HOVC Scouter Newsletter | September 9th, 2023

🍿 FLASHBACK FRIDAY to 2022, when our Leadership Center was full of popcorn and peanuts! It looks very similar today. Our annual fundraiser is in full swing! Is your unit registered to participate?

Hi Heart of Virginia!

Scout Shop Sale: Save 20% on Uniform Bottoms

with the Purchase of a Uniform Top!

New and returning families, 'tis the season for new uniforming, and we have everything you need in stock! Visit the Heart of Virginia Council's Scout Shop at 8090 Villa Park Drive in Henrico to get outfitted in all of your uniforming gear (plus, you can pick up your new rank handbook and other important - or fun - gear while you're there)! View our 2023 - 2024 Fall Uniform Flyer for details and a list of needs for every rank. Other important information, like hours of operation, are on our website, linked below. See you soon!

[Visit the Scout Shop]

Get Your Race Shirt Before It's Glowing, Glowing, GONE!

Join us on October 7th to walk, jog, and run our Kid's 1-Miler and/or 5K Glow Trail Run at Cub Adventure Camp! Enjoy an award ceremony unlike any other around our giant campfire, and tent camp under the stars overnight! Register before September 21st to guarantee your GLOW-IN-THE-DARK race t-shirt!

[Register to Race...and Camp]

Buy A Pie to Keep Them Dry!

A Fundraiser for New Tents and Platforms at Heart of Virginia Council Camps!

With temperatures hitting upward of 100 degrees, may we interest you in some frozen pies? Your holiday heroes are back; pumpkin, pecan, Boston cream, apple, fruits of the forest, French silk, and cheesecake have returned for our most delicious annual fundraiser. Order your desserts now through November 1st, and we'll have them ready for pick-up on November 17th and 18th at the Leadership Center. Don't forget to take our Pie Poll! Will our New York Style Cheesecake defend its 2022 championship title, or will there be a new winner in 2023?

[Buy a Pie to Keep Them Dry!]

Cub Scout Creepy Hollow Apparel Pre-Orders!

We're creeping it fresh at our Cub Scout apparel store. New shirts have dropped, just in time for Creepy Hollow! Choose your favorite shirt or hoodie in a variety of spooky colors today, then pick up your order at our Cub Adventure Camp Trading Post. Don't be ghoulish and miss this annual Cub Scout tradition!

[Get Your Creepy Hollow Apparel]

[Register for Creepy Hollow]

Den Chief Training (FREE): October 28, 2023

Den Chief Training combines fun and enjoyment with an excellent character-building experience. Participants will learn leadership, organization, and most importantly, how to work with Cub Scouts. This training is for youth who are or want to be a Den Chief to a Cub Scout, Webelos to Arrow of Light Den. It is also for registered adult leaders who want to learn the duties and roles of Den Chiefs and who will be working with Den Chiefs.

[Get Trained!]

A Scout is Brave

“Sometimes you have to take risks to make

your dreams come true.”

Patsy Cline, American Country Singer, born this day in 1932

Scout Shop Hours of Operation
Monday-Tuesday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Wednesday 12:00 noon - 6:00 pm
Thursday-Friday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Saturday 9:00 am - 12:00 noon

Heart of Virginia Council, BSA

8090 Villa Park Drive, Henrico, VA 23228


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Prepared.For Life.