Fighting Dragons

Rev. Glen Miles, Senior Minister

The world is a scary place right now. There is war in the Holy Land and Ukraine and beyond. The political mess in Washington DC is leaving folks more than disillusioned, and many are frightened over what may happen next. Global climate change is beginning to affect our lives seriously. I could go on.

The title of this column in the first draft was “Thanks for What?” I was planning to write about how strange it feels to be preparing for the Thanksgiving holiday when it doesn’t feel like there is a lot to be grateful for today. With so many frightening things happening at home and abroad, how can we possibly celebrate?

Then I read this quote from the British writer and poet GK Chesterton, “Fairy tales are more than true, not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.” I really like the phrase “more than true.” The story of Jonah in the Bible fits this idea. The story doesn’t tell us that a human can survive three days in the belly of a whale, but it does tell us that God’s love and grace are greater than all of the meanness in the world combined.

I begin every day with a moment of quiet followed by time spent reading The Athletic. Even in scary times, I still start with the sports pages. Doing so makes it easier to face the hard truths out there. Next, I go to The New York Times and the headlines in several news sources like The Wall Street Journal. Some days, the stories and headlines are overwhelming. Lately, I’ve been even more worried and anxious than usual. Things seem to be getting worse and worse.

Then I happened on this word from Chesterton. I thought of the story of Jonah. I committed at the beginning of this year to allow grace to work in my life. Jonah’s story has been a source of inspiration. Remember, after the whale burps him up on the shore of the very place he is running away from, he preaches a terrible, angry sermon. The people repent anyway! And so does God. God changes God’s mind and forgives all. It’s on my top ten favorite Bible stories list for sure.

I’ve seen that I accomplish more when grace and mercy lead the way rather than fear and worry. Please understand it is okay to be afraid and filled with worry right now. The headlines can do that to us for sure, but I believe, as a follower of Jesus, that the best tool for defeating the dragons out there begins with giving my life over to grace.  

The gift of grace is more than enough to be thankful for this year. We need it because there are dragons everywhere.

The Gathering is Tonight

Meet a new friend over a slice of pizza tonight! Pizza, salad, and fruit are on the menu at The Gathering. Enjoy food, fellowship, and a brief worship service followed by age-related activities that begin at 6 pm. Children in K-8 may participate in Choir and Midweek Missions, while adults are invited to put Rev. Glen Miles in the hot seat! That's right, folks. Now's the time to ask those burning questions! The fun starts at 5:30 this evening at FC North. See you there!

Midweek Missions

In Midweek Missions we will use tiles and Sharpies to make trivets that will be included in our Gladden Community House Thanksgiving Baskets. Please drop off Thanksgiving food donations no later than this Sunday, November 5.

Children and Youth Choirs

Sunday, November 5

Thanksgiving Food Drive and Heart to Heart Special Offering

This year’s Thanksgiving food drive benefiting the Midweek Missions Thanksgiving Basket project and Heart to Heart food pantry, will conclude with a churchwide Thanksgiving food collection this Sunday, November 5 during all worship services. Donated items should be brought into worship and placed on the chancel to be blessed. There will also be a special offering in worship to benefit the Heart to Heart food pantry. 

We are collecting:

  • Canned Green Beans    
  • Cream of Mushroom soup
  • Fried Onions   
  • Cranberry Sauce
  • Egg Noodles

  • Stuffing Mix (box or bag)
  • Broth (chicken or turkey) 
  • Canned Sweet Potatoes 
  • Gravy (chicken or turkey) 

We also need 20 frozen turkeys. Let us know we can expect a turkey donation from you by signing up hereAll turkeys must be delivered to the First Community North walk-in refrigerator on either Sunday, November 19, 8:30 am -12:30 pm or Monday, November 20 before 11 am.

