OBE Regional Conference 2024



Pre- Conference- Pastors Toolkit

Introduction to The 3 Circles of Kingdom Culture with Alex Absalom. This teaching provides the foundation for the conference. Alex taught this in our May Pastors Toolkit Webinar. Catch it here before proceeding to the conference sessions.

Blank Notes- LINK

Filled in Notes- LINK

Webinar- LINK

Night 1- Keynote Speaker

Pastor Josh Grimes

Pastor Josh tackles the first Circle of Kingdom Culture with the Discipleship crises in the church today. This is a practical, down-to-earth admonishment for all churches to embrace intentional discipleship once again if we are going to make disciples who develop into leaders and become LEGACY LEAVERS!

Message starts at 57:00

Message- LINK

Night 2- Keynote Speaker

Pastor George Williams

Pastor George tackles the second Circle of Kingdom Culture with the importance of the church Living On Mission. Be encouraged as you embrace LIVING ON MISSION as we follow the heart of God!

Message starts at 57:00

Message- LINK

Night 3- Keynote Speaker

President Michael Nortune

President Michael tackles the third Circle of Kingdom Culture, emphasizing the importance of the church leaning into the Holy Spirit and our willingness to walk through the WIDE OPEN DOOR at His leading!

Message starts at 1:03:00

Message- LINK

OUR Sessions

Session 1- Keynote Speaker

Pastor Trae Aldridge

Pastor Trae does a great job of addressing the Next Gen Imperative by highlighting the importance of Investing in our Leaders of Tomorrow! You do not want to miss what OBE is doing to help you invest in your next Gen Leaders!

Message starts at 23:00

Message- LINK

Session 2- Keynote Speaker

Pastor David Fox

Pastor David is OBE's representative to the Open Bible Global Missions Board! Pastor David did a fantastic job highlighting just a fraction of the 47 counties Open Bible is ministering in outside of the states! Mission "in" Possible will encourage you!

Message starts at 17:00

Message- LINK

Session 3- Keynote Speaker

Pastor Josh Grimes

Pastor Josh follows up his night 1 message addressing the discipleship crisis in the church today with a practical teaching and guide on Making a Church Discipleship Plan! As OBE ministers and Pastors, we made a covenant commitment at the 2022 OBE Conference that every OBE Church would have an established and working Discipleship Plan by the end of 2025. OBE wants to help you in that pursuit by providing the making of a Church Discipleship Plan.

Message starts right away.

Discipleship Plan Booklet- LINK

Message- LINK

Session 4- Keynote Speaker

Pastor George Williams

Pastor George follows up his night 2 message on Living on Mission with a critical look at the Multiplication Imperative. From the beginning, we have been COMMANDED by God to be Fruitful and Multiply! EVERY PASTOR needs this teaching!

Message starts right away

Message- LINK

2024 OBE Business Meeting

✓  Financials

✓  Heavenly Transitions

✓  Awards

✓  Purpose, Mission, Vision

✓  Ministry Transitions

✓  Discipleship Covenant

Conference Digital Notebook- LINK

Business Meeting Video- LINK

*Note- There is a short section of the video of the business meeting where the audio is muted for privacy reasons, but it will come back on. Be sure to wait or skip ahead to catch the very important ending of the business meeting.

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OBE Regional Project

OBE Region of Ministers and Churches is partnering with Open Bible East Missionaries Drew and Jessica Welch to build a much-needed new Church on their mission compound in Libera, West Africa. We raised $14,000 in pledges from churches and individual ministers at the conference. Since then, over $3,000 more has been pledged toward the $55,000 goal. Below, you can download the video from the Welches to show in your churches to help raise support. We are BETTER TOGETHER, and TOGETHER, we can make this a reality! We are asking everyone and every church to join in! Pledges need to be in by the end of the year.

Watch / Download Welch Video

*Checks can be mailed to the regional office with "Welch Church Project" in the memo. 100% of the funds received will be used toward the new church. You can give online at the OBE regional website under GIVE. Please mark "Welch Church Project" in the Memo and use the cover the fees tab to keep 100% of the funds toward the project.

OBE Website Giving - LINK

Learn More About The Regional Prayer Team

We need your help!

We would like to have at least one person per church on our team and need help finding the right people. Could you help us by recommending true prayer warriors for our team? We believe in prayer, and prayer should be our most significant effort. We also have a core conviction that we will not have expectations from team members beyond prayer.

Meet & Hear from our OBE Prayer Pastor Rich Mollohan - Video - LINK

You can reach out to Pastor Rich at, or you can send prayer requests to

Please Share

We are asking you to share this email with your staff & leaders so we can pull together. WE ARE BETTER TOGETHER!

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