July 12, 2024: Issue 13
Offering hope and help to those impacted by opioid misuse in
Franklin County and the North Quabbin Region.
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"Mary Lyon Foundation Proposes Resource Center"
Greenfield Recorder (6/21/24)
The Mary Lyon Foundation plans to build or renovate a resource center in western Franklin County within the next five years to help meet residents’ needs.
“We’re looking to build a center that would be an intergenerational center where it would have a myriad of resources for the West County community,” said Mary Lyon Foundation Executive Director Kristen Tillona-Baker. “Things like health care, behavioral health, senior center, all of those things. We put a grant into the state for preliminary planning, and if that is approved, then we start working.”
The idea was discussed during a June 14 meeting between the Community Health Improvement Plan, a project of the Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG), in partnership with the Mary Lyon Foundation. Representatives of organizations and departments from across Franklin County, including the Shelburne Police Department, LifePath and the Riverside Trauma Center, gathered to discuss ways to meet the needs of residents.
The project is led by the Mary Lyon Foundation in partnership with the Senior Center at 7 Main St. in Shelburne Falls, the Mohawk Trail Regional School District and the Community Health Center of Franklin County, with hopes of opening the new center somewhere in Shelburne or Buckland, Tillona-Baker said. “The idea is that while we have all of these wonderful services in Franklin County, the folks in West County have a lot of barriers to get to Greenfield for services,” Tillona-Baker said. “If we can get these tributaries and everything to come to one place, it’s like one-stop shopping.”
Shelburne Police Officer Tucker Jenkins and Tamara Sloan, a crisis counselor and EMT, discussed other measures to help people in crisis. Suggestions included ways to reinforce communication between departments and help offer resources to people in a safe way, both during and after the moment of crisis.
“I think there is a lot more crisis going on than people are aware of,” Sloan noted.
Tiarra Fisher, operations coordinator for CONNECT (Community Opportunity, Network, Navigation, Exploration, and Connection), a 24/ 7 rapid response team that responds to opioid overdoses and those at high risk of overdose throughout Franklin County and the North Quabbin region, discussed plans to pilot a van outreach service that would help prevent opioid use and help people who are battling opioid addiction. The van outreach service would start in Ashfield, Charlemont, Deerfield, Erving, Orange and Wendell, without a planned start date at the moment.
Like Tillona-Baker, Fisher mentioned the difficulties people have in the wake of a lack of transportation options in western Franklin County. “There are a lot of awesome resources in Greenfield that are really hard to get to for people who don’t live in Greenfield or don’t have access to public transportation,” Fisher said.
Attendees also discussed holding an Oct. 30 health fair at Mohawk Trail Regional School. “In the interim while this is happening,” Tillona-Baker said, regarding what needs to be done between now and the creation of a resource center, “we just want to help our folks in western Franklin County get to the services they need.”
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"Mobile Clinic Increases Access to Opioid Addiction Treatment"
Greenfield Recorder (7/9/24)
A new mobile methadone program has begun to fill a large gap in addiction treatment services in the region.
Behavioral Health Network, which runs drug treatment clinics in Springfield, Holyoke, Greenfield and Orange, says the mobile program is the first of its kind in western Massachusetts.
Program Director Maile Shoul said those in the Ware area who are in need of methadone will no longer have to travel to Worcester or Springfield for treatment.
“The benefit is to make methadone available in rural areas where there was no option in the past,” Shoul said.
She said the organization had heard from community members that people were facing an uphill battle trying to stay on a methadone program.
The 35-foot mobile treatment unit started providing services to existing Behavioral Health Network clients this week from 75 Main St. in Ware, with dosing hours Monday to Friday from 7 to 10 a.m. The entrance to the parking lot is on Bank Street behind the building.
The program will begin taking in new clients on Tuesday and Thursday this week from 7 to 10 a.m., Shoul said. Anyone who wants to sign up but can’t do it on those days can do so at the Springfield clinic by calling 413-272-1333.
Funded in part by the Massachusetts Bureau of Substance Addiction Services and the HEALing Communities Study, the mobile program provides methadone to individuals ages 18 and older in combination with counseling and behavioral therapies, offering a holistic approach to opioid addiction treatment.
“This will be the first mobile methadone program in this area, helping to reduce barriers to treatment access in Ware and surrounding towns,” Dr. Ruth Potee, medical director for substance use disorders with Behavioral Health Network, said in a statement.
