference on May 17, 2024! The event engaged nearly 300 attendees in critical conversations on aging in New Jersey, spanning aging in place, age-friendly public health, and key state policies.

We had a great time connecting and learning with this impressive community of aging champions! View conference slides here.

Dr. Emily Greenfield (left), Director of the Hub for Aging Collaboration, in a panel on higher education in aging

Dr. Anita Franzione, Hub affiliate, connecting with author Ashton Applewhite at the conference

Age-Friendly Blueprint for the State of New Jersey

On May 30, 2024, the New Jersey Department of Human Services released a report, "Age-Friendly Blueprint for the State of New Jersey." The report has recommendations for age-friendly progress across five domains: housing, health, transportation, socialization, employment, and information and communication. The report acknowledges the work of the Hub's Age-Friendly Research Team, Age-Friendly North Jersey, and many other statewide partners.

  • Click here for a Pix 11 news video about the release of the report
  • Click here for more information about the report from Age-Friendly North Jersey

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