New Life Church Weekly Update

June 9, 2023

This Sunday: June 11, 2023

8:00 am Praise in the Park, Gilchrist Park

9:15 am Traditional, Sanctuary

10:45 am Contemporary, Life Center

Message: "Them's the Breaks!"

Scripture: Job 19:16-27

Pastor Mike Loomis

New This Week

  • Aslan Update
  • Scam Alert
  • 8 am Service - Moving to the sanctuary, July 9
  • Vacation Bible School
  • Church Library Notes - Men's Books needed!

Aslan Sighting!

Hi, All Y’all! 

Just a quick update on Aslan and how he is doing. 

He continues to grow and is gaining weight...slowly. 90th percentile in height. 5th percentile in weight... Neither of those came from me! April’s dad is tall and slim. For the last few weeks, he has been having some problems keeping his food down. They are experimenting with different formulas to see if that helps. They are seeing some improvement. 

Aslan is behind in some of his skills...crawling, for example, because he has spent so much time in the hospital. He will need some additional therapy to catch up on where a ‘normal’ 7-month-old should be. 

In addition, he has been diagnosed with a lazy eye. Hence, the eye patch in the photo. (We are just going to tell him he is being groomed to be a pirate.) The patch will help strengthen his eye, hopefully avoiding surgery or eventual blindness in that eye. 

Thank you for your love, support, and concern! We ask for continued prayers that Aslan would be able to get the therapies he needs. Also, as always, please pray for Sean and April to get more sleep (his care is still round-the-clock). 

Gratefully yours, 

Mike, Debbie and family

Praise in the Park

Our 8 am Gilchrist Park service, "Praise in the Park" will relocate to the sanctuary beginning Sunday, July 9. We will move back to the park when the summer heat and rainy season have passed!

Vacation Bible School

This past week the church campus was alive with 46 kids ages 3-12 learning about following Jesus. It was a fun week with games, music, Bible lessons, and crafts. Thank you to all the adult and teen leaders who helped make this week possible!

Church Library Notes

We are noticing that our MEN shelf is pretty lean. Currently, we have only five books. This might be something to consider if donating a book.

If you have read a current or classic book you think might be a good title for our church library,

please consider dropping off a book donation. Place any donations in the book return basket

and we will add it to our collection if it fits our material selection policy. Thank you for helping to

build our library.

Recent donations include:

Max Lucado. "In the Grip of Grace" Bible study DVD and study guidebook

Max Lucado "Made for this Moment" Bible Study DVD and study guidebook

Joe Dallas "The Gay Gospel?: How Pro-Gay Advocates Misread the Bible"

Happy Summer Reading. Come visit your church library!

Scam Alert

It has come to our attention that recently some fraudulent calls and texts have been received "appearing" to come from Pastor Mike, asking for gift cards.

PLEASE NOTE: No one from the church will EVER call, text, or email for reasons like these, in this manner.

Operation Christmas Child

The Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Ministry Team will be collecting monetary donations during the months of May & June to help defray the shipping costs for OCC shoeboxes packed during the Church Packing Party (date TBA). Our goal this year is to pack 100 shoeboxes at the party!  The shipping cost per shoebox is $10, so any amount you can give is greatly appreciated!  Please note in the memo line of your check or on your donation envelope: ‘Shoebox Shipping’.  

Thank you & God Bless You for your support of this important ministry mission!

Today Matters - June 17

All are invited to join us Saturday, June 17 at 4 pm in the Life Center for Today Matters. Our guest speaker will be Judge Ginger Lerner-Wren, and you won't want to miss it!

Judge Ginger Lerner-Wren is a county court judge in the Criminal Division of the 17th Judicial Circuit, Broward County, Florida. She is an adjunct professor, Nova Southeastern University, Criminal Justice Institute, Doctoral. Author of A Court of Refuge: Stories from the Bench of America’s First Mental Health Court.

Music Ministry Updates

Greetings Everyone, 

Curious about joining the Chancel Choir? Consider singing with us during the summer months. We won’t be robing, rehearsals will be shorter and we have some great music planned. 

Music Ministry Opportunities:

The Chancel Ringers will resume rehearsals on September 6, 2023, at 6:00 PM. 

The Chancel Choir rehearses on Thursdays at 6:00 PM in the Historic Sanctuary and sings Sundays at the 9:15 AM Service. The Chancel Choir is open to anyone interested – no audition is necessary. 

Please contact me for more information or questions.

Soli Deo Gloria!

David Bellows

Director of Music Ministries

The Music for Sunday – June 11, 2023 – 9:15 AM Service 

Prelude: Prelude on ‘Holy Manna’ – W. Held

Opening Hymn: 47 Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah

Offertory Anthem: Speak, O Lord – M. McDonald

Chancel Choir & David Bellows, Director

Doxology 682 

Closing Hymn: 261 I Know That My Redeemer Lives

Postlude: Grand Choeur in B flat Major – T. Dubois

A Word from Worship

Greetings New Life Church family --


If you happen to stop by the church campus this week, you'll notice large numbers of children of all ages. What a joy to see Fellowship Hall filled with school aged and pre-school kids having lunch. The room was filled with chatter and laughter and filled me with a sense of hope! I saw no tears other than a couple of volunteers who were trying to keep up with the action! Of course I'm kidding but not about the overwhelming sense of hope I experienced.  All these young lives, gathered on our church campus to meet new friends, play games and do craft activities, all while learning about Jesus. I used to think it was just fun and games, because I didn't think they could possibly be learning anything while everything seemed like chaos. Our life is like this at times also.  Things happen that throw us into turmoil or even despair and not too long ago, I would find myself trying to come up with a solution to the problem and had many restless nights wondering why things weren't working out as I was sure they should! How joyful it is to now have hope in our Lord to get us through any situation. We have that hope by reading and learning God's word, just like those children having fun at VBS while hearing stories about Jesus. We think they're not learning things, but as long as we keep sharing the love of Jesus with them, they will learn. I am so grateful for the gift of hope we've been given. Roman's 15:13 tells us; "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Because we can trust in God we can believe in a good outcome in any situation. Then we can be filled with hope as we wait God's answer, response or solution to our needs. His promise turns impatience into expectations and waiting turns into joy. 

Romans 5:5 shares "Hope will never bring us shame. That's because God's love has poured into our hearts.  This happened through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us." I've discovered that it's easy to share this joy of hope by serving others and watching it grow. Please share some extra prayers for Ms.Becca and her Children's Ministry staff and all the volunteers who stand up to serve by sharing the love of Jesus with the children. 

Please watch The Bridge for upcoming events.  Did you see that we're having an all church picnic on the first Sunday in July. There will be one service that Sunday at 10am.... check all details in The Bridge.


I'm praying for you!

Rosie Young

Worship Coordinator

Hospital Visitation, Prayer Available

We want to know when you are having surgery or are in the hospital! We are available to pray with you before surgery and visit you in the hospital, rehab, etc.

Contact us through email: or call/text Pastor Bob, Minister of Pastoral Care (941) 585-9576.

Church Name Tags

When you come to the church campus, please wear your New Life Church name tag. If you do not have a church name tag, you can order one HERE.

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Offering New Life in Jesus Christ, by Seeking, Shaping, and Sending Disciples

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 9 am - 4 pm


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All past issues of The Bridge are available on our website HERE.

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