We are writing with tears falling onto the computer screen. We are writing with fists clenched in fury and frustration. We are writing with an overwhelming feeling of shock and helplessness.

We are 100% confident that if you are reading this, you are aware of the cataclysmic events of the last 48 hours. As the two of us connect to our families and friends in Israel, after the reassurances of physical safety, the conversations are, “How are you managing have to live in a safe room and have you and/or your children been called for duty?” It is heartbreaking.

Over these past days at Olam Tikvah, we’ve drawn strength from conversations, hugs, and prayers. It has truly been a blessing.

Every Jewish organization is reaching out to you and there is great value in what they have to offer. It is critically important to stay current on multiple levels. The loss of human life is devastating – it’s hard to truly comprehend the enormity of the numbers, but the numbers matter. And we feel obligated to share that we have learned from our Israeli family and friends that the numbers you are reading right now are “confirmed,” The totals will be tragically and horrifically much larger. Simultaneously, we must stay deeply engaged, no matter how painful it is, with the personal stories. Every single death, every injury, every hostage, each child, spouse, parent, grandparent, friend is part of our people. Don’t let them become numbers.

We have a few recommendations:

·       Reach out to every person you know in Israel, as well as those connected to people in Israel It doesn’t need to be a long conversation - an email or text is just fine. Just share as many physical and virtual hugs as possible so they know we are one. Am Echad, Lev Echad – One People, One Heart.

·       Come to Olam Tikvah at 8pm for our evening service. It is so important that we get away from the screens in our lives and come together in prayer and fellowship. When we’re in pain, being three dimensions matters a great deal. We have introduced a prayer for those in captivity and distress as well as the members of the Israel Defense Forces at this crucial juncture in history.

·       There are tangible resources that will be necessary over the coming months. The last part of this email has information from the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington.

We will be in regular communication as we go forward – as a deeply wounded people, the road ahead will be filled with pain, but we, together with our precious people, pray for safety and ultimately peace.

With broken but resilient hearts,

Rabbi David Kalender and Rabbi Viki Bedo



100% of your donation to Federation’s Israel Crisis Relief Fund will provide essential support for those in need, with aid distributed swiftly through our partners on the ground. Donate online here

While the needs continue to evolve, your support is already ensuring the people of Israel can receive:

•            Financial aid to address the immediate needs of terror victims – individuals and families who must now repair their homes or automobiles, cover supplemental medical payments, pay for funeral costs, and more.

•            Access to temporary housing for those displaced due to the conflict.

•            Long-term support and services to help terror victims access psychological counseling, job retraining, and more.

•            Access to remote trauma services, including therapist hotlines for those who cannot leave their homes due to the current security situation.

•            Trauma training for first responders, teachers, emergency volunteer teams, and others operating on the front lines of this crisis. 

•            The operation of 12 resilience centers across Israel focused on supporting the rapid recovery of individuals and their communities, while strengthening national resilience.