Listen, watch or read the news and it's easy to feel a little uncomfortable. AI, Ukraine, inflation, the Fed, China, rising sea levels, and it goes on and on. As we learned early on in the news business from which I came "bad news" gains more shares than positive.
If it bleeds it leads.
How's the comfort level? Ready to open a new business, take a risk, you know be your own boss, say no to the "man", even an emphatic "no"?
Taking the risk, you strike out on your own undaunted by the naysayers and gloom mongers. We all live in a risk reward world. But you're different, you see the glass half full not half empty. Determination, hard work and honesty combined with your "better mousetrap" can work. Can't it? It's a risk, one you're willing to take. There are no guarantees but that doesn't mean you throw caution to the wind.
Build your support mechanism to help you. Learn your craft, find your differentiator, that something special that makes you unique and follow a plan. And give the plan a chance to work. Many great ideas or businesses have failed because they were never given a chance to succeed.
One fundamental tool to help you reduce risk is to join a business focused membership organization: your local chamber. Simple idea that has passed muster for hundreds of years: we are stronger together than we are alone. The Chamber connects you with other like-minded risk takers, creating a support system which can reduce risk.
Hype or real? From where I sit it's reality. I can rattle off a litany of actionable and factual examples of the benefits of membership in the Greater Escondido Chamber of Commerce.
I am not talking hyperbole; I'm talking about the real impact your Chamber membership provides to the business community.
Want examples? Contact the Chamber and we'll provide you with examples and testimonials from members.
Your Chamber membership is an investment in you and your business, it's a proven tool to help you reduce the risk.
Turn off the news. Better yet, make your own positive news.
Cheers, JR