New 2023/2024 Athletic Pass:
The athletic department is excited to offer a 2023/2024 Athletic Pass for entrance into all regular season home athletic events this school year. The cost of the pass is $100, this includes all processing and transaction fees so your total at checkout will not be more.
The pass is only sold for individuals and for the entire year, at this time we do not have passes for each sport season. This is completely optional, we know for some the cost might outweigh the convenience of having a pass and we will still be accepting cash at the gate for all events. The pass will not be accepted at tournaments and please remember it is only good for contests at St. George. You can purchase the pass using this link:
23/24 St. George Athletic Home Pass
Cross Country:
The cross country team is looking forward to participating in their first official meet this Saturday, September 2 at Highland Road Park. Our girls will run the two-mile course at 10 am followed by the boys at 10:30 am. Meets are FREE to attend - please come out and support our Dragons!
Girls Basketball:
Our 6th, 7th and 8th grade girls will start their season at home playing in jamboree games.
The schedule is as follows:
Wednesday, 9/6
- 5:45 6th vs St. Alphonsus
- 6:30 7th vs St. Alphonsus
- 7:30 8th vs St. Alphonsus
The full schedule for all teams should be out by the end of the weekend so please be on the lookout for that!
Our teams are all practicing hard and starting to participate in some scrimmages. Mark your calendars for our first home game day on Sunday, 9/17 when you can come out and see all 4 of our teams in action!
Fall Sports Registration:
If you have not completed the online registration for football, girls basketball, cross country and/or swim please use the link below to do so.
Registration needs to be completed by Friday, September 1.
2023 Fall Sports Registration