September 2023 Newsletter

Hello All,

We used to have a nice two-room office upstairs and around the corner from where we are now. It was nice because it’s a quiet building, a block from the square with its coffee shops, restaurants and gazebo, and with a nice view of the county courthouse and clock tower across the street.

We moved into the larger office that we’re in now about 12 years ago because we needed more space. It’s also a nice office in the same building, a five-room suite with four offices circled around a nice entry and central meeting space. It had everything we needed for the five to six people on the office team, and a shipping room to send out books, dvds, and course materials to the growing number of Instructors we had teaching courses. We also had a couple of people working remotely from their homes in other states. The last Friday of each month, after our office meeting all of us here would go across the street to the Italian restaurant for an office lunch. If wine was ordered it usually signaled a shortened workday for all of us ; )

Photos of our former "digs"

Of course, when covid came things quieted down in the office and in general for about six months, then started picking up again. My theory was you can’t keep horse people from going out and spending time with their horses. Since then things have gotten busier than ever, with multiple courses now going on virtually every week and weekend around the country and the world. The office team has doubled (not counting Instructors) since covid. The funny thing is though, now we’re moving back upstairs to the same two-room office we were in 12 years ago! We now have zoom, drop-shipping, and iphones. The office team talks daily with each other from their home offices (sometimes even face-to-face!), and our books and dvds are shipped directly from Trafalgar Square Publishing to the customer. Everyone’s busier than ever. I still get to look out the window and see the courthouse and clock tower, the restaurants and coffee shops are still there, but you may catch me on a Friday afternoon near the end of each month, sitting at a lone table in a corner of the Italian restaurant, staring forlornly into a half-empty glass of red wine, as an occasional tear makes its way down my face and disappears into my bowl of… AH, GET OVER IT! 

New office - same "four-legged" chairs!

But you have to wonder, are zoom, iphones, and drop-shipping taking over the world? Maybe, maybe not. But we're fortunate to be in a business where we have horses and the people who own them to keep us grounded and reminded of what’s real in life. 

Well, that’s the news this month, the office move and technical upgrades. I’ll drop this into google drive, email a link to Natalie, text her a reminder so she can finish her part and upload it to constant contact, and we can zoom tomorrow if she has any questions. Easy-peasy! Then I may go sit on the back porch and have a glass of wine.

Until next time, like me,

Enjoy your horses!


Bladder Meridian Technique Challenge

Sept. 26th is Jim Masterson's birthday and we thought -

what could be the best possible present?

The answer is obvious: to have all horses (and now dogs) in the world experience the Bladder Meridian Technique at least once in their lifetime!

So today we are starting the

2023 Bladder Meridian Challenge and this year the goal is to reach as many horses and dogs between now and Jim's birthday (Sept 26) with this simple, yet profound technique that allows both species to release tension and deeply connect with their humans.

In the past Bladder Meridian Challenge, 500 horses in 16 countries benefited from the Bladder Meridian Technique with YOUR help! Help us expand our reach this year! Do you think we can help 1000 horses AND dogs release tension by September 26th to make it the best birthday present ever?

Share with us your photos, videos and/or testimonials showing the Bladder Meridian Technique with your horse and/or dog by email at, or social media (please use the hashtag #BladderMeridianMagic).

Let’s make this dream come true!

Keep us informed of your Bladder Meridian Technique Successes!


Social Media: #BladderMeridianMagic, #BladderMeridianTechnique  

September in Las Vegas

MMCP Anita Chang-Vigo had the casinos beat for fun at her Las Vegas Weekend Seminar. But shhhh....remember, what happens in Vegas - STAYS in Vegas!

Dog Books Arriving!

We received this message the day we sent the August Newsletter...

Good afternoon! I read this message this morning and I’m very happy to report that my copy of Beyond Dog Massage was waiting for me when I got home. I’m attaching a photo, slightly blurry with excitement. Desmond, Honeyboy, and I are beyond delighted to embark upon this together!

Thank you so much! With all best wishes, Mandy

Masterson Method Equine Specialist (MMES) Program News

MMES crosses the pond...

