Update on August and September

Provider Check Ins

Good afternoon!

Please note that the August and September 2023 Provider Check Ins will be cancelled and will resume in October.

However, in place of the August Provider Check In,

Tammy Pearson will be speaking about the DART fidelity tool. Wraparound facilitators and supervisors should plan to attend. The same Zoom link will be used (see below to register if needed) and it will be at the same day and time (August 29th at 11am).

Zoom Registration

In the meantime, if you have any questions that you would have asked in a Provider Check In, please e-mail Holly Glick Sly at glick4@marshall.edu with the subject line: "Provider Check In Question" and it will get shared with all relevant parties.

If you have any additional questions, please feel free

to reach out to your local coach!