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The Falcon Flyer - Website Edition

September 20, 2023

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Dear Rondout Families, Faculty and Friends,

We are excited about our Blue Ribbon designation and will share related updates as they become available. The award presentation will take place in Washington DC in mid-November and we will be planning a Blue Ribbon School Day later this fall.  You can find the video announcement and school profiles at this site:

-- National Blue Ribbon Schools (

Tomorrow we are celebrating the International Day of Peace. Parents are invited to join us for our “Peace Rocks” ceremony. We will begin with an Opening Ceremony at 9 a.m. followed by a number of activities promoting a commitment to peace. These activities will be open to parents and students and staff. A schedule will be available for guests who join us tomorrow. Most of the activities have been moved indoors as a result of the rain saturated grounds after these several days of rain.  We will be continuing the international theme this year so look for more opportunities in the weeks ahead to celebrate our global connections.

Next week we begin our series of field trips and in school activities through our partnership with the Lake County Forest Preserve District.  The K-2 students will be participating in an off-site program about Animal Homes, 3-5 students will enjoy an in-school program on Birds of Prey and 6-8 students will be participating in a Pond Study trip off-site. Each trimester special trips and in school activities are planned to enhance our environmental education program. Two interesting avian sightings were made this week, one was a visit by a Peregrine Falcon who landed on the fencing near the chicken coop and the other was a sighting of a Great Horned Owl by members of the Rondout Green Club in The Nature Preserve today.

This Saturday afternoon, we have one of our last Garden Parties from 12 to 2 p.m. weather permitting. Hope to see some volunteers to harvest the abundance of produce ripe and ready.

Have a wonderful week. Until next time... Take care...

Dr. Jenny Wojcik


Ms. Elizabeth Davis


Bus 2 Update

As many of you are aware the bus driver shortage is at a national crisis level. Our local transportation provider is faced with similar challenges. Please be advised that the Olson Bus Company has not yet assigned a permanent driver to bus two. We expect a permanent driver to be appointed in the new few weeks. Thank you for your patience as these assignments are finalized.

School Lunch

Hot Lunch + Salad Bar + Milk $3.75

Milk Only $0.50

Double Hot Lunch (Grades 6-8 Only) $7.50

Week of 9/25/2023






Mac and Cheese


Buttered Noodles


Chicken Ranch Wrap

Tortilla/Bacon/ Lettuce/

Tomato/ Cheddar


Popcorn Chicken

Mashed Potatoes

Gravy, Cookie

Burrito Bowl Grilled Chicken,

Rice, Black Beans, Corn,

Cheese, Chipotle Ranch


*8th Grade Selected

Falcon Favorite

Popcorn Chicken Mashed Potatoes

Gravy, Cookie

Week of 10/2/2023






Cheese/ Pepperoni



Grilled Cheese

Tomato Soup

BBQ Pork Sandwich

Tater Tots

Chicken Sandwich

w/wo Cheese


Pasta w/wo

Meatballs and Sauce,


Cucumber Slices

Student Lunch Menu 2023-2024 Updated 9.12.23 *Change was made to 10/31/23 & 11/7/2023
Click here to add payment to your child's lunch account

Celebrate International Day of Peace

"Peace Rocks!"

We are excited to announce a unique and lively celebration of International Day of Peace on Thursday, September 21, 2023. Our theme is "Peace Rocks!" and we are inviting everyone to join the groove.

Dress Like a Rockstar!

Show off your inner rockstar by dressing up! Whether you are a fan of classic rock legends, modern pop icons, or just want to showcase your own style, come dressed to impress. Let us have fun, and most importantly, let’s spread the message of peace together!

Morning Events:

  1. Rock Band Concert: Start your day with some rocking tunes. Get ready to jam!
  2. Peace Rocks Creation: Discover the artist within! Paint and decorate rocks with symbols, quotes, and designs that signify peace. These will be displayed around the school to remind us of our shared commitment.
  3. Sidewalk Chalk Murals: Grab some chalk and let your imagination run wild! Team up with friends or work individually to create vibrant murals that celebrate peace and unity.
  4. Peace Cranes: Dive into the beautiful tradition of folding paper cranes as symbols of peace. Let’s fill our school with these symbols of hope and unity.
  5. The Peace Chain: Together, let’s craft a massive chain, with each link representing our personal commitments to peace. This will be displayed in our main hallway, symbolizing the strength we have when we unite for a common cause.

We invite every member of the Rondout school community to be an active part of this special day. Your presence, creativity, and enthusiasm will make this event memorable!

Parents are welcome to join us between 9:00 a.m. - 10:20 a.m. to be part of the celebration. Please sign in at the main entrance near the office.

Rock on, Rondout Falcons!