Looking for an International MMES course? Well we've got one scheduled in February in the UK! Don't miss out on this great opportunity to help the horses that help us.

February 10-12, 2024 New Forest, UK

Photos from a recent MMES Seminar

Enjoy these photos from a recent MMES Seminar taught by Megan Dushin, MMCP, MMES at Renew Therapeutic Riding Center in Holland, Michigan.

The Master-syawn Method!

This one's a wrap!

Upcoming PATH Int'l Presentation

Lise Lunde, MMCP, MMES, and Katie Fallon, MMES, will present at PATH Int'l Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina. Their presentation, "Ways to Use Equine Bodywork in Your Program to Benefit Horses and Humans", will be given October 27th. Check out the PATH Int'l Conference Page for more info.

About the Masterson Method Equine Specialist Program

The Masterson Method Equine Specialist specializes in sharing specific light touch Masterson Method techniques with persons served in equine-assisted learning and therapy programs. By doing this bodywork on horses, participants deepen their connection with horses while also gaining self-awareness and self-regulation skills; meanwhile, therapy horses are tended to through simple bodywork and learn a new way of relating to people. It's a win/win!


Questions?  Visit the Masterson Method Equine Specialist Page or contact the Program Coordinator at

Host Barn Recognition - Infinity Farm

Over the years, we have enjoyed recognizing hosts that go above and beyond to open their barn doors for multiple seminars. We appreciate returning to barns where we have made new human and horse friends. Thank you!

At Infinity Farm we offer full care, self care, and field board. In addition to boarding, the barn manager is also a full time horse trainer; offering training and lessons to boarders. We welcome every discipline, all breeds, and love geldings and mares! We strive to have a family friendly environment and encourage clinics being hosted for our boarders and community to enjoy. We put the horses' needs first and try to create an affordable yet exceptional facility. All of our boarding information for Infinity Farm can be found on Facebook under the manager's horse training page; Buckin' H Horsemanship. 

Hosting Masterson clinics at Infinity has given our boarders the opportunity to have their horses get amazing body work for free and helps continue their education on new things they can utilize in the industry. Holly

Holly Pate from Infinity Farm and Alice Long, MMCP, MMES

Pet Friends on Social Media

Cameras are everywhere - and so is Masterson Method® Social Media!

Michele sent us a this message:

Hey. I had to let you know the dog and horse in the Masterson Method Facebook and Instagram ads (pictured here) are my friend's pets. 

So FUN to see them on your pages!

August 31, 2023

Will you and your pet friends be next?

Bladder Meridian Technique Photos

And just for good measure - a bit more Bladder Meridian Technique Inspiration!


Social Media: #BladderMeridianMagic, #BladderMeridianTechnique  

The Good Ol' Days!

Good old days when regular office team “hoof trimming” was part of the job.

Newly Certified Practitioners
Need help for your horse? Find a Masterson Method Certified Practitioner (MMCP) near you. Our Certified Practitioners are dedicated equine professionals who have acquired highly attuned skills in partnering with the horse to release tension and increase range of motion, thereby restoring healthy posture and performance. Add an MMCP to your horse’s wellness team by visiting the Masterson Method Website to find the closest practitioner to you.
You will find New Practitioners listed here as well as a few who are updating their information. Let us know if you need help finding an MMCP in your area.

Katrina Hays, MMCP

Bend, Oregon

“Love is sustained, compassionate attention.” John Muir Laws, Naturalist & Visual Artist

A horse person since the get-go, Katrina took a few years off from the horse world to be an actor, opera singer, white-water river guide, writer, and editor before rediscovering her passion for equines in 2021. 

She stumbled across the Masterson Method® on MMCP Crissi McDonald’s website, and realized immediately the Masterson Techniques and process offered something potent and important in terms of how humans relate to equids—something she had yearned for in terms of grounded presence, kindness, and two-way communication. 

Helping horses enter into states of greater well-being and comfort in their bodies, and helping people listen to and connect with their horses is a passion for Katrina. The sustained, compassionate attention the Masterson Method offers is a way to improve the lives of the beings who give us so much. 