This week in Sunday school:

  • Our K/1 classroom at North will read the book Lion Lights, by Richard Turere and Shelly Pollock, with illustrations by Sonia Maria Luce Possentini. Lion Lights is the true story of Richard Turere, who, as a young Maasai boy, invented a lighting system to keep lions away from his family’s livestock.
  • The 2nd/3rd grade Godly Play classroom at North will hear The Exodus, which is a story from the Old Testament about Moses leading his people out of slavery in Egypt.
  • Our 4th/ 5th grade class will continue to learn about Jesus and His Kingdom of Equals as we explore the Shema, which is a central Jewish prayer some people recite daily, affirming love and loyalty to God. It is the prayer Jesus refers to when he teaches about the greatest commandment.
  • Our K- 5th grade classroom at South will read the book, In God’s Hands by Lawrence Kushner and Gary Schmidt, with illustrations by Matthew J. Baek. This beautiful story helps us understand how God uses us to do the work that needs to be done to help the world.


Youth Ministry for grades 6-12. Sundays, 12:30-1:30.

Hear an inspiring message, play games, and build friendships with classmates and leaders. All are welcome! 

Governing Board Update

by Molly Hagkull, Governing Board Chair

In her book Design for Belonging, author Susie Wise discusses “moments of belonging,” which include our invitation to participate in a group or event. Have you considered the many invitations open to you at First Community? Scroll through firstnews, and you’ll find yoga classes, community justice meetings, opportunities to support refugee families, and more, all ready to welcome you. If you know me, you won’t be surprised that I’ve always been a joiner. I thrive in spaces where I can create connections. Those connections often make me a passionate advocate for the groups and spaces I participate in. I become a stakeholder. I contribute because I believe in the work. My contribution may be my voice, my sense of humor, my time, or my ideas. My contribution also includes my financial giving.

Those following our financial reporting know we are working to close the gap on our Realize Capital Campaign debt. In response to this concern, Glen Miles and I called together a task force of members from the Governing Board, the Foundation Board, staff, and members to study our current situation and make recommendations for moving forward. Many thanks to Jennifer Short (chair), Rose Konrath, Nancy Rummel, Scott Glaser, Ralph Talmadge, Paul Anderson, and staff members Seth Stearns and Glen Miles for their service and the report submitted to the Board at our September meeting. The task force believes our congregation can still make meaningful contributions to reduce the principal on our loan significantly. 

Thank you, also, to church members Cydney and Terry Philbin for chairing our Belonging giving campaign. Hopefully, you had a chance to see the videos produced for this campaign, either in worship or online. Your annual pledge is vital as pledge dollars create our church’s operating budget. Besides simply keeping the lights on, your pledge is what sustains the compensation of our passionate and hardworking staff people.

My husband Craig and I have continuing conversations about our financial giving. We have a lot of competing interests for our money, including travel sports and a college education. And also, we are stakeholders of First Community. It’s important to us to acknowledge the work that happens here and the many faces behind that work. To that end, we increased our monthly pledge to the Belonging giving campaign. We recognized friends who died with gifts to the Foundation. And now we ask, how can we meaningfully contribute to the reduction of debt? We are choosing to give an additional gift on top of our New Horizons pledge. Not because anyone is telling us we should, but because our belonging at First Community compels us. The message of love, the pursuit of justice, the beauty of art and music, the care of neighbors, and the spirit of hope compels us.

Join me in praying to our God of Abundance.

God of every good gift, open our eyes to all the ways in which you invite us into community. Bless us with curiosity, creativity, generosity, and loving-kindness as we further the work of your kindom on earth. Amen.

With joy,

Molly Hagkull

Financial Update

by Seth Stearns, Exec. Director of Operations

The New Horizons campaign was launched in 2022 to pay down the remaining balance of the bank loan needed to finish the capital projects. When the campaign began, the loan balance was $4.5 million. We are excited to report the balance of the bank loan is now approximately $2.9 million! This has been possible because of the generosity of those in our church community. For those who have pledged to this campaign, increased your pledges, or have paid your pledges early, we sincerely thank you.

