St. Bernard's Academy Newsletter

May 26, 2023

New ASB and Class Officers Elected!

ASB Officers for the 23-24 School Year:

Top row (L to R): Vice President: Rihanna Fontenot, Treasurer: Lawrence Renner, President: Madelyn Shanahan, Secretary: Grady Griffin,

Front row: ASB Representative: Chance Carrington

Class of 2024 Officers (L to R): Treasurer: Katie Pauli, Vice President: Natalie Parker,

President: Hannah Finck, Secretary: Carol Guo

Class of 2025 Officers (L to R): Secretary: Ella Hart, Vice President: Jayla Kan, President: Nina Clayton, Treasurer: Ethan Hagler

Class of 2026 (L to R): Sophomore Class Rep: Carson Costa, Administrative Assistant: Sophie Kuzmicheva, Vice President: Amber Smith, President: Eliana Sellars, Sophomore Class Media Director: Sarah Rees, Secretary: Ray Edwards, Not pictured: Treasurer: Max Gunther

NCS-CIF Division 6 Baseball Championship

SBA vs. Ferndale

Saturday at Crusader Field

1:00 pm

Move-Up Assembly Friday at 8:30

On Friday, June 2nd at 8:30, we will be holding our annual Move-Up Award Assembly. Senior parents are invited to join us as we celebrate the accomplishments of our students with a focus on the Class of 2023.

Safe and Sober Dinner Fundraiser - June 4th

Teriyaki Chicken with Rice or Noodles


Pick up between 5 pm and 7 pm on June 4th

Ask a senior for a ticket or get a ticket at the school office.


Call Jackie Gable


Grub Hub Now Accepting PayPal

Starting next week, Grub Hub will be accepting PayPal. A QR Code will be available at the window where purchases are made.

Football Fundraiser

Over the past 10 years we have built a highly successful football program that our players, coaches, alumni, and school community can be proud of. With two state championships and games played in Texas, Florida, Oklahoma, Oregon, Washington, and Southern California we have brought the high school football experience to an EPIC level never seen before in Humboldt County.

We now need your help to sustain this amazing program. Our program needs new uniforms, helmets, shoulder pads, and other misc. safety equipment. Please consider donating to our football program to allow our student athletes to experience the best high school football program in the HDNL while keeping them safe on the field.

Thank you,

Coach Tomlin

Click here to support SB Football


The Science Department is in need of Popcorn Air Popping Machines for a Kinetic Energy Lantern Floating Lab experiment. If you or a friend has a functioning popper to donate, please drop it off in the office.

Upcoming Events

Monday, May 29th

Memorial Day, No School

Wednesday, May 31st

Spring Sports Awards

6:00 pm in the Auditorium, Please bring a dessert to share

Friday, June 2nd

Move-Up Assembly, Auditorium, 8:30

Drama Showcase, 7:00 in the auditorium

Tuesday, June 6th - Thursday, June 8th

Final Week - Modified Schedule - See schedule above

Thursday, June 8th

8th Grade Baccalaureate Mass at St. Joseph's Church at 10:00 am

8th Grade Brunch at 11:00 am at SB Auditorium

Powder Puff Football Game 12:15

8th Grade Graduation at St. Bernard's Church 6:00 pm

8th Grade Dinner/Dance at Pinochi Hall at 7:00 pm

Friday, June 9th

High School Baccalaureate Mass at Sacred Heart at 10:00 am

High School Graduation at SB Gym at 1:00 pm

Click for school calendar

Crusaders in Action

Laila took fourth at the Meet of Champions!

Congratulations to our Prom

Queen Anna and Prom King Seth!

Rock identification in 6th Grade Science!

Presley was honored by the American Legion Auxiliary prior to her trip to Girls State.

The Senior Retreat provided the Class of 2023 a wonderful opportunity to connect before they go off to tackle the world.

Chemistry spent a beautiful day out at

Ma-le’l North this week.

Ways to Support our Students

Box Tops for Education (SB school ID is 195539)

For more school activities; follow us on Social Media. Click below
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