Katrina offers Masterson Method interactive demos, and works on equines in the Central Oregon region. She is a volunteer with Healing Reins, an equine-assisted therapy organization in Bend, Oregon, and is deep in the delightful process of learning to become a better rider by means of studying dressage.

Phone: 541-815-9568



Cassady Swan Jurasevich, MMCP

Eugene, Oregon

It has always been my dream to work with animals and after seeing such a positive change in my horse when he received bodywork, I knew this was what I was meant to do. Our horses do so much for us and it is an honor to be able to give them the love and care they deserve.

I especially enjoy listening to the horse and working with them to release tension, increase range of motion, and rediscover their center.

I am based out of Eugene, Oregon, but happy to travel to help you and your horse!

Phone: 541-844-6814


Mary Patzke, MMCP

Milwaukee, Wisconsin and

Naples, Florida

Horses and little girls – my parents always thought I would grow out of the first love of my life, but it never happened! While we could never afford a horse (and my arguments that we could keep a horse in the garage fell on deaf ears), I never stopped looking for ways to be around horses and ride them. Circumstances ended my riding days, but not my love for these magnificent animals. When I retired, I knew that my “real” job needed to be something special that allowed me not only to continue to interact with horses, but to be with them on a deeper level. That was when I found the Masterson Method® and began my journey to learn all I could about equine bodywork, such as how to recognize a horse’s restriction and help relieve it. It wasn’t an easy journey, but it was a fulfilling one.

I’ve learned to have confidence in my abilities and trust the horse to tell me what it needs. Hopefully, I can also earn the trust in my abilities by the horse’s owner for whom the animal is their pride and joy. I look forward to working with your horse and gaining its trust and yours. My goal is to help your horse be the best it can be whether for pleasure, work or competition.

During late spring, summer and early fall months, I’m located in the greater Milwaukee, Wisconsin area and during the rest of the year I can be found in Naples, Florida.

Phone: 414-840-1365


Sally Herring, MMCP

Birmingham, Alabama

Like many five-year-old girls, at the first “nuzzle from a muzzle,” a part of my heart forever ‘became equine.’ Those first loves plant deeply in our souls. While life moved fast with careers outside of the horse world, in each season I knew rest existed in the company of these majestic animals. After my beloved husband died in 2019, God nudged me back to the barn in a serious way. Within minutes of seeing a practitioner work on my wonderful OTTB, I was hooked on the Masterson Method® as a perfect fit for me.

Having been trained as an observer in three professions, I immediately resonated to the extensive and demanding training required to become an MMCP, and then to the Masterson dance: Inquire, observe, and follow the horse’s signals to find and ‘oh so gently’ address stored tension, restrictions, and problematic muscle memories. In this dance, the horse leads (distinguishing this bodywork modality from others), by guiding me to its needs through the tiniest of physical clues and responses to interventions. Masterson Method® techniques allow me gently into the horse’s realm, where, for example, a slight adjustment in hand width or finger pressure on the cervical spine can unlock restrictions set in for years. As clients say in amazement, “That’s incredible!” 

My business name, “CloudNine-Equine,” catches the experience precisely.  I’m blessed each time that I interact with a horse via Masterson!

I also have a thorough-going respect for wonderful owners who want the best for their horses, whether it’s working on a performance issue, or a mystery lameness, or simply a ‘spa day of feel goods’ for a 4-legged buddy. What you have to say matters to me. I’m a trained listener, to people as well as horses.

Let’s talk about your buddy or your herd. What are you seeing and feeling, and how can we investigate then apply the Masterson Method® for terrific outcomes? I look forward to talking with you.

Phone: 205-862-0253


Course Testimonials

Interested in taking a course? Here are a few testimonials that might convince you!

You will learn so much about horses, as well as learn about yourself. It was humbling how tense I can be in an instant, and how much the horses will match that energy. This has completely changed my outlook on how to approach, train, and ride my horses.

(Weekend Seminar)

If you want to deepen your understanding of the MM and its deeper impact on the horses, then this is the course to take. I thought I understood the MM after the weekend seminar but after the 5 day new techniques, my proficiency and the benefit to the horses was significantly improved.

