• THIS WEEK IN PNEC     June 27, 2024

PNEC Vision Statement:

"United in Faith...Committed to Love...Created to Serve"

Penn Northeast Conference UCC, 431 Delaware Ave., Palmerton, PA 18071  610-826-3113

Conference Minister, Rev. Dr. Bonnie Bates      

Barbara Jennings

Patty Rehrig


Bonnie's Letter

Then one of the leaders of the synagogue named Jairus came and, when he saw him, fell at his feet and begged him repeatedly, "My little daughter is at the point of death. Come and lay your hands on her, so that she may be made well, and live." So he went with him. And a large crowd followed him and pressed in on him. Now there was a woman who had been suffering from hemorrhages for twelve years….

She had heard about Jesus, and came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, for she said, "If I but touch his clothes, I will be made well." Immediately her hemorrhage stopped; and she felt in her body that she was healed of her disease. (Mark 5: 22-29, NRSV)


Dear Friends,


I share with you a part of the lectionary reading for this week and I will share another next week. I want to write about a complex and troubling situation. I am deeply concerned about the hijacking of the Christian faith and scripture by those who would pervert it for their own purposes. Yes, I am writing about the troubling emergence of White Christian Nationalism. If you like, you can stop reading right now, but I hope you will continue to read and think about the issues I am raising.


Let me be clear. I am not talking about differences of theological understanding or liturgical preparation. I am talking about a political ideology that merges our religious and civic identities indicating that only Conservative Christians are true Americans, that America was founded as a solely “Christian nation” which negates the clear intent of the Constitution to separate church and state, and that only Conservative Christians are authentic Christians, negating more than 2000 years of Christianity which includes Roman Catholics, mainline Protestant denominations, and the Black Church tradition, and denying the religious freedoms of all non-Christians including Jews, Muslims, indigenous peoples, atheists and agnostics, and all other faith and spirituality groups.


I chose the passage above because it indicates the character of Jesus. Jesus sets off to heal Jarius’ daughter. Jarius is a man of prominence, a synagogue leader, and Jesus is happy to travel to heal his daughter. While on the way, a woman who has been plagued by illness for 12 years, reaches to touch the cloak of Jesus and is healed. Jesus does not admonish the woman, does not choose between the ones he will heal, does not set requirements for receiving love and healing from him. Rather Jesus offers love, his unconditional love. There are no pre-conditions, no questions about their beliefs, their politics, their identity or their behavior. Rather Jesus loves and heals. There is nothing about right and wrong, nothing about gender identity or sexuality, nothing about how the girl or the woman came to be ill, no judgement about healthcare. Jesus simply loves and heals.


Friends, we are called to love – all our neighbors, all those we encounter, all those who have faith or do not have faith. We are called to follow in the footsteps of the one who loved without condition, who spread peace and healing, hope and community. Please pay close attention to the messages of scripture, of our call to love and be peacemakers and spread hope. As we listen to the news, read the newspaper, lets us follow Jesus and not rhetoric that moves us away from Him. Blessings, Bonnie

Columbia-Montour Companions of Hope

Trinity Reformed UCC in Bloomsburg created a new nonprofit called Columbia-Montour Companions of Hope that supports and advocates for other nonprofit organizations that combat social justice causes that negatively impact our communities. Companions of Hope created a new program called New Possibilities that is a Resource and Recovery Drop-In Center. Its’ primary focus is to educate, promote and provide a safe environment for those seeking or are in recovery from a variety of addictions. Anyone can stop by the Center to gather information about addiction, how to help their loved one, how to help themselves, find out where AA, NA or Al-non meeting and about other recovery activities in our area, as well as, just being a safe place to stop, talk, relax, and be supported. The Drop-In Center has a large screen TV, Coffee, snacks, and sodas as well as a computer resource center that allows guests to apply for jobs, create resumes, and apply for a variety of assistance programs. Certified Recovery Specialists (CRS) are on-site to counsel, educate, and place those requesting rehabilitation services. The very first day of operation the CRS placed an individual who was sent home from their work for being under the influence into a rehab facility within a 2-hour time frame. June 22nd the Center sponsored a training session to teach families how to best intervene in their loved one’s addiction and how to support them in the most effective and productive way. On Monday, June 17th the Center held its GRAND OPENING and local dignitaries and the recovery community were present to celebrate this very needed and vital addition to Columbia and Montour counties substance abuse epidemic. The Center is open on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 12 Noon to 4pm with Certified Recovery Specialist provided by CMSU, United In Recovery, and Gaudenzia Addiction Treatment Centers. In addition to the CRS, Gaudenzia is providing their Medically Assisted Treatment Van on Mondays for those receiving medical intervention for their addiction. The Center is greatly appreciative of the efforts of Trinity Reformed UCC to do CHURCH in a new and different way that supports the vulnerable that Christ calls us to serve. For more information you can contact Rev. Steve Hummel at 570-784-6724 or email See above the pic of the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony.

