Connecting the UCSF cancer community with education, mentoring, and career development across all trainee levels.

Featured Career Development Opportunities

Emerging Cancer Scholars Speaker Exchange Program

Applications due Nov. 5

Designed to give early career faculty invited speaker opportunities at peer cancer centers. Open to Assistant Professors who are HDFCCC members. More info/register

Drug Discovery and Development

October 27, 8am - 4pm

Open to faculty, postdocs, and fellows. This team-based simulation will teach participants the process and challenges of brining a new chemical entity from the idea stage through FDA approval. Space is limited, please apply early. More info/apply.

Upcoming Career Development Opportunities

Time Management for Postdocs

Oct. 11, 1pm - 2pm

Part of the HDFCCC Postdoc Professional Development Series and co-hosted by the Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education. This workshop will cover basic principles and real-life examples of time management techniques to help you in your day-to-day work. Open to all HDFCCC Postdocs. More info/register

Postdoc Travel Grants

Applications Due Oct. 5

Open to Postdocs in HDFCCC faculty labs who are conducting any type of cancer research. Four grants will be awarded, up to $1500 each. More info/apply

Computational Cancer

Boot Camp

Applications due Sept. 22

Hosted by the HDFCCC Computational Biology and Informatics Shared Resource. The Boot Camp will introduce attendees to ideas in computational cancer including bioinformatics, computational biology, statistics and teach the R language.

Open to all trainees. More info/apply

Physician Scientist Program in Clinical Oncology Seminars Thursdays 2pm-4pm

Oct. 12 - What is an NCI Designated Cancer Center & How Does it Advance Cancer Research

Nov. 9 - Informed Consent and Clinical Trial Ethics

Nov. 16 - Types of Trials and Sponsors and General Activation Process


Open to fellows and early career faculty

Cancer Research Showcase

Sept. 26, 4pm-6:30pm (Parnassus)

Sept. 27, 4pm-7pm (Mission Bay)

Designed to introduce the vibrant cancer research community at UCSF to students across the PhD and MD/PhD programs. Followed by a reception with pizza and beverages. For more information, including a list of presenters, and to register, click here. Open to all members of the UCSF community.

Population Research Resources & Expertise

Oct. 12, 9am - 12pm

This workshop aims to equip participants with knowledge on accessing and utilizing cancer registry data, EHR data, and neighborhood data for cancer research and health studies. Open to entire UCSF community. More info/register

F Grant Writing Workshop

October 2023 - March 2024

Meets 1-2 times/month to review the "score-driving" sections of the F grant application, create drafts and receive reviews. Open to grad students and postdocs.

More info/apply.

GloCal Global Health Fellowship

Supports a 12-month, mentored research fellowship for investigators interested in studying diseases and conditions in development countries. Open to US doctoral students, postdocs, & professional students.

More info/apply

Cancer Control Program Retreat

Sept. 26, 12:30pm -5pm

The goal of the HDFCCC Cancer Control Program is to use a multi-disciplinary team approach to understand and intervene on the structural and social determinants of cancer.

Keynote speaker: Gary Ellison, PhD, MPH Deputy Director, Division of Cancer Control and Population Science (DCCPS) at the NCI

Presentations by Kim Rhoads, MD, MPH, Director, HDFCCC Office of Community Engagement and others.

Open to all trainees and faculty. Registration

Click here for more career development resources and training
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