(Advanced 5-Day Course)

Taking this course has opened my eyes to a whole new world of helping our therapy horses. I highly recommend all programs big and small to have someone in their barn trained in Masterson Method®. We ask so much of our 4 legged partners and it's a gift we can give back to them. 

(MMES Seminar)

Weekend Seminar-Workshop Schedule

* If the course you had your heart set on is sold out, please email to be added to the waiting list. 

If you'd like to host your own weekend (and earn a free spot) please email

Worried about COVID19? Read our COVID precautions and info here:

COVID19 Precautions

USA 2023 Courses

September 23-24 Houston, TX

September 30-October 1

Norton Shores, MI

October 7-8 McHenry, IL

October 7-8 Lyons, GA

October 7-8 Fort Collins, CO

October 14-15 Longmont, CO

October 14-15 Salado, TX

October 14-15 Thompson's Station, TN

October 14-15 Pipersville, PA

October 14-15 Fort Wayne, IN

October 19-20 Twin Buttes, ND

(Thursday-Friday course)

October 21-22 Knoxville, IA

October 21-22 Fayette, MO

October 21-22 Lothian, MD

October 27-28 Cleveland, NC

(Friday-Saturday course)

October 28-29 Freeville, NY

October 28-29 Litchfield, ME

October 28-29 Perryville, AR

November 4-5 Kalispell, MT

November 4-5 West Fulton, NY

November 11-12 Youngsville, NC

November 11-12 Benton, MO

December 2-3 Ceres, CA

December 2-3 Ooltewah, TN

December 9-10 Tucson, AZ

USA 2024 Courses

January 13-14 Sherwood, OR

January 20-21 Perryville, MO

January 28-29 Wellington, FL

February 17-18 Ocala, FL

February 24-25 Watsonville, CA

April 14-15 Koloa, HI

May 18-19 Hudsonville, MI

June 1-2 Dexter, MI

Canada 2023 Courses

September 23-24 Paquetville, NB

(in French)

September 30-October 1 Calgary, AB

September 30-October 1 Millgrove, ON

October 8-9 Richmond, QC

(in French)

October 14-15 Kelowna, BC

October 21-22 Langley, BC 

October 21-22 Saint-Charles-sur-Richelieu, QC (in French)

October 21-22 Amaranth, ON

Canada 2024 Courses

March 30-31 Calgary, AB

May 4-5 Arnprior, ON

June 1-2 Puslinch, ON

June 15-16 Calgary, AB

Asia 2023 Courses

October 28-29 Chiba, Japan

Australia & New Zealand 2023 Courses

September 23-24 Dunedin, NZ

September 25-26 Dunedin, NZ

October 20-21 Victoria, AU

Australia & New Zealand 2024 Courses

March 23-24 Elimbah, AU

European 2023 Courses

September 23-24 Orcemont, FR

(in French)

September 23-24 Aẞlar-Oberlemp, DE

(in German)

October 7-8 Brañany, Czech Republic

(in Czech)

October 7-8 Terradelles, Spain

October 14-15 Rzęszyce, Poland

(in Polish)

October 21-22 Vorden, NL

(in Dutch)

October 21-22 Frickingen, DE

(in German)

October 21-22 Pompignan, FR

(in French)

October 28-29 Emkendorf, DE

(in German)

November 11-12 Szajk, Hungary

(in English w/ Hungarian translation)

European 2024 Courses

February 17-18 Poppel, Belgium

(in Dutch)

March 9-10 Swansea, UK

March 16-17 Oberhausen, Austria

(in German with English translation)

March 23-24 Krupá, Czech Republic

(in Czech)

March 23-24 Uddel, NL

(in Dutch)

May 18-19 Pardubickỳ kraj, Czech Republic (in Czech)

June 8-9 Graz, Austria

(in German with English translation)

June 15-16 Ratnovce, Slovakia

(in Czech)

July 6-7 Bedum, NL

(in Dutch)

Middle East 2023 Courses

November 6-7 Hibbat Zion, Israel

(Mon-Tues course)

South Africa 2023 Courses

(check back for upcoming courses)

