“TCI is committed to ensuring the inclusion of those directly impacted in shaping our policy agenda. We know the people closest to the problem are closest to the solution. But often, community leaders and grassroots organizations are so busy doing direct service work on the ground, they don’t have the capacity to be part of coalitions and group work. What I like about the RWJF grant from RMHF is that we are able to provide general operating support and capacity building support to members of the coalition, creating space for their participation in Collective Work and for them to become agents of change on a commonwealth level,” said Amy Wentz, Director of Outreach and Engagement at TCI.
She continued, “Collective Work extends beyond legislation; it's about fostering growth and empowering these leaders and their organizations. By creating opportunities for collaboration, civic engagement, and strategic partnerships, we tap into these invaluable perspectives and unlock a myriad of opportunities to uplift our communities and make a lasting impact on Virginia’s future."