Celebrating World Honey Bee Day 2023

Workers for the World and Humanity

Today is a special day for Bee Lovers🐝 like myself to share the importance of bees and what we can do to protect them. Bees pollinate a huge range of plants vital to humans. Without them, many crops would no longer be viable. They are one of the top pollinators on the planet and it is our duty to help protect them. New threats to bee survival include genetic overbreeding, mega farming, pesticide spraying and ecosystem disruption. As many of you know I'm using effective strategies to deal with the "Nicotine Toxins" I often see present in clients from the toxic neonicotinoids pesticides and the toxins aka venom from the CV vx that target the nicotine receptors in the body. The connection between the two has recently been brought to light and it all makes sense now. These toxins are pervasive and cause systemic and persistent harm. We all can do our part as individuals to protect our precious Honey Bees by the choices we make. Get Involved.

  • Volunteer on Conservation Projects
  • Fund Organizations that are devoted to Protecting Bees and our environment like the Natural Resources Defense Council and Save the Bees Program.
  • Plant Bee Friendly Havens for Bees and all Pollinators ~ Our own backyards is the area we can make the greatest impact. Bees collect nectar and pollen from flower to produce honey so plant a diversity of flowers. Bees Love Wildflowers, I can relate.
  • Share your passion and knowledge with others ~ Together we can build a better world for bees and ourselves.
Neonics, the Toxic Truth

Honey is one of Nature's Most Perfect Food.

There are a lot of nutritional benefits that are associated with adding honey to your diet. High-quality raw honey in its natural state offers a number of benefits because of the antioxidants that are included. These include phenolic compounds, flavonoids, as well as organic acids. The antioxidants that are found in honey have been linked to immune enhancement and lowering the risk of cardiovascular events, and some forms of cancer. Honey is hygroscopic (imagine that one in a Spelling Bee?) and its ability to attract and retain moisture make it a wonderful ingredient in lotions and honey facials.

Pollen: Nature's Complete Food, is essential to bees as a source of protein; for humans it is a highly nutrient dense food that supports many cellular functions. I use Brain Fuel and Pollen from Beekeeper's a few times per week. The medicinal and therapeutic properties of bee products are endless.

*Always check for allergic reactions as some individuals have immune dysregulation and may need to start with small amounts.


In celebration of World Honey Bee Day 2023, I put together this collection of honey recipes. Add your favorite exotic honey such as acacia, manuka or my favorite Tupelo and indulge.


DIY Guide: How To Build a Beehive

A world without bees would be a world without 1/3 of the food people currently enjoy. Unfortunately, this could be a reality with the amount of bee habitat loss due to agriculture, resource extraction, and human settlement. To protect these essential pollinators, society can contribute by engaging in beekeeping among various other conservation efforts.

Today’s Homeowner created an in-depth guide on home beekeeping that highlights the crucial steps of building a strong DIY hive. They recently reached out to me to offer to my Hive Family this wonderful resource.

DIY Guide: How To Build a Beehive


Shop now through August 29 at my Designs for Health Dispensary and get an 18% Single Use Discount using Code


The devastation in Maui has impacted not only human lives but those of the islands precious bee sanctuaries and thousands of animals. I'm Broken Hearted but Keeping the Hope Alive!

All proceeds during this promotion will go to Maui Disaster Relief including Maui Apiaries and the Maui Humane Society.

What would life be like without the Honey Bee and Honey? Most certainly it would be a life with less Color, Flavor and Aroma.

And our days would be counted.


Dr Val

Firstfruits Health



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