September 27, 2023
8:30 am - 11:30 am (Module 1)
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm (Module 2)
Module 1: The Content & Cycle of the School-Parent Compact
This session covers the requirements of the School-Parent Compact as outlined in ESSA 1116 (d). Attendees will discuss ways to get parent input as well as different evaluation methods. Even if the School-Parent Compact already exists, this training can help attendees revise it as needed to meet compliance as well as better serve their families and school(s). Attendees will walk away with sample compacts, compact templates, evaluation methods, and knowledge on the requirements outlined in ESSA 1116.
Module 2: Building Parent/Guardian and Family Capacity is More than Building Relationships
This session helps schools that building capacity is not just social work. While building relationships is critical to better parent and family engagement, building capacity requirements must be met. Participants will walk away knowing the building capacity requirements, different evaluation methods, as well as Parents Right to Know as outlined in ESSA1112 and 1116.
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