The Village of Rondout program will begin next week. The program is for students in grades 3 through 8, students serve their “village” through membership in one of eight departments. These include the Finance, Global Ambassadors, Communication, Sustainability, Public Works, Nutrition and Wellness, Parks and Recreation and Spirit Departments.

Special projects, weekly department activities and town meetings bring government to life for the students. Each department is supported by two to three faculty advisors and 10-13 students representing the grades 3-8.

The whole school gathers (K-8) for our weekly town meetings on Friday mornings during homeroom to hear about what is happening in the Village. Spokespersons from each department give updates facilitated by a student moderator. There is also time for questions from the audience. In addition, we often have special mini-presentations shared by faculty or by departments. It is a productive and informative 20 minutes engaging the school community and "living Social Studies".

Saturday September 23rd 12:00 p.m. to 2 p.m.

October 12th

6:15 p.m. to 6:40 p.m. Outdoor Gathering with S’mores and more 


6:40 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. Open House – Visiting Classrooms

 Saturday October 21st 

9:00 a.m. to 12 noon

(Rain date October 28th)

RSVP for our Family Fun Run

Rondout's Annual Veteran’s Day Program

We are hosting our annual Veteran’s Day Program on November 10th 2023. Family members and friends are welcome to join us for this special Rondout tradition. Please complete the form below with contact information for your veteran.

Click here to RSVP and share contact information with us

Libertyville Fire Department’s 50th Annual Fire Prevention Week Poster Contest

It is that time of year again for our Libertyville Fire Department poster contest. This year’s topic will be “Cooking Safety Starts With You! Pay attention to fire prevention.” Each class will receive First, Second, and Honorable Mention ribbons. A trophy will then be awarded to one student in each grade out of all the schools. A Grand Prize will be awarded to the best overall poster. The Grand Champion will then move to the next round for a Regional Champion. The Grand Champion will be competing against other neighboring schools. The school with the highest participation will receive a participation trophy. Culver’s will provide a gift to award winning posters. This year’s theme and rules are attached, and must be followed or the poster faces disqualification.

Students in grades 1 and 2 will complete their posters at school while students in grades 3 through 5 will complete their posters at home. Please have your student’s poster dropped off at their school no later than October 5th for judging. For any questions, please call Libertyville Fire Station I at (847) 362-5664.

- Jered Woodward, Firefighter/Paramedic, Poster Contest Organizer

Purchase By End of Day: 

Sunday, April 7, 2023

Click here to purchase your yearbook

Looking Ahead

  • September 21 International Day of Peace Ceremony
  • September 25 Soccer/XC Practice
  • September 26 Grades 3-8 Village Department Meeting
  • September 26 Board of Education Meeting 7:00 p.m.
  • September 27 Soccer @ East Lake 4:00 p.m.
  • September 27 Marching Band Festival @ LHS 6:30 p.m.
  • September 28 Grades K-8 Field Trip
  • September 29 K-8 Town Hall Meeting
  • October 2 XC vs. ELS & LFMS @ Rondout 4:00 p.m.
  • October 3 Early Dismissal @ 2:30 p.m.
  • October 4 Grade 3-8 Green Club
  • October 5 Soccer @ Bannockburn 4:00 p.m.
  • October 9 Columbus Day No School
  • October 10 Grades 3-8 Village Department Meeting
  • October 11 Grades 3-8 Green Club
  • October 12 Early Dismissal @ 2:30 p.m.
  • October 12 Family Open House 6:15 p.m.
  • October 13 K-8 Town Hall Meeting
  • October 16 XC vs. ELS & LFMS @ Rondout 4:00 p.m.
  • October 17 Grades 3-8 Village Department Meeting
  • October 17 Board of Education Meeting 7:00 p.m.
  • October 18 Grades 3-8 Green Club
  • October 20 K-8 Town Hall Meeting
  • October 21 Family Fun Run
  • October 24 Grades 3-8 Village Department Meeting
  • October 25 Grades 3-8 Green Club
  • October 27 K-8 Town Hall Meeting
  • October 27 Early Dismissal @ 11:30 a.m.
  • October 31 Halloween Festivities 1:15-2:30 p.m.
  • October 31 UPS Field Trip
  • October 31 Early Dismissal @ 2:30 p.m.

Happy Birthday to our students who are celebrating 

birthdays in September!

Rondout PTSA

PTSA Parents Facebook Group
PTSA Directory Enrollment Form/ PTSA Pay Dues Link 
PTSA Website
PTSA Volunteer Interest Form
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growing hearts and minds.png

Community News

Click Here for 211 Lake County Website
Mental Health Resources
Village of Mettawa
Village of Green Oaks

t: (847) 362-2021

f: (847) 816-2067

Contact Us