November 2023

Alliance Innovations

A collaboration between OMAFRA and the University of Guelph

Stories of the Alliance people, places and programs generating impact in the agri-food sector in Ontario and around the world. 

In this issue:

  • Funding call open for knowledge mobilization projects
  • Skills for Research Impact workshop series underway
  • U of G project improves dairy cattle health, helps test new data portal
  • Animal Health Laboratory develops swine virus tests to protect Ontario livestock 
  • Upcoming events
  • Alliance people, places and programs in the media

Funding call open for knowledge mobilization projects

The Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance has opened its call for project proposals focused on mobilizing knowledge and engaging partners in agri-food research.

How to apply for KTT mobilization stream funding

Full proposals are due February 15, 2024. If you have questions, email

Join the town hall on Wednesday, November 8 from 11 a.m. to noon. Registration not required.

Join the town hall meeting

The Knowledge Translation and Transfer Funding Program is designed to build and amplify the positive impacts of agri-food and rural research. It’s integral to the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance and its commitment to ensuring the benefits of agri-food research are available to the sector and rural and Indigenous communities.

KTT builds on a long history of agricultural extension and works to foster early and frequent collaboration between researchers and research users, like farmers, producers, veterinarians and communities.

Read the full article and previous successes

Skills for Research Impact workshop series

Two workshops remain for the fall Skills for Research Impact workshop series

Faculty, research staff and graduate students interested in enhancing the impact of their research will learn how to successfully plan, execute and evaluate knowledge mobilization (or knowledge translation and transfer) activities. Sessions will cover key topics relating to effective research communications and engagement of non-academic audiences, including policy, industry and community stakeholders.

Regist using the following links:

November 7: KTT Strategies and Dissemination

November 14: Evaluating KTT Activities

For more information, contact us at

U of G project improves dairy cattle health, helps test new data portal

University of Guelph researchers looking to reduce pregnancy losses in dairy cattle are also milking the benefits of a new data portal intended to improve livestock productivity in Ontario.

For a year, Guilherme Madureira, a PhD candidate in U of G’s Department of Animal Biosciences, monitored more than 100 lactating dairy cows at the centre for feed consumption, body weight, milking, and activity and rumination.

At the same time, Dr. Lucas Alcantara, manager of research centre data, was completing implementation of the facility’s new data portal. This new platform allows researchers to securely store, retrieve and manage data recorded at the ODRC.

The dual projects came together at the Ontario Dairy Research Centre in Elora, Ont., with exciting results and future opportunities.

Continue reading

Animal Health Laboratory develops swine virus tests to protect Ontario livestock 

Large animal veterinarians rely on the University of Guelph Animal Health Laboratory (AHL) for reliable test results that help identify the cause of disease signs in Ontario’s livestock.

Twice this year, AHL diagnosticians tested samples that were negative for the common culprits, prompting further investigation that relied on their disease expertise, experience and detective skills.

After confirming new-to-Ontario diseases, the AHL virology team was engaged to develop in-house PCR tests; a process that can take anywhere from a few weeks to six months. Having in-house testing capacity helps ensure AHL is prepared for future outbreaks and testing needs to support Ontario swine producers.

“We always have to be on guard,” notes DeLay. “Our obligation is to Ontario producers and the Ontario livestock industry. We’re always looking out for them and being one step ahead of the next disease that comes around.”

Continue reading AHL article

Upcoming events

The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair

November 3-12, 2023, Exhibition Place, Toronto

Celebrate the best in agriculture, local food, and equestrian competitions from across the country. The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair is jam-packed with home-grown fun and the best in local food and animal entertainment.  

Visit the Royal website

Arrell Food Summit 2023: Pathways to Change

November 14, 2023, Toronto Region Board of Trade and online

Join the Arrell Food Summit: Pathways to Change, where you'll learn about food system solutions that have had impact and what we can expect next. 

Visit the Arrell Food Summit website

Enhancing the agri-food data ecosystem: Updates from the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance and Agri-food Data Canada

November 23, 2023, 9:00 a.m. - noon hybrid event

Join us for a half-day event to learn about how the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance is collaborating with Agri-food Data Canada (ADC) to deliver the next generation of research centre data portals, and about how new ADC-developed tools will support agri-food researchers and help build an enhanced data ecosystem.

Learn more and register


A selection of Alliance people, places and programs cited in popular and trade media.

U of G explores the future of food at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair (Nov. 1, U of G News)

The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair celebrates its 101st anniversary this year and the University of Guelph will return to engage visitors in its innovative research, bringing an educational perspective to the celebration of the very best food, livestock and horsemanship in Canada.

A peek inside the Ontario Dairy Research Centre – Part 2 (Oct. 21, Agri-food Data Canada blog)

Exploring additional types of data collected routinely at the Ontario Dairy Research Centre.

Monitoring enteric methane emissions on pasture (Oct. 18, Farmtario)

University of Guelph researchers are investigating the link between feed efficiency and enteric methane.

Bringing food influencers and producers together has benefits (Oct. 16, Farmtario)

In September, a group of urban food influeners joined Farm and Food Care Ontario for a tour of three of Ontario's agri-food research centres in Elora: The Ontario Dairy Research Centre, the Ontario Beef Research Centre and the Soil Health Interpretative Centre at the Ontario Crops Research Centre.

A peek inside the Ontario Dairy Research Centre – Part 1 (Oct. 2, Agri-food Data Canada blog)

The Ontario Dairy Research Centre stands as an example of the importance of data-driven research in the dairy industry. With a dedicated commitment to several areas of dairy research, this research centre has been collecting and storing an extensive array of data through regular operations and exciting research projects. 

U of G ranked as one of top 500 universities worldwide (Sept. 28, U of G News)

The prestigious Times Higher Education World University Rankings are among the largest in the world and assess more than 1,900 universities across 108 countries. 

Dr. Charlotte Winder honoured as recipient of the 2023 Metacam® 20 Bovine Welfare Award (Sept. 27, OVC News)

Dr. Winder was honoured for her significant contributions to improving the well-being of dairy cattle at the AGM in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on September 21, 2023.

M. bovis, repeat offender (Sept. 26, Canadian Cattlemen)

Pilot studies conducted by U of G researchers are included in a Canadian Cattlemen: The Beef Magazine article on M. bovis, which can cause chronic pneumonia and arthritis in cows.

Climate change and early dying dominate potato research (Sept. 19, Farmtario)

Climate change resiliency and early potato dying were highlights of the Aug. 23 event held at the Ontario Crops Research Centre in Elora. Retailers from Loblaws attended the event to inform future purchases.

New gift to U of G to fund research chair in sustainable materials (Sept. 14, U of G News)

The chair will be held by Dr. Amar Mohanty, director of U of G’s Bioproducts Discovery and Development Centre (BDDC), which uses plant-based sustainable materials to create renewable, eco-friendly alternatives to petroleum-based products for automotive, consumer and various other industrial uses.

Exploring data collection at Ontario’s livestock research centres (Sept. 8, Agri-food Data Canada blog)

This article marks the beginning of a series exploring the invaluable data collected at livestock research centres owned by the Agricultural Research Institute of Ontario and managed by the University of Guelph through the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance.

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This newsletter is produced by the University's Office of Research. The views expressed are the views of the University and do not necessarily reflect those of OMAFRA. Questions regarding the OMAFRA-University of Guelph Agreement can be addressed to