Proven Partner

Conservation Connection

Hello Mike,

Appreciating Water & Wastewater Workers

by Water Quality Specialist Dan Haug

I’ve had the privilege of knowing workers who ensure water is clean enough to drink, wastewater doesn’t contaminate rivers, and storm sewers drain without causing flooding or pollution.

3 Minute Read

Let your neighbors know you're "Leaving the Leaves for Butterflies and Bees" and doing your part to improve pollinator survival throughout Iowa's fall and winter. Call Office Manager Carman Rosburg to get your sign before they're gone. (515) 232-0048

The Magic of Monarchs

by Pollinator Conservation Specialist Jessica Butters

Last weekend Prairie Rivers of Iowa hosted Monarch Magic, an activity-filled monarch tagging event. At least 100 families and groups collectively tagged 146 monarch butterflies! Many had never experienced holding and tagging a monarch.

4 Minute Read

Pollinator of the Month

The Monarch

by Pollinator Conservation Specialist Jessica Butters

While their populations are threatened, monarchs are truly incredible insects! For us, seeing migrating monarchs and tagging a few is a magical experience. However, migration is an arduous journey for monarch butterflies, which lends them some interesting traits!

CWA Fact #37: Wisconsin's Phosphorus Multi-Discharger Variance

CWA Fact #37: Wisconsin's Phosphorus Multi-Discharger Variance

by Water Quality Specialist Dan Haug

Wisconsin set numeric criteria for phosphorus in lakes and rivers but also introduced a variance to give wastewater treatment plants time and flexibility in meeting the stricter effluent limits that go with it.

Fact #37  90 Second Video

Story County Water Quality Monitoring Update

by Water Quality Specialist Dan Haug

Prairie Rivers of Iowa and its partners are starting a fourth year of monitoring in streams around Story County. Updated through August.

Full Monthly Update With Detailed Data Here

Byway Buzz

Iowa Valley Scenic Byway Featured Community: Amana Colonies

The Amana Colonies is world famous for its unique history and cultural heritage. It is just as relevant to the young and old today as it was in yesteryear. As the Colonies say, "Once you understand our past you will better enjoy our present."

Tips from the locals for the best things to do in the colonies!

Harrison County Welcome Center and Historic Village

by PR & Marketing Coordinator Mike Kellner and Lincoln Highway National Heritage Byway Coordinator Jeanie Hau

Owned and operated by Harrison County Conservation, the center is on a unique five-mile stretch where three of Iowa’s Scenic and Heritage Byways coexist.

2 Minute Read

Watershed and Wildlife Events

Fall Water Quality Monitoring Snapshot

Tuesday, September 19, 2023, Sunrise to Sunset

Once again, we will be coordinating a Story County water quality snapshot in partnership with Polk County Conservation to get even more streams tested on the same day. This year we are pushing to make it a statewide event, Click Here for the Full Details.

Ames EcoFair

Saturday, September 30th

9 am - 1 pm

City Hall, 515 Clark Ave., Ames, IA

A sustainability-themed EcoFair featuring booths, vendors, activities and displays. Visit the PRI tables to learn more about our efforts to improve water quality and pollinator habitat. Event details here.

IStorm 2023

November 1 and 2, 2023 - Early Registration ends 9/15

Stormwater Conference and Exhibition

Expert presentations on the latest advancements in stormwater management. Event details here.

Byway Events

Promise Road - Lincoln Highway Heritage Byway Traveling Exhibit

Now through September 28th

Harrison County Historical Village Welcome Center, Missouri Valley, IA

Promise Road tells the story of how the Lincoln Highway knit together the nation in the early days of the automobile.

Lincoln Highway Art Festival

September 23rd -  Main Street District - Mount Vernon

Artisans showcase jewelry, paintings, pottery, sculptures, music and dance. Kids activities & food! Visit the Mount Vernon Arts Council event for details.

Apelfest September, 16th

This festival is dedicated to America's favorite fruit! Details Here

58th Anniversary of Oktoberfest Sept. 29th - Oct. 1st

Enjoy beer, live music, games, and German food! 

Visit here for all the festival details and tickets!

Our Wish List

A fun and unique way to support our work is to contribute to our Wish List. Your special gift helps us obtain the critical supplies and equipment we need to battle issues facing pollinators and water quality in Iowa and educate and advocate for historic properties and communities along the Lincoln Highway National Heritage and Iowa Valley Scenic Byways in Iowa. Current Wish List Needs: New or used laptop computer with HDMI output/s, onboard camera, and microphone. Wi-Fi 6 extender.

Yes I'd Like to Give to the PRI Wish List

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Prairie Rivers of Iowa is a federal 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization uniquely focused on conserving natural and cultural resources.

We rely in part on the generosity of our supporters. 

Your tax-deductible gift is much appreciated!

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Please contact PR and Marketing Coordinator and Newsletter Editor Mike Kellner