
Happy Memorial Day Weekend & Things to Notice in the Harbor

Dear Karen,

For those of you planning to visit the Pines this weekend, there are a few items I would encourage you to notice and enjoy when you arrive in or walk through the harbor.

First, in response to feedback from the community, you will now see, along with the recently installed signage, a new Trailblazers Park information plaque. This beautifully designed addition describes Trailblazers Park and contains written biographies of the Trailblazers and the names of the artists who designed the installation and its 16 flags. A QR code provides a link to further information. Special thanks to Scott Bromley for designing the signage, and to