October 27 2023 Front and Center

Getting to know the ITBS project

Imagine if Idaho schools could implement strategies to help all students succeed. It’s possible and it’s happening!

The Idaho Tiered Behavior Supports (ITBS) project aims to create schools where all students have the support they need to learn and thrive. 

ITBS is sub-project of Idaho SESTA and is funded by the Idaho State Department of Education, Special Education Department. It’s a no fee program that implements a framework to assist school teams in providing preventative, positive behavioral support for all students. This framework is known as Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). While PBIS is not a special education initiative, it's critical to the success of all students, particularly students with disabilities.

ITBS supports selected districts (via an application process) in putting the PBIS Framework in place, with the goal to:

  • Expand the infrastructure to lead and support PBIS implementation across Idaho.
  • Implement a data collection and management system to support evaluation and decision making.
  • Increase capacity of school personnel to positively impact school culture.
  • Positively impact student outcomes through the implementation of the PBIS framework.

After signing up, schools receive professional development through regional trainings, technical assistance, coaching, templates and resources for implementation of the PBIS Framework.

So far, 71 schools across Idaho (representing all six regions) have signed up. That’s more than 360 educators participating in the program and undertaking vital training to benefit student outcomes.

96% of those participants reported an immediate increase in their knowledge and skills. Long term, 94% reported that their professional practice has benefitted because of their PBIS training. Even better, 94% reported that their students have benefitted, whether it’s through increased academic or social outcomes.

For more about how ITBS is working to improve Idaho schools, check out: 

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Visit the ITBS website to learn more about this project

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Download our information sheet for a snapshot of ITBS at work

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Get a helpful summary of the project from our short video

Watch the video

Coming soon: ICIE

Congratulations to Dr Janice Carson for helping to secure $10 million to fund interagency partnerships. The CDHD will be a sub-awardee of this grant to fund the Idaho Competitive Integrated Employment Center (ICIE), which will provide professional development to educators, employers, families and other support personnel.

Watch this space for more updates on ICIE! 

Janice Carson profile picture
A young woman of color sitting on the floor using a lap top

ITC accessibility training videos

The Idaho Training Clearinghouse launched a video training series about web accessibility. These short videos offer simple instruction on how to build documents that are accessible to all users. Even better, they’re totally free! 

Check it out

Published: social settings and students with disabilities

With the help of Dr Alex Hollingshead and Dr Julie Fodor, CDHD doctoral trainee Kalley Malone published her research findings on increasing interaction in social settings for students with intellectual disabilities. 

Read the study
An artability participant happily working on a piece of art.

Celebrating 10 years of artAbility!

This year marks artAbility's 10 year anniversary. To celebrate, we gathered some of our past Project Coordinators to reminisce over their favorite memories and how the Project enriched their time and skills.

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Wrap up: PNW Ushers Syndrome Social

Our own Dr Lane McKittrick hosted this year’s Pacific Northwest Ushers Syndrome Social at her family ranch. Find out more about this unique event and Lane’s top takeaways.  

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A woman petting a horse's face

Free Self-Advocacy Training Series

Idaho Living Well offers a free online training series that focuses on key Self-Advocacy skills. The latest learning module, released this month, is all about maltreatment and what you or someone you know can do if experiencing abuse, neglect or exploitation.

Learn more

University of Idaho Child Development Conference

For the second year, IdahoSTARS partnered with the University to bring valuable training to Idaho childcare providers.

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A presenter addresses a room full of conference attendees. People are laughing and enjoying their time.

See what we've been up to this year!

As we head full speed into the final months of the year, it's a time to reflect on all things achieved over the course of 2023. And what a year it was!

Read all about our 2023 goals and achievements:

Idaho CDHD Report
IdahoSTARS Report
Idaho SESTA Report
Pyramid Model Collab
Checking in with our student trainees
A series of nine profile photos put together in a collage.

Welcome, fall trainees!

Join us in welcoming this semester’s trainees. There are familiar faces along with our newest members of the trainee team. Get to know a little more about each of them.

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Presenting Movement in the Park

After more than 150 classes, Victoria Rae has picked up a thing or two about making exercise fun for people of all abilities. Get her top tips here.

Read more
A group of Movement in the Park participants running toward a pile of balls on the ground. They are all racing to grab a ball.
Mark your calendar


Nov 1, 8 and 15:

Making Meaningful Mobility Routines: A Team Approach

Nov 7:

artAbility workshop

Nov 23-24:

CDHD closed in observance of Thanksgiving


Dec 9:

UI Winter Commencement (Moscow)

Dec 22-29

CDHD closed to the public

Four pumpkins and some fall leaves


Jan 1:

CDHD closed in observance of the New Year

Jan 10:

ITC spring session enrollment opens

Jan 15:

CDHD closed in observance of Martin Luther King Jr Day


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