Special News for Indian Country: Tribal Consultation on President Biden’s FY 2025 Budget

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) will host a virtual Tribal consultation on the President’s FY 2025 Budget request to Congress on September 27, 2023, from 1:00 – 4:00 PM ET. You can register to participate in this consultation session using this link

Even though the consultation is not for nearly a month, the written comment window is now officially open and closes two days after the consultation session on September 29, 2023. Written comments should be submitted to tribalconsultation@omb.eop.gov.

The President’s Budget indicates to Congress how it would like to organize and operate the Executive Branch to accomplish its governance missions. The President’s Budget also makes authorizing policy, revenue, and spending suggestions to Congress that it views as consistent with its operational mission.  

In the very near future, federal agencies will submit their proposed 2025 budgets to OMB as part of “September Submission.” During this period, OMB is reviewing agency budget submissions for consistency with the President’s budget and policy mission. Sometime in November, OMB will provide directives for any edits the President and OMB require to agency budgets to remain consistent with their instruction, known as “Passback.” 

This consultation is timed to take place right after agencies have submitted their budgets to OMB, and before OMB gives the agency any directives for changes. The timing allows for Tribal leaders to provide meaningful input to OMB that is concurrent with federal agency submissions and entirely tribally-driven. Framing recommendations in terms of the Administration’s goal it achieves will be influential with this federal audience.

If you have any questions, you can contact Tyler Scribner, Esq., NIHB Director of Budget and Appropriations, at tscribner@nihb.org or Caitrin Shuy, MSc, NIHB Government Relations Director, at cshuy@nihb.org

National Indian Health Board | www.nihb.org | 202-507-4070

For media inquiries, contact Janee Andrews at njohnson@nihb.org

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