The DDA Connection


How Do You Do YOU?

The DDA wants to know “How do you do you?” Help us share how person-centered planning has helped you get DDA services and other resources you needed to become more independent, access technology, get a job, meet new friends, etc. 

Your story is worth telling! Click below if you are interested in participating in this project!


Program Updates

Register for the Charting the LifeCourse Roadshow!

CCSs and Providers, the DDA invites you to join us in your region to learn more about how Charting the LifeCourse Framework and tools are used to support individuals and their families in pursuit of their good life. Together, we will enhance our use of the Framework by enhancing the person-centered planning process. 


This forum will:

     Encourage teamwork and collaboration among the PCP team to support the person in living their best life!

     Share real-life examples and strategies that can be used to support you in your role in ensuring person-centered, high-quality support for people and families.

     Discuss what is next in our continued enhancement of person-centered planning.


Who should come:

It is strongly encouraged that CCS and Provider agency team members who participate in the PCP process attend this training.


When and where:

Please register for your region's Roadshow! ESRO's and SMRO's locations will be confirmed next week!

7/11 10 a.m.-2 p.m.

Location TBD



7/12 10 a.m.-2 p.m.

The Meeting House Columbia

5885 Robert Oliver Place

Columbia, MD 21045



7/13 10 a.m.-2 p.m.

Clarion Inn Frederick Events Center

5400 Holiday Drive, Frederick, MD 21703



7/14 10 a.m.-2 p.m.

Location TBD



Lunch will be provided and parking is free at each venue! Please let us know if you have any accommodation needs when you click to register.

Should you have any questions, please contact Nicolette Paparoidamis, Statewide Director of Coordination of Community Services, at

Federal Program Updates

DDA Policy Updates

The DDA is happy to announce that the following policies have been published in PolicyStat:

     Remote Support Services

     Vehicle Modifications

To find the initial draft policies, along with a summary of stakeholder input and the final track change policy, you can visit the DDA Policy Stakeholder Input Archive webpage. 

If you have questions or need any accommodations, please reach out to the DDA Federal Programs Policy Lead, Danielle Coles at

MDH Medicaid Check-In Reminder


It is important for you to watch for communication from the Maryland Department of Human Services and respond within the required timeframe.



     Annual redeterminations have started.

     People will receive letters in the mail. The letters will include information about when redetermination documents are due.

     Coordinators of Community Services and teams are encouraged to support people and their families with:

     Ensuring that all requested information is submitted once they receive their redetermination due date letter in the mail.

     Setting up their myMDThink accounts.


Note: Only submit redetermination documents if a person receives a letter requesting information.


For more information, visit the Maryland Medicaid Check-in Website.


For myMDThink account assistance:

     Customer access concerns: Labelle Hillgrove at

     System issues: Gina Roberts at

Operations Updates

Website Survey

The DDA has launched an initiative to enhance the user-friendliness and accessibility of our website. We value your input and would love to hear from you about how you use our site! Please take a moment to fill out this survey to support our improvement efforts.

Data Collection Tool Due Tomorrow

Final reminder!


The DDA requests your assistance to provide data as part of the FY25 rate review cycle. Day habilitation rates have been identified as a rate priority. Providers, your data is essential to the review process and is needed to inform data-driven decisions. Proposed changes will only be possible if a significant number of providers respond. We appreciate your assistance and support to provide a formal, consistent, and unified approach to the review of Medicaid rates for Home and Community-Based Waivers services for approximately 19,000 Maryland citizens.   


To support this process, a data collection tool has been developed to collect program support and facility costs for day habilitation. Additional data on staff requiring training, staff turnover and information about group sizes are also being collected. Recorded provider question-and-answer sessions are available for reference on the DDA YouTube channel.


All data collection tools are to be submitted by June 9, 2023 by email to


Thank you to those providers who have already shared their completed data collection tools.

Upcoming Events

6/13 Money Follows the Person (MFP) Stakeholder Advisory Group Meeting 11a.m.-1p.m.

6/20-6/22 Trauma Informed Care: Train the Trainer Training

6/21 Individual and Family Direct Goods and Services Webinar

6/22 DDA Statewide Nurses Meeting: Dental Care

6/22 Maryland Department of Health DDA Rate Review Advisory Group

Missed a previous DDA Connection? 

Click here to view the archive.

Click here to view upcoming events on our DDA Training Calendar.

DDA Vision

People with developmental disabilities will have full lives in the communities of their choice where they are included, participate and are active citizens.

DDA Mission

Create a flexible, person-centered, family-oriented system of support so people can have full lives.

DDA Headquarters

201 W. Preston Street, 4th Floor

Baltimore, MD 21201

Phone: (410)767-5600

Fax: (410)767-5850

Toll Free: 1(844)253-8694

Have feedback about our communication? Take our survey!