This campaign will come to a close at the end of 2023. It is vitally important that we continue to significantly reduce this balance between now and the end of the year. Interest rates are still high. The rates on the current balance may have a considerable impact on our operating budget in 2024. We need your help to reduce this balance as soon as we can.

Here's how you can help:

  1. Make a gift or a pledge to the New Horizons campaign.
  2. If you have already made a gift or a pledge, consider adding to it or paying your pledge early.
  3. Donate your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) to the New Horizons campaign.
  4. Donate appreciated stock to the New Horizons campaign.
  5. Purchase a niche at our beautiful Columbarium at North. 90% of the purchase price goes to the New Horizons campaign.

Heritage Sunday

On Heritage Sunday, November 12, we will honor our members of 40 years and more. New 40-year members will be recognized by name during the 10 am worship service at South in the Sanctuary. Following the service there will be a reception in the Weist Room and Gallery Court. We will also recognize all our 40+ year members during each service by asking them to stand.

So that we can confirm our records, if 2023 is the year that marks your 40th year of membership at First Community, contact Kristy Glaser at (614) 488-0681 ext. 161 or This 40-year milestone can be consecutive years or the total number of years if you were away at some point in time. If you are not sure when you joined or how many years you have been a member, please contact Kristy.

Welcome New Member

Mary Yost joined First Community on Sunday, October 22 at the 9 am service.

2023 Pet Blessing

It was a chilly day for the annual Pet Blessing, but hearts were warm as our furry family members were blessed by Rev. Glen Miles and Rev. Mary Kate Buchanan. 

Belonging: The Beloved Community

Belonging: The Beloved Community is a family-friendly interactive program and concert performance, termed an “Informance,” to be presented at First Community North on November 29 at 6 pm. At 5:30 pm there will be a snack supper and a short worship service followed by the program.


The music for Belonging: The Beloved Community is from the award-winning opera Vanqui and Songs of Spiritual Being, all composed by Leslie Savoy Burrs. In addition, there will be two traditional African American folksongs with family audience participation. The program music includes: 


1. Follow the Drinking Gourd 

2. Many Thousand Going 

3. Of Things to Come – Conductors 

4. Ride Vanqui Ride 

5. There’s A Balm In Gilead  

6. Give Me Jesus 

7. How Can I Keep From Singing  

8. Swing Low Sweet Chariot  


The performing artists for Belonging The Beloved Community program consist of: 


Leslie Savoy Burrs, flute, alto flute, and bamboo flutes 

Gerald Veasley, electric bass 

George Burton, piano 

Aryssa Leigh Burrs, mezzo-soprano 


Special guest artists from First Community include: 


Sadiyah Babatunde, soprano 

Arthur Marks, tenor 

William Schott, bass-baritone 


Jennifer Garvin, PhD. will coordinate the pre-program worship service.

Missions Updates

  • Volunteers with Monday Night Meals have been serving dinner to the men at the Friends of the Homeless shelter for 40 years. They serve approximately 7200 meals per year and need your help. Read about how you can volunteer or donate to this mission.
  • We have extended the date for submissions to the mural contest to November 6. We are hoping to get many more submissions.
  • The Refugee Ministry Team is working with a new family that arrived on October 18. Read updates on the Mykanga family of six and how you can help!
  • For the tenth year running, there is a $20,000 matching grant for Heart to Heart donations received by December 31. This donation is made possible by Duke Thomas in loving memory of his wife Jill Thomas, the original director of Heart to Heart Food Pantry.
  • The Share and Learn Garden continues to produce veggies for Heart to Heart well into October. Read updates as the growing season wraps up.
  • Read the news from Heart to Heart: Monthly update from our food pantry manager, Yohan Kim; Joint Thanksgiving food drive November 5; Upcoming Holiday Closings; Details on this year’s Christmas assistance program
  • Find a list of the Trading Post’s upcoming events this fall.
  • Join us monthly for a meeting of all the Mission Ministry Teams to learn about volunteer opportunities and the work of each of the teams.
Read On a Mission! Newsletter Here

Minute for Mission

by Rick Greene, Mission Finance Team


For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36. I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. Matthew 25:35-36 35.

