St. Stephen's in-the-Field Episcopal Church
FRIDAY JOURNAL , October 20th, 2023
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We the people of Saint Stephen's in-the Field
Seek to know Christ, to share Christ, and to serve Christ,
recognizing his presence in all people, and reaching out in love
to each other and to the world around us.
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Worship This Sunday:
Sunday, October 20th,
10:00am - Morning Prayer, RITE II
St. Stephen’s has an in-person worship service every Sunday at 10am. We alternate between Morning Prayer and Holy Eucharist. We are not live-streaming Morning Prayer services at this time. All Holy Eucharist services are live streamed. Links to the bulletin and Youtube video are provided for all Holy Eucharist services.
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Dear Friends,
We often think of prayer as words we say to talk to God. If you’re like me, sometimes the words are hard to come by and I feel all ‘prayed-out’. Prayers for the Israel-Hamas war have turned into deep sighs. I suspect that’s enough for God. God knows our hearts. But I long for words and when I’m all out of them, I go to prayers written by others.
Here’s one I found this week, written by Bishop Deon K. Johnson:
Pray for the end of hostilities and bloodshed in a land made sacred by the presence of prophets, poets, and priests.
Pray for the protection of the most vulnerable on both sides in Israel and Gaza, and pray for recommitment to a lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians.
Pray that God might grant comfort to the afflicted, healing to the broken, strength to the weak, and courage to those in authority to lay down the instruments of violence and destruction and study war no more. Amen.
And then, this morning, I found this written by Bishop Steven Charleston:
“I wish I could do more. So much of my spiritual life is haunted by that feeling. I feel helpless against the great disasters of my age. I feel inadequate when confronted with the scope of human need. I want to help and try to help, but I always wish I could do more. That’s when I reach out to the Spirit – the power that can do infinitely more than I will ever be able to imagine. I do not have to do it all. I only have to do my part the best I can.”
I am so thankful that I am not alone – in my thoughts, my efforts, my frustrations, my hope, and my prayers. I hope you know that you’re not alone either.
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Diocesan Newsletter
Read about what’s going on in the diocese! Click below to subscribe to the diocesan newsletter that is emailed every two weeks.
Our Stewardship Campaign theme this year is “Rooted in Abundance”. You’ll be hearing more about that in the days to come. For now, here’s a reflection question worth your pondering:
Imagine you have a fruit tree in your garden or yard.
Assuming you don’t keep all the fruit for yourself, how would you handle an abundance of fruit?
Within the metaphor of stewardship, would you give away the best fruit, picked fresh? The fruit that falls to the ground but is still good? Or the leftovers after you have picked what you wanted?
Join Education For Ministry - EfM
Please consider joining EfM! Education for Ministry (EfM) is a life-changing and unique college-level program in theological education based on small-group study and practice. Weekly seminars are designed to prepare lay persons to live out by word and deed the promises made at baptism: to love God, serve Christ, and proclaim the Gospel. EfM seminars take place online during the pandemic.
More about EfM:
If you are interested in joining EfM, please contact the ECR Diocesan Coordinator, Katy Dickinson:
Weekly Wednesday Bible Study
11:00am, at St. John’s
Learn about the Book of Revelation!
The last book of the Bible is more than a foretelling of doom. Come and explore what it's all about! Books are $20 ea. See Rev. Karen if you're interested.
| Updates and opportunities! |
We have space available to rent. If you know of any non-profit agencies or schools that need a space, let them know that St. Stephen’s has space.
While it’s nice to have the flexibility to use the space ourselves, we need the income and so hope to find a new renter.
Our church, parish hall, and our beautiful grounds, including the labyrinth are all great venues like for a variety of special events like receptions, birthday parties, quinceaneras, etc. Please encourage friends to consider St. Stephen’s as a venue for their special event!
To reserve a space or ask question, contact the office, or click on the link on our website
Spread the word and pray for St. Stephen’s!
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- Sunday, October 22nd, Morning Prayer, 10:00am
- Sunday, October 29th, Holy Eucharist, 10:00am
- Sunday, November 5th, Morning Prayer, 10:00am
- Sunday, November 12th, Holy Eucharist, 10:00am
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I thought about writing
about the red nearly-
blooming flowers around
the Ahli Arab Hospital in
Gaza, whose almost
blooms I photographed
in 2016. Or the way the
only flowers I saw at
St. Porphyrius were
laid on his reliquary,
green and purple amongst
the gold and gilt. But, really,
it’s not flowers raining death
down on Gaza, and I’d feel
stupid pretending they were.
— Jessica Dickinson Goodman
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“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.”
-C.S. Lewis
-Suzanne for playing piano for our services.
-Jill for recording our services.
-Andy for the pumpkin coffee hour.
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Contact Information for Rev. Karen.
Please use this new number to contact Rev. Karen for calls or texts:
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Prayer is one of those things we often think about, might feel inadequate about, believe in but might be unsure how to proceed. How we pray is sometimes unique to each of us. The Church provides help in many ways. If you find yourself in need, of any kind (emotional, physical, spiritual, guidance, etc) consider how St. Stephen's can support you:
* there is a prayer chain of committed pray-ers (who maintain confidentiality).
* tell people about your answers to prayer! and the miracles you witness, or how prayer changes YOU.
Please submit prayer requests to Rev. Karen.
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Contact information for Rev. Karen: |
Email her at:
For emergencies or urgent matters, call: 408-781-1826
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Editor's Note
Have an announcement?
Please send any announcements or articles you want to have included, to:, by Thursday, 10am each week.
Kristen van der Molen
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St. Stephen's in-the-Field Episcopal Church
7269 Santa Teresa Blvd; San Jose, CA 95139
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