It’s time for another Member Spotlight, where we highlight you, one of our cherished members of the Fleetster Community This month, we’re talking with Lori Fleet-Martin, granddaughter of Reuben H. Fleet, who carries on the Fleet legacy of sharing with the community. Lori is also serving on the Fleet’s 50th Anniversary Gala Committee, which will be a groovy 1973 time on April 15 at the Fleet.
How long have you been a member of the Fleet?
As long as I can remember! I was 10 years old when the Fleet opened.
Why did you join our member program?
I actually became very involved when I joined the Board of Trustees in 2000 and my children frequented The Fleet. Our youngest used to come to board meetings with me. Now, I bring my grandchildren.
Tell us about your favorite exhibition and what you enjoyed most about it.
I love Kid City.
We had a traveling exhibit years ago based upon Richard Scarry's Busytown. It was the perfect interactive exhibit for toddlers, so we decided to build our own permanent toddler area, and it became Kid City.
Of course, my other very favorite is Pause/Play (developed by The Fleet) because I'm really just a big kid at heart!
What has been your best experience as a Fleet member?
Sharing new movies, special engagements and exhibits with friends and family. There always seems to be something of interest for everyone, no matter their age!
What is your favorite documentary that has played at the Heikoff Giant Dome Theater?
Garden Isle is the first film I ever saw on the dome, and it was fascinating at the time. Everest is still one of my favorites.
Most important, tell us a little about yourself.
I love having a good time, and family is everything. I'm not embarrassed to have a dance party by myself or get the party started. When I'm not working, I love cooking, tending to my garden and playing/exploring with the grand kids. Smile; it's contagious!