"How to Church” - Episode 4

In this fourth installment of the "How to Church: I Wish I Knew" video series being produced cooperatively by the Local Congregational Support Working Group and the Congregational Vitality Team, we hear from Rev. Dr. Bonnie Bates on the value of partnerships in ministry--both at the Conference level as it concerns the discussions of a Keystone Conference, as well as at the local church level. Watch and listen and consider what partnerships may make your church stronger.


Accessible describes PATHWAYS Theological Education online courses.

Visit us at PATHWAYS Theological Education, Inc. (


PATHWAYS Theological Education, Inc. courses have between 4 and 15 participants. This allows for deep and productive discussions in the online forum. We know that a small class size allows the participants to develop learning relationships with each other and for facilitators to push participants to a more in-depth learning experience.


To see our upcoming course schedule, go to our website and to view our ministry preparation curriculum, click here, or go to the website to find out more about certificates and continuing education, or interest-based 4-week courses.


Desert Garden United Church of Christ, in Sun City West, AZ is offering the 5th annual Sawitski Lecture. It will be a two-hour event titled "Christian Nationalism: Intent, Impact and Implications." Our Keynote speaker will be Pastor Caleb Campbell, lead pastor of Desert Springs Bible Church and author of Disarming Leviathan: Loving Your Christian Nationalist Neighbor. There will be a panel of community members providing insight, and time for questions from those in attendance.  If you are not able to attend onsite, there is a way to attend virtually. Please register for the link at  The event will happen Saturday, September 14th, from 10am - noon MST. Contact that email with questions as well.  


The event is offered at no cost to you.   


Pastor Bill (he, his, him)

UCC Musicians Association Introduction

My esteemed colleagues,


In the name of the United Church of Christ Musicians Association (UCCMA), I bring you greetings as the National Chair for the 2024 Conference with information about the organization, and an ask for support.


Founded in 1993 by a small group of musicians in Connecticut, UCCMA now serves approximately 300 members in churches around the world. Through the years, UCCMA has developed a mission of nurturing, educating, and inspiring all who minister through music and the arts, welcoming all who seek professional support and community from their colleagues who are at home in the United Church of Christ. As we have grown both in membership and mission, our focus has broadened to include individuals with many distinct roles in their churches’ music and worship life. People from other denominations have always been welcome.


I would also like to invite you to learn more about UCCMA and what it has to offer the musicians in our denomination by signing up for a free 90-day trial membership (or join as a full member!). Information about the 2024 conference can also be found on our site.

Held this year in Greenwich, Connecticut, from July 10-13, our 2024 conference will be the first in-person gathering since 2019 in Madison, WI. Our theme, “A Place at the Table,” is truly being lived out in the way we gather during the conference. For the first time, our goal is to have ALL meals for ALL attendees included in the registration fee so that everyone has a place at the table. We hope that by sharing meals together for three days, the musicians attending will be nourished, both in eating together and creating lasting relationships.