While the mobile program is staying in one place at this time, Behavioral
Health Network is open to adding stops at other sites, Shoul said. Others have used vans to reach people in homeless shelters and skilled nursing facilities, for example, she said.
“The goal is to try to reach populations who have trouble reaching a brick-and-mortar clinic,” she said.
Behavioral Health Network President and CEO Steve Winn said the company is committed to expanding and improving access to opioid addiction treatment.
Shoul said methadone is a safe medication for longterm use if taken as prescribed. It is one of three sanctioned medications for opioid use disorder, the others being buprenorphine and Vivitrol. They can only be legally acquired at a licensed treatment center.
Shoul said the mobile program is filling a need, and she acknowledged help in setting it up from the town of Ware.
“It’s been really exciting, a real collaboration,” she said.”
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Virtual: Joint Treatment & Recovery and Health Care Solutions Committee
July 12, 2024
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Zoom details here.
Virtual: Joint Healthcare Solutions and Treatment & Recovery Committee
July 12, 2024
10:00 AM - 11:30 Noon
Zoom details here.
Hybrid: Public Safety & Justice Committee
August 5, 2024
1:00 - 2:00 PM
Franklin County Reentry Center
106 Main Street, Greenfield
Zoom details here.
Virtual: Harm Reduction Workgroup
August 7, 2024
11:00 AM - 12:00 Noon
Zoom details here.
Virtual: Methadone Workgroup
August 8, 2024
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Zoom details here.
Virtual: Housing & Workforce Development Committee
August 9, 2024
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Zoom details here.
Virtual: Emergency Services for Unhoused Individuals Task Force
August 12, 2024
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Zoom details here.
Hybrid: Sexual Exploitation & Trafficking Workgroup
August 12, 2024
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Franklin County Reentry Center
106 Main Street, Greenfield
Zoom details here.
Virtual: Education & Prevention Committee
August 13, 2024
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Zoom details here.
Virtual: CAM Workgroup
August 13, 2024
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Zoom details here.
Consult our website or Facebook Page for updates. Please email us with any questions!
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CONNECT: Post-Opioid Overdose Outreach Services | |
The Stephenie Jesi Scholarship
Fill out this form to be considered or nominate another individual
Responses due by July 24
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Free Hypnosis Sessions with Certified Hypnotist Jenn Avery | |
Time Sensitive Announcements | |
June 24 - August 16 Summer Meals Under the Tent | |
July 1 - August 9 Athol-Royalston RSD FREE Meal Site Program | |
July 2 - August 13 Tuesday Splash and Fun Playgroup | |
July 12 Bilingual StoryStroll - StoryStroll Bilingues | |
July 12 Down by The River with Wildcat O'Halloran | |
July 12 Zydeco Connection - Stone Circle Concerts | |
July 12, 19, and 26 Friday Story Time | |
July 12, 19, and 26 Summer Kidleidescope | |
July 13 FREE Clothing Exchange | |
July 13 Art Naturally - Ink from Garden Plants | |
July 13 Library Storytime with the Mayor | |
July 13 Stone Soup Cafe Menu | |
July 14 Town of Rowe Summer Social | |
July 15 Join the Fun Building Boxville | |
July 15 Creative Envelope Making | |
July 15 Littles Locomotion
July 17 Pop Up Art School: Clay Bee
July 21 Hike Around Erving Public Library
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July 15 - August 29 Tuition Free Training in Culinary Arts | |
July 16 Animal Talk with The Reptile Nook | |
July 16 Children's Book Reading by authors and sisters Emma & Belley | |
July 16 Rock Painting
July 23 String Art
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July 16 Kids' Virtual Author Talk with Max Brallier
July 30 Kids' Virtual Author Talk with Dan Santat
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July 17 Friendly Farming with JustRoots | |
July 17 & 24 North Quabbin Teen Free Summer Fun | |
July 18 Overdose Prevention & Narcan Training
Register here.