Advanced 5-Day Course Schedule

USA 2023 Advanced Courses

September 18-22 Watsonville, CA with Sandy Vreeburg

September 25-29 Ooltewah, TN with Kathy Tow

October 2-6 Coatesville, IN with Coralie Hughes

October 9-13 Callaway, MD with Khrystynna Hunsinger

October 23-27 Tucson, AZ with Vanessa Helvey

November 6-10 Austin, TX with Becky Tenges

November 27-December 1 Youngsville, NC with Khrystynna Hunsinger

December 4-8 Las Vegas, NV with Sandy Vreeburg

USA 2024 Advanced Courses

January 8-12 Tucson, AZ with Vanessa Helvey

March 18-22 Watsonville, CA with Sandy Vreeburg

European 2023/2024 Advanced Courses

September 18-22 New Milton, Hampshire, UK with Vicky Devlin

October 4-8 Konstanz, DE with Silvia Hamm (in German)

October 16-20 Egestorf, DE with Walter Saxe (in German)

April 17-21, 2024 Schalkhaar, NL with Masja Fick (in Dutch)

Canada 2024 Advanced Courses

May 6-10 Cobourg, ON with Lori Hoppe

August 19-23 Calgary, AB with Lori Hoppe

September 2-6 Sherbrooke, QC with Sylvie Vallières

(in French with English materials)

Australia & New Zealand 2023 Courses

October 23-27 Elimbah, QLD, AU with Vicky Devlin

November 24-28 Rotorua, NZ with Nadine Vollmerg

South Africa 2023 Courses

(Check back for upcoming Advanced 5-day Courses)

Masterson Method Light to the Core Schedule

USA 2023/2024 Courses

September 23-24 Vass, NC

October 29-30 West Linn, OR

November 4-5 Kanab, UT

November 13-14 Lakewood, CA

December 2-3 Vass, NC

February 10-11 Wellington, FL

June 22-23 Victor, ID

European 2023/2024 Courses

(check back for upcoming courses)

Canada 2023/2024 Courses

October 14-15 Campbellcroft, ON

April 20-21 Calgary, AB 

May 4-5 Rockwood, ON

May 25-26 Campbellcroft, ON

June 8-9 Ascot Corner, QC

(in French)

Masterson Method Equine Specialist Schedule

USA 2023/2024 Courses

September 29-October 1 Coatesville, PA

October 6-8 Great Falls, VA

November 10-12 Sonoita, AZ

March 22-24 Richmond, IL

April 5-7 Leesburg, VA

May 17-19 Montrose, CO

May 31-June 2 Suttons Bay, MI

May 31-June 2 Cicero, IN

European 2024 Courses

February 10-12 New Forest, UK

Masterson Method Collaborative Clinics

USA 2023 Collaborative Clinics

October 20-22 Arroyo Grande, California Your Horse’s Brain: Arroyo Grande, CA October 20-22, 2023

October 23-25 Arroyo Grande, California Considering The Horse: Mind And Body, Arroyo Grande, CA October 23-25, 2023 with Jim Masterson, Mark Rashid and Dianne Adel

Masterson Method Expos and Demos

USA and European 2023 Expos & Demos

November 9-12 W. Springfield, Massachusetts Masterson Method® Demo with Jim Masterson

MMCP Demonstrations

September 23 Hastings, Minnesota Masterson Method® Demo with Megan Dushin

September 23 Quakertown, Pennsylvania Masterson Method® Demo with Erica Rothstein

September 23 Bend, Oregon Masterson Method® Demo with Katrina Hays

October 1 Davis, California Masterson Method® Demo with Mimi Duffy

October 14 Davis, California Masterson Method® Demo with Loni Langdon

October 14 Nipomo, California Masterson Method® Demo with Anita Parra

October 21 Breitried, Switzerland Masterson Method® Demo With Brigitte Bisig

November 10-12 Seneca, North Carolina Masterson Method® Demo with Bridget Johnson

Absorbine Proud Partners
"Absorbine’s relationship with The Masterson Method® is a natural fit. Jim’s breakthrough but simple concepts are all focused on helping the horse to relieve tension, feel more comfortable and improve their relationships with owners and handlers.” 

~ Amy Cairy, Director of Marketing,
W. F. Young, manufacturers of Absorbine products

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