Dr. Craig Scott Symons, Minister of Music

First Congregational Church of Greenwich, 108 Sound Beach Avenue, Old Greenwich, CT 06870

203.637.1791 x822

Inside The Bible Mission School System

Enhancing Christin Productivity and Prosperity In Liberia



The vision to establish an institution to enhance the basic values of Christianity and provide the tools to foster community unity, cultural harmony , academic advancement, and social economic self-sustainable development, started in 2022 as a pilot project in Zwedru City, Grand Gedeh County, Liberia. Click Here to Read More...

Promote Planned Giving in Your Congregation

Learn how to promote planned giving in your congregation. Planned gifts provide a way for a donor to give out of their accumulated assets such as property or stocks to support a congregation or other charitable cause close to their heart. This free course will help you learn basic concepts, practice skills, and create an implementation plan for your congregation. The zoom sessions will be held on Wednesday, July 10th and 17th, from 7pm - 8:30 Eastern (6pm - 7:30pm Central). Register for the seminar at and then scroll down to find the course entitled “Together for Tomorrow Planned Giving In Your Congregation.”

Rev. Andrew Warner, CFRE (he/him)

Generosity Outreach Officer, Philanthropy Team

United Church of Christ, National Ministries

Springtide Research Institute

How can you listen more closely to the LGBTQ+ youth you serve?

The young people in your community look to you to feel heard and validated. Springtide Ambassador Joelle, 22, shares, “I wish the adults in my life asked me about my queerness.... When adults take the initiative to ask about my experiences and feelings regarding my identity, it shows a level of care and empathy that can strengthen my relationships with them.” 

Reflections from LGBTQ+ young people

  • Springtide Ambassador Anthony, 22, writes about how exploring the intersection of his faith and sexuality has been filled with both struggles and joys. Read A Queer Faith..
  • Reflecting on self-love in “No Love Lost: Finding Self-Love through Personal Acceptance,” Anthony shares how his journey to recognize his true self resulted in a deeper love for himself.

Springtide Ambassador Mia, 18, reveals her early struggles balancing her religious and sexual identities and the path toward embracing her authentic self. Read Loving God, Loving Myself..” 

Springtide resources for supporting LGBTQ+ youth

With Compass, our new survey tooll, you will learn what the young people in your organization want and need from you. Options include surveys to find out more about their mental health needs, their experience of the sacred, and more. LEARN MORE

2024 Craigville Theological Colloquy

40 years serving congregations, clergy and laity at the Nexus of Praxis

July 8-12, 2024

Ecotheology: Christian Responses To The Global Climate Crisis

Get more info on our website

During the 2024 Colloquy, our time together will consider one of the most pressing global issues — the climate. Looking through the lenses of Christian faith experiences, spirituality in various forms, theology, biblical interpretation, science, activism, and more, we seek to engage with the climate crisis in ways that will be helpful for clergy & laypeople, congregations & communities, people of many backgrounds, other living creatures, the habitats and eco-systems that we share and the Earth itself.

Using the word crisis intentionally acknowledges what many concerned in the world are declaring: that our only home, the Earth, has troubles and we must identify and implement ways to make positive and tangible impacts. As people of faith, this crisis also is a spiritual matter and imperative for us to address.

Pennsylvania Academy of Ministry (PAM) Upcoming Classes and Podcasts

Innovation & New Models of Leadership - Instructor Rev. Dale Davis -

Tuesdays, July 9 - Aug. 13, 2024 - 7-8:30PM zoom

This Challenging class engages an array of exciting leadership models and is supported by a podcast series produced especially for the Penna. Academy of Ministry, featuring Gil Rendle, Karen Georgia Thompson, Doug Powe Jr., Lovett Weems Jr., John Schol and Sarah Drummond. REGISTER NOW...


One of our PNEC authorized ministers, Rev. Kathryn Foster, is conducting a research study on the UCC idea, God is Still Speaking, to complete her Doctor of Ministry degree at Iliff School of Theology in Denver Colorado. A qualified participant is a UCC member, active visitor or authorized pastor 18 years of age or older, in good health, and participating in a UCC church in Pennsylvania. I offer you this opportunity. Please take a moment to consider it and decide if you would like to be included in her research initiative. To know more about the study, please click the link below and read the description of the study. Actual participation in the survey serves as informed consent. Any data collected will be de-identified for reporting purposes. This study is not conducted by the United Church of Christ, but the Office of Communication (OPTIC) is aware of its creation.