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July 18 Family Game Night | |
July 18 Walk-in Interviews with Tess Champoux from Working Fields | |
July 19 Navigating The Joys and Challenges of Kinship Caregiving | |
July 20 Summer Day on the Buckland Common | |
July 20 Meet & Greet for those with Type 1 Diabetes | |
July 20 The Rainbow Players Solos and Ensemble: Looking Back and Beyond! | |
July 22 Self-Care for Caregivers | |
July 22 Skateboard Lesson with Noah Halpern-McManus | |
July 23 Birds of Prey with Tom Ricardi | |
July 23 & July 30 Furry Tales Library Hour | |
July 23 Troubled Waters: Wendell's Doomed Power Plant | |
July 24 Star Wars Jedi Knight Training | |
July 25 HEALing Communities Study: 2024 Lessons Learned Series Using Communications Strategies to Prevent Overdose
Register for this event here.
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July 25 Household & Car Seat Safety Workshop | |
July 28 Weaving Wild Baskets with Invasive Plants | |
July 30 Elephant Perler Bead Workshop | |
July 31 & September 17 Public Information Sessions Regarding an Affordable Homeownership Opportunity in Greenfield | |
Improving Housing to Improve Health News | |
July Community Action Family Center Calendar | |
July Programs at Franklin County Reentry Center | |
July Programs - Great Falls Discovery Center | |
July Greenfield Public Library Programs | |
July Montague Public Library Programs | |
July Events at Sunderland Public Library | |
July at The RECOVER Project | |
July Union 28 Community Network for Children Program Calendar | |
July - August at Hilltown Youth Recovery Theatre | |
LifePath's FREE Healthy Living Summer Workshops | |
Spring & Summer Pothole Pictures | |
Montague Community Band 2024 Summer Concert Series | |
The Shelburne Falls Military Band Summer 2024 Schedule | |
2024 Seeds of Solidarity Calendar of Events | |
SNAP Application Assistance | |
Always Open! Community Labyrinth in Greenfield | |
RECOVER Project Groups At a Glance | |
Weekdays All Recovery Meeting at
The RECOVER Project
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The Community Closet at The Franklin County Reentry Center
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Monday - Friday
Movement Group with North Quabbin Recovery Center Peer Leaders
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Mondays North Quabbin Patch Parents' Council | |
Mondays Breaking Barriers at the Franklin County
Reentry Center
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Mondays Art Guild Meetings | |
Mondays Advanced Manufacturing Info Sessions | |
Monday Drug Court Alumni Group - North Quabbin | |
Mondays Community Yoga at Wildflower Alliance | |
Mondays at FCSO Reentry Center - Recovery Through Creativity | |
Second Mondays of the Month - North Quabbin B.R.A.V.E. Task Force Meetings | |
Mondays Alternatives to Suicide Group | |
2nd Mondays Greenfield Healing Clinic
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2nd and 4th Mondays
Parenting Together at the Brick House
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Third Monday Alphabet & Allies | |
Third Monday Parenting With Pride | |
Mondays and Thursdays
Hygiene Supplies Pick Up at the Brick House
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Tuesdays Peer-Led Grief and Loss Circle | |
Every Other Tuesday - Housing Support Drop In Hours | |
First Tuesday - Dads' Group at Valuing Our Children | |
Tuesday Tea Time & Community Resource Drop-In | |
Tuesdays North Quabbin Recovery Center Coffee Hour | |
Tuesdays Greenfield Suicide Loss Group | |
First Tuesday - P.A.R.T. Task Force | |
Tuesdays Drop-In Knitting & Sewing Sessions | |
2nd Tuesdays New Member Orientation at the RECOVER Project | |
Tuesday & Thursdays Weekly Reentry Groups | |
Tuesday Men's Anger Management Group
Wednesday Women's Anger Management Group
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Wednesdays - Wendell Library Playgroup with Sylvia | |
Wednesdays - Playgroup at the Leverett Library with Gillian | |
Wednesdays HEROES Study Hub at GCC | |
Whatever Wednesday on the
Second Wednesday of every month
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Third Wednesday Free Food | |
Last Wednesdays of every month - Office Hours With An Attorney | |
First & Third Thursdays Parent Support Group | |
Thursdays Dungeons and Dragons | |
Thursdays Mens Group in the RPX | |
Thursdays Coffee Hour at the Brick House | |
Thursdays Beyond Trauma Group in Spanish | |
Second Thursdays Every Month, Peer Grief Support | |
Fridays FreeWrite of Franklin County | |
First Friday of Every Month: Open Mic at the RP | |
Every Friday - The Garden Path | |
Every First & Third Friday - Grandparents & Kinship Support Group | |
Every Second Friday Chosen Family Night | |
Every Third Friday: Karaoke at The RECOVER Project | |
Last Friday of the Month: Gardening in Recovery | |
Homeshare Program with LifePath | |
Act Now to Stay Covered with MassHealth | |
Probation Case Specialist Position at Greenfield District Court | |
Outreach Specialist Position at CHOiCE Recovery Coaching | |
Community Support Navigator at CHD | |
DIAL/SELF AmeriCorps Opportunity at
Montague Catholic Social Ministries
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CHCFC OBAT Same Day & Tele-Health Appointment Information | |
Free Meals and Essentials
Saints James and Andrews Parish Hall
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Come Cook with Franklin County
Community Meals Program
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A Residential Program of Behavioral Health Network
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Orange Food Pantry Seeking Non-Food Donations | |
When people think of donating to our agency and food pantry, they often think of food- however, that's easier for us to obtain with local partnerships with farms and retailers. What we struggle to keep stocked are hygienic & household products, such as:
- Adult pull-ups size Medium, Large, & XL
- Menstrual products
- Bath products- bath wash or bar soap, shampoo, conditioner
- Deodorant
- Floss
- Mouthwash
- Toothpaste (we have plenty of toothbrushes currently!)
