Forever Chemicals Header
Forever Chemicals Headline

According to a recent Wall Street Journal article, nearly half of all U.S. tap water contains dangerous “forever chemicals.” Scientists have linked forever chemicals to a number of health problems, including high cholesterol, a decreased immune response, kidney and testicular cancer, liver and thyroid problems, reproductive problems, pregnancy-induced high blood pressure, low birth weight and increased risk of birth defects. Read more »

Le Bleu contains zero forever chemicals. Click here to see our test results.

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$1 per day pic
$1 day headline

Ultra Pure Le Bleu is delicious and affordable! For about a dollar a day, you can have the most pure water on the planet delivered right to your door. See for yourself by clicking below and get a free jug and dispenser to use for one week.

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Pet Photo Contest Headline

Congratulations to Lenee and Justin Bowen for winning a $50 gift card for their pet photo submission.

We loved seeing all of the great pictures, thank you! Send more for future opportunities to be featured in our newsletters and social media. You can submit them by tagging us at #lebleuforyou on social media or emailing us at

Pet Contest Winner Pic

Have questions? Give us a call at 1-888-Le-Bleu1