Click Here for Flyer

If you are not able to access the online survey and would like a paper survey emailed to you, please contact Kathryn directly at


Valarie Kaur

Civil Rights Leader, Award-Winning Filmmaker, Best Selling Author, Founder of the Revolutionary Love Project, Mother, Woman Warrior

This fall, in the thick of a divisive election season, VALARIE KAUR is going on the road to energize hearts, build community bonds, and equip people all over the country to heal our divided nation. Immersive, interactive experiences will weave together: CLICK HERE to read more


2024 Lehigh Valley Pride

We are so excited to announce that Lehigh Valley Pride will be held on Sunday, August 18 at the SteelStacks in Bethlehem from 2:00 to 7:00 p.m.

Stay tuned for more information as it becomes available. We can't wait to see you there! 

Volunteer Sign-Up:


Boundary Training in 2024

Click Here for List

Save the Date: Trauma and Healthy Boundaries workshop

 Wednesday, July 10 from 9:00a-12:00p

an Advanced Boundary Training will be held on "Trauma and Healthy Boundaries." More info and registration will be available soon.

UCC Webinar: An Indigenous Translation of Scripture

The "First Nations Version" is an Indigenous translation of the Christian scriptures. It brings a fresh language to how these scriptures are conveyed and understood. Notably, a decolonized rendering of the sacred texts articulates a different understanding of how humans understand their relationship to both God and all of God's creation. In this webinar, we will hear from three members of the translation council that produced the First Nations Version. Terry M. Wildman, who envisioned the translation, will be joined by Amy Allan and Kimberlee Medicine Horn Jackson. Even if you cannot make it at its scheduled time on Tuesday, July 16th at 3 pm ET, still sign-up, and we will send you a recording. Register now!



Barry Lynn Speaking at Moravian Suites

Friday, August 16 at 2PM

Main Dining Room at Moravian Suites

Lynn was ordained at Bethany UCC, Bethlehem in 1973. He also earned a J.D.Degree and became a member of the Washington, D. C. and Supreme Court bar. Lynn was legislative counsel for the UCC Office of Church and Society in Washington, D.C. before becoming the Executive Director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State. He held that position for 26 years before retiring. Visitors are welcome. However we would like to have a count in order to have enough places available so if you plan to attend, please contact Doris Esslinger using her email address: or call (610)861-0146. 


Cultivating a Culture of Safety

Hosted by Penn West Conference

Saturday, September 14, from 10:00 AM – 2:30 PM First Reformed UCC, 312 S. Maple Ave., Greensburg Lunch will be provided

In this comprehensive workshop, we empower ministries to foster a culture of safety in these critical areas: Active Intruder Response, Emergency Planning, and Abuse Prevention. Our team of experts will help ministries gain essential knowledge to equip them with strategies to address an active intruder event, to prepare for emergencies, and to protect their most vulnerable congregants from abuse. Presenters include: From Insurance Board: Chad Cunningham, Director, Loss Control; Elizabeth Vance, Sr. Loss Control Representative; and Local police and county emergency representatives. To register

2024 Loss Control Event Registration Form Survey (

Disaster Ministries

Faith-Based Security & Resilience Learning Series...The PA Office of Homeland Security, in partnership with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, PA Emergency Management Agency, State Police, the three Fusion Centers across the state, Faithbased Information Sharing and Analysis Organization, and the Anti-Defamation League, is offering a quarterly virtual learning series to faith-based organizations. This learning series will provide valuable information to religious leaders, security personnel, and members of the houses of worship to enhance security and resilience. Click here for more information and to register.


June ReadyPA Monthly available online now... This month's PA Emergency Management Agency's ReadyPA Monthly includes info on lightning safety, pet safety, and more. Click here for the newsletter. Please share this information with your congregations to help keep everyone safe and prepared.