- Paper Towels
- Toilet Paper
- Laundry Detergent
- Dish Soap
- Household cleaners- Windex, multi-surface, floor cleaner, etc.
Dozen-sized egg cartons for repackaging the hundreds of eggs we receive weekly from retailers are also needed.
Please share this list amongst your networks! Donations can be dropped off at 324 Wells Street (the Franklin County Community Distribution Center) at our office, or if donating a large amount, drop-off can be coordinated via donate@fccmp.org. (Image credit: Pixabay)
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Family Self-Sufficiency Program Available | |
Eviction Self-Help Booklets Available in Multiple Languages | |
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MLRI has recently updated and translated some of our self-help booklets for unrepresented tenants facing eviction. While we still recommend tenants facing eviction seek legal help, we know resources are limited and many tenants have to represent themselves. We hope these booklets can be helpful to pro se tenants and their advocates.
You can see the full list of booklets below, or at MassLegalHelp. The booklets can help tenants prepare for court, outline their legal claims, and file court forms. There is also a booklet to help public housing tenants navigate the Grievance process.
Please reach out if you have any questions about the booklets and how they can be used.
What steps to take before going to court and what to bring to court.
An easy-to-use checklist that tells you what conditions violate the State Sanitary Code. You can also use the free self-help guided interview, MADE: Up To Code.
The Answer is a court form that tenants facing evictions can file with the court to outline your legal claims and tell the court your side of the story. You can also use Greater Boston Legal Services’ free self-help guided interview, MADE.
How to ask the court to accept your Answer and Discovery forms late. You can also use Greater Boston Legal Services’ free self-help guided interview, MADE.
A form with instructions for tenants facing eviction to get information to prepare for their trial.
A form with instructions for tenants in foreclosed properties to get information to prepare their case.
A form you can file to transfer your eviction case from a District Court to a Housing Court.
How to get a new court date if you missed your court date.
If you lost your eviction trial and think you have a good case, you may appeal. This document tells you which Appeal form to use.
How to file an appeal from a case in Housing Court.
How to file an appeal from a case in District Court.
How to get time to stay in your home if you lost your case.
How to ask the court to pay for court costs.
How to think through the terms you want in an agreement. Includes a worksheet and stipulation forms to use when you go to court. Read this booklet as webpages and watch the videos!
How to correct errors on your online court records. The Booklet includes the court form you can save to your computer, fill out, save again and print when ready.
A booklet for tenants in Mass. about the grievance process, including worksheets to help you prepare for a grievance hearing.
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Update! Greenfield CSC New Hybrid Operations Change |
The Greenfield Court Service Center is located at 43 Hope St., 1st Floor, Greenfield, MA.
They offer in-person services on Tuesdays & Thursdays, ONLY, from 8:30 am-1 pm, and 2 pm-4 pm. Remote services (email, phone, Zoom) are available on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays.
For an intake, contact the Virtual Court Service Center, Mon. thru Fri. 9 am-12 pm by telephone: 1-646-828-7666, press #, #, then enter meeting ID: 161 526 1140 or by video: www.zoomgov.com/j/1615261140.
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Opioid Task Force of Franklin County and the North Quabbin Region www.opioidtaskforce.org
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