Parshat Naso
Candle Lighting 8:00 p.m.
Havdalah 9:01 p.m.
Rabbi Silvestri's Round Up
Would you look at that! The longest single parsha of the year, Parshat Naso, is also the last parsha of the 2022-2023 Buzz season. A parsha jam packed with major concepts, each one more complex and difficult to understand. There is one portion of this week’s parsha that stands out amongst them all - Birkat Kohanim, the blessing of the Kohen.
Click here to continue reading.
Hakarat HaTov - Recognizing the Good
We are so grateful for all our volunteers this week! A huge shoutout and thank you goes out to:
Naomi Katlowitz, Eileen Silvestri, Simon Valera
If you would like to volunteer at RMBA please click here to view our opportunities.
Mazal Tov to Sivan Melnik on the occasion of her Bat Mitzvah!
Want your Parsha dose in 60 seconds? Think Rabbi Silvestri can beat the clock? Watch our 60 Second Parsha highlighting Parshat Naso to find out! It will only take a minute (yes pun intended!)
Class of 2023
Mazal Tov to the Class of 2023 on an outstanding Commencement Ceremony last night. The 15 graduates spoke beautifully and from the heart about the importance and significance of roots, family, and their time at RMBA. Additionally, for the first time, a siyum was completed to mark the special milestone. Please join us in congratulating our newest alumni!
City Hall
The 5th graders went on a fun filled field trip yesterday! They went to City Hall and sat in a special council where they watched the process of how laws are made. They were then treated to a meet and greet with Houston's mayor, Sylvester Turner. They were treated to lunch at the bagel shop in Bellaire and then made their way to Aishel House where they worked on bags and meals for those in need!
Language Arts
To round out the last unit of the year, middle school students in Ms. Ruben's class are reading and analyzing short stories that connect to the theme of transformation through conflict. They are also writing their own poetry using poetic devices about overcoming obstacles, the end of an era, and anticipating new beginnings.
Picasso and Monet
Morah Aviva's EC4 class has continued with their Artist’s unit this week. They observed Pablo Picasso's face portraits, noticed the uniqueness of each of the different faces, the use of vibrant colors, shapes, and lines. After careful observation, the children had an opportunity to choose one face portrait that they liked and make their own using oil pastel crayons and emulating Picasso’s style and technique. Next, the class focused on Claude Monet’s very famous work called "Water Lilies". The children observed the different water color shades of greens, blues, pinks, yellows, and white. Then they created their own versions of the painting by using pastel crayons and water color. Morah Aviva also introduced a new activity called "Busy Farm" which consists of activity cards and directions which help enhance and reinforce shapes, directional concepts, colors, sorting, alphabet recognition, and beginning sounds skills. It also helps social and team building skills!
Social Media & Parenting
This week parents enjoyed our last parenting class with Rabbi Silvestri in the "Oh How Our Parents Had It So Easy" series. The class spoke to the trial and tribulations of modern times as it pertains to technology and the use of social media. Thank you to Renee and Yuval Raizen for hosting the informative session.
Birkat Kohanim
This week students in Morah Sandy's EC3A class learned about the mitzvah of Birkat Kohanim when the kohanim bless Bnei Yisrael. In Shul during the birkat kohanim blessing the kohanim cover themselves with a tallit and children go under their fathers' tallit. The students pretended to do this at school and practiced their fine motor skills by cutting and hole- punching and measuring to create their own tallit crafts.
Third Grade News
Students in Mr. Simon's 3rd grade general studies class are busy writing articles for a special edition of Third Grade News. The stories will include tall tales, poetry, short stories and commentary.
Sorting Skills
Students in Morah Tsippi's EC2B class had fun practicing and reinforcing their skills of sorting by size and color as well as counting. They also enjoyed their last story time of the year with Rabbi Silvestri.
Smart Shopping
This week students in Mrs. Rosenzweig's middle school Home Economics class went on an applied math field trip to Randalls. The students were given a list of items in which they had to find the best buy per unit rate. The students learned how to shop smart.
End-of Year
This week students in Morah Clara's EC3B class added the finishing touches to their amazing binders for the end of the school year. The class revisited all the units they learned about throughout the year; including numbers, colors, Aleph Bet and ABC, the seasons, and shapes. The children practiced their fine motor skills and worked on a final project to give to each of their families, a beautiful Shabbat set.
For the last Shiur Tzionut of the year, lower school students each designed their own poster with pictures and memories of all the fun activities and lessons they enjoyed throughout the year. A huge thank you to Bnot Sherut Moriya and Talya for such a fabulous year. We will miss you!
This week in Morah Adriana's STEAM class students had so much fun with building and erupting volcanos!
PTO has next year's (2023-2024) school supplies shopping covered for you. Take a minute to sign up, support RMBA's PTO, and have all your child's school supplies ready and waiting for them at school on the first day!
Deadline: July 2nd
Please note: an email with all school supply and summer work will be sent out on the last day of school. Thank you in advance for supporting RMBA's PTO!
Please Join RMBA and UOS in celebrating and thanking our amazing shlichim
Aviva and Ori Friedmann
at a
Seudah Shlishit Extravaganza
Shabbat, June 10, 2023
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Please click here if you would like to help sponsor the event.
Next Buzz: August 24, 2023
Have a Great Summer!