Homelessness in the U.S. has been estimated at between 750,000 and 1,500,000. In Columbus, the count of the nation's homeless shows a continuing increase in the number of families with children who have no place to go. Recently, the city's shelter system hit its highest-ever occupancy rate for families. At the same time, barely a third of families who left shelters achieved a "successful housing outcome," an all-time low.


First Community Church became involved with Friends of the Homeless men's shelter in the Fall of 1983 by providing a hot meal to this East Main Street shelter every Monday evening throughout the year—that's hands-on volunteering for 40 years. This shelter currently houses 125 men, and the Monday Meals volunteers have continued to provide meals throughout the pandemic. 

Our church involvement has extended beyond Monday Meals, with our volunteers continuously providing not only food but socks, gloves, toiletries, and multiple other necessities supplied through donations. In the past, we have helped the Friends of the Homeless provide air conditioning and a sheltered outdoor eating area, as well as replacing tables and chairs. 

The shelter has a staff member who organizes activities, including job preparation, counseling, and program participation for clients.


"Wherever you turn, you can find someone who needs you. Even if it is a little thing, do something for which there is no pay but the privilege of doing it. Remember, you don't live in the world all of your own." Albert Schweitzer

Every Monday, every month, every year since 1983, First Community has prepared and delivered meals for 125 men in a homeless shelter on East Main Street in Columbus. The FC team leaders estimate that our volunteers have prepared almost 7,200 meals in the past year. In addition, the church either serves the clients themselves or delivers the food, and the men serve themselves. This has been coordinated for most of this time by Carol Baker with her late husband, John.

Volunteers have also provided such necessary supplies to the shelter as a vacuum cleaner, refrigerator, and linens. Besides providing evening meals, one team has sometimes provided breakfast cereals and milk.

Additional volunteers are needed to continue this mission successfully! The Missions teams hope that this mission does not go by the wayside. More volunteers are needed and encouraged. Other organizations, such as civic groups and churches, have recently discontinued their participation after serving for years. When no one provides the evening meals for the clients, the men do not eat that night.

Donation Needs

  • Twin sheets
  • blankets
  • towels
  • pillows
  • pillowcases
  • wash clothes
  • toothbrushes
  • toothpaste
  • shaving cream
  • shaving razor
  • deodorant
  • showers shoes
  • socks
  • gloves
  • winter hats
  • Scarves
  • combs
  • lotion
  • soap
  • 2 large size electric food cookers
  • commercial can openers (electric and/or hand held)
  • foil
  • bottled water

Besides volunteering for Monday night meal activities, consider donating to FOH. A list of their needs is available to the left.

The church will not collect these items on-site, but you may contact Amber McDonald-Lake, Service Specialist at FOH, or Pat Porterfield for more information. Friends of the Homeless accepts donations on-site monthly on:

  • First Week - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
  • Second Week - Saturday, Sunday
  • Third Week - Friday
  • Fourth Week - Wednesday, Saturday

Friends of the Homeless is located at 924 East Main Street, Columbus, OH 43205.

Currently, Pat Porterfield is coordinating the overall program at First Community with various volunteer leaders for each week that serve. These leaders need a pool of volunteers to operate this program.

The schedule currently is:

  • First Week: Lisa Reynolds
  • Second Week: Cat Oehl
  • Third Week: Pat Porterfield
  • Fourth Week: Ellen Crouthamel
  • Fifth Week: Jason Barger

At this time, additional individuals and families are needed, particularly for the volunteer pool for the first, second, and fourth Mondays. Anyone can volunteer, both FC members and nonmembers. Families or individuals can volunteer to work with team leaders (see below). Teenagers are encouraged to participate, as well.

On a personal note, I have volunteered for this occasionally and have found that volunteering helps me connect people to others, is good for my mind and body, and brings fun and fulfillment. In addition, I have made new friends at the Church through this opportunity.

Again, if you are interested in volunteering, even occasionally, you are always welcome. For additional information on volunteering for the Monday Meals or to donate to Friends of the Homeless, please contact Pat Porterfield. More information is available online at

If you would like more information about volunteering at First Community Church and its other Mission programs, please email us at

Community Mural Contest

Amy Caskie, Director of Missions

We are excited to announce a contest to design a community mural that represents the mission of our church, improves the appearance of First Community South, and promotes community engagement. 

The exterior of the Annex building at First Community South is not aesthetically congruent with the other two large buildings. Rather than try to disguise the building, we hope to use it as a blank canvas to celebrate the principles and ministries of our church. This project will provide an opportunity to integrate the community into the design and promote engagement in church activities. Research shows that public art benefits the community, encouraging a sense of ownership and belonging. Columbus has seen an increase in public art murals over the past several years, and we look to expand the effort.

The mural is proposed for the exterior brick wall of the Annex building, facing First Ave at First Community South. Depending on the resulting design, we will consider painting the rest of the exterior to coordinate with the artwork.

Artists should visit the site to take their own measurements and assess the medium for their mural. No appointments are necessary as the location for the mural is outside. 

The mural design will be sourced from community contest submissions. The resulting submissions will be narrowed down to a few that best depict the themes desired and are the most visually appealing. The church and community will be given the opportunity to vote from the small group of finalists.

Community participation is essential to this project and should be considered in project proposals. The mural will be physically completed in cooperation with the artist and volunteers in the Spring of 2024. Artists should estimate the time required to complete their project when submitting a proposal. The estimated cost of artist time and materials should also be included in proposals, as the church will secure funding for this project through private grants. 

Artists should consider the objective of the mural when creating their design. Submissions should include key images and themes provided on the contest webpage.

If you know any local artists, please pass along the information and encourage them to submit a design. We would especially love to see submissions from artists within the congregation.

Upcoming Ministries 4 Movement March -Sunday, November 5  

Several members of the Racial Equity and Gun Violence Prevention (GVP) ministry teams participate monthly in a march and worship/information session with Family Missionary Baptist Church members and Ministries 4 Movement partners in the South End of Columbus on the first Sunday of each month. First Community is recognized as an official partner of Ministries 4 Movement. We continue to work with this community and other partners for sustainment and new opportunities to contribute to justice causes. If you want to attend this worthwhile event, the next march is on Sunday, November 5, at 3 pm at 996 Oakwood Ave, Columbus. Questions? Email Kristyn Anderson at  

FCC LGBTQ+ Advocacy Group -Thursday, November 16 

Current or interested members of the LGBTQ+ advocacy group are invited to a November 16 meet-up at FC North, in Room 101 at 6:30 pm. This will be a time to talk, have a snack, and consider any projects or ideas that the group would like to work on in the coming months. Please email if you would like to receive email communication about this and upcoming group events. 


Community Justice November Monthly Meeting -Monday, November 20 

Our community justice teams gather on the third Monday of each month. This builds our community as we discuss and plan projects and the overall direction of the Community Justice ministry together. This month's meeting is on Monday, November 20, at 7 pm in Grace Hall. Smaller, specialized meetings around individual projects/events sometimes occur individually. Please email if you would like to receive email communication about this and upcoming events. 


FCC Environmental Justice 

Through the Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio (SWACO), we have an opportunity for a “field trip” to learn more about natural resource conservation, how waste reduction and diversion can have a positive impact on the economy, as well as engineering, regulations, and monitoring of our collective waste materials. This field trip will be a visit to the SWACO owned/operated landfill and will also help us understand how SWACO protects public health. If you are interested in joining such a field trip, please email Kristyn Anderson at The field trip date and time will be determined by the amount of interest. 

Please feel welcome to email Kristyn Anderson ( with any questions regarding our community justice teams.

Akita Coffee Cake is Back!

This original-recipe breakfast treat has been a staple of the Akita dining hall for decades. Order your pre-made coffee cake(s) and enjoy a slice of Camp Akita on Thanksgiving morning! All proceeds benefit the Camp Akita Scholarship Fund.

Here's how it works: · Order your coffee cake(s) on Camp Akita’s website

  • Coffee cakes come in two sizes: 8”x8” for $10 and 9”x13” for $15.
  • Online order deadline is 12 pm (noon) on Monday, November 13.
  • Orders will be made from scratch at Camp Akita by Akita's Head Cook, Matt McCandlish.
  • Pick up your order at First Community North (3777 Dublin Rd.) on November 20-21, 9 am – 5 pm.
  • Take home, reheat, and enjoy!

For questions, email our Columbus Akita Offices or call (614) 488-0681

Camp Akita Cabin Rentals Available

Camp Akita, located in the Hocking Hills near Logan, OH, is the perfect getaway for both weekday and weekend rentals. Accommodations in the Lodge are available for groups up to 96, and rental cabins provide 1-4 bedroom options, sleeping 2 – 11 people. Disconnect from the hustle and bustle of city life and reconnect with nature, relax, and have fun! There are several hiking trails on-site, in addition to many nearby attractions in the Hocking Hills. First Community members receive a weekend cabin rental discount. Visit for more information, email, or leave a message for the Columbus Akita staff at (614) 488-0681 ext 113.

Older Adult Day at Akita

The beautiful color of the fall foliage was the backdrop for Older Adult Day at Camp Akita, held on Tuesday, October 17, 2023. New friends were made, old friends reconnected, and there were even a couple of first-time Akita visitors! With Andy Frick as nature guide, the group was able to traverse a previously inaccessible area cleared to create a pollinator habitat and bring back native flowers, plants, and wildlife to the grounds. We headed out to hunt for hidden objects in the woods to find some of the items campers had left behind. Jim Turner’s puppy, Rudy, joined the fun, running through the fields like there was no tomorrow! While our time out in God’s creation was incredible, Matt McCandlish and the kitchen staff made some of the best cookies any of us have ever had for lunch. We finished our day on Vesper Hill with a special message from Rev. Mary Kate, where personalized prayer notes were passed out to each visitor, handwritten by members of the Older Adult Ministry Team. A good time was had by all, which makes us realize that great life memories can happen at any age!


*More Details to Come*

Rose Calls

Last year, over 100 home visits were made, weaving the web of First Community tighter during the Advent season. Would you or someone you love enjoy a visit this year?

The red rose has been a symbol of caring and blessings at First Community for over 70 years. The First Rose of Advent began with Dr. Roy Burkhart. This Christmas tradition, a symbol of the congregation’s love, continues for our older adults aged 70 and older. Once again, this year, members of the Diaconate and Congregational Care Ministry will make visits and deliver roses to anyone on the Rose Call list during the season of Advent. 

Anyone age 70 or older can be on the list, but you need to let us know! If you or someone you love would like to receive a rose and visit this Advent season, please contact Jane Torbica (, Care Coordinator, at (614) 488-0681 ext. 235.

Dr. John Weigand to

Speak on the Aging Brain

First Community’s Women’s Guild V and the Older Adult Ministry Team have joined together to welcome Dr. John Weigand to First Community to share his wealth of knowledge on the topic of short-term memory loss and other issues related to aging. Please join us in Burkhart Chapel at First Community South on Friday, November 10, 2023, from 9:30-11 am. 

Our guest speaker, Dr. John Weigand, is a gerontologist and the Medical Director at the Ohio Department of Health and the Ohio Department of Aging and an expert in the field of aging. Dr. Weigand has also served as the Chief Medical Officer at National Church Residences. He has received many honors, including the Ohio Commendation Medal presented by Governor Mike DeWine for his effective work on managing COVID-19 responses in Ohio, especially for older adults.

Guild Group RSZ Supports Heart to Heart

On October 9, 20 members of the Women’s Guild Group RSZ met in the Kitchen and Guild Room at South to assemble and complete their “Bean Soup Jar” outreach project. 

Team member organizers Janice Rook, Ginny Culver, Jane Belt, Elaine DiSalvo, and Katy Hill spent countless hours researching, measuring, calculating, gathering, typing, and generally, overall planning for producing dry soup mixes before the actual assembly event.  

At the meeting, the group divided into four teams to fill the Mason jars with a variety of beans, fill small bags with Italian seasonings, cut out fabric circles to trim the lids, and then finally seal the jars with the decorative lids, and attach detailed recipe labels. In little over an hour, the industrious Guild Group members produced 155 jars of fresh dry soup mix that was donated to Heart-to-Heart and will be distributed to the clients served by the Pop-Up Pantry (PUP).  

Women’s Guild Groups frequently create, develop, and produce projects that serve the larger community and the church. If you are interested in joining a Guild group for friendship, support, and service, please contact Nancy Withers at or call her at (614)571-4469. Nancy will help you visit groups if you like and find the group that is right for you.  

Betty O'Neill Election Day Bake Sale

The Betty O’Neill Election Day Bake Sale, sponsored by the Women’s Guild of First Community, is being held at both church locations on November 7, so stop by, enjoy some homemade goodies, and support the many missions of the Women’s Guild! Be sure to vote!


Mexico Mission Trip 2024:

Registration Now Open

Experience a more powerful spring break! This year’s Mexico Mission Trip is March 19 – 27, 2024. The trip is $900 per participant for those who register by December 10. The trip is for high school students, college students, and family members. To learn more, visit our Mexico Mission Trip website.

Join us for an Info Sessions about the trip on Sunday, November 12, at 2 pm at First Community North (Crossroads Room). Learn about the trip, hear stories, and find out how to register.  

Planning to attend the info session? Can't attend, but ant to learn more? Either way, RSVP so we can follow up with you: RSVP for an Info Session. Please contact Rev. Sarah Kientz with questions. Thank you!

Christmas Workshop

Mark your calendar for one of First Community’s favorite long-standing traditions. Christmas Workshop will take place at First Community North on Wednesday, December 13 from 6-7:15 pm. This event is a chance for children to make gifts and Christmas decorations for family and friends. As children grow, learning to thoughtfully give and not just receive at Christmas can enhance their understanding of the spirit of this sacred season and help nurture an awareness of the needs of others.  

Christmas Workshop projects are geared toward elementary-age children, but younger children are welcome if accompanied by a grown-up. Please register for this event by December 8 so we can prepare the right quantity of materials.

Register HERE

ROX Program

Social media has transformed girls' lives. As high schoolers, they report spending an average of six hours a day on social media. Two out of three report that they have been asked to send a revealing photo. It is no wonder that adults are at a loss when it comes to helping girls navigate their social world. Now more than ever, the digital divide between girls and parents is widening. 

Today’s generation of girls have never known a time without social media. As soon as they acquire their first phone, girls receive access to an entire new social and digital world. As a result, the ways in which parents communicate with, relate to, and connect with girls must also evolve. 

No longer can we simply tell girls to “put the phone away” or rely on restricting and monitoring as our sole parenting practices. In this workshop, ROX will share the findings of the first-of-its-kind, groundbreaking research, The Girls' Index, highlighting new insights, compelling data, and strategies to help girls navigate their online experiences. 

Register HERE.

Parents, grandparents, and care givers of any age girl are invited to this event on Thursday, November 2, 2023, from 6-7:30 pm at First Community North in Room 102.

Mary Evans Child Development Center

Now Enrolling 3-5 Year Olds

Wednesday Morning Fellowship Group

Click on any of our offerings for more information or to register.

Connect to the SLLC Website

Give to First Community

Your gift helps us live out our vision to serve the world.

Please consider a gift in memory or an honorarium to the

Church or Foundation.

Click here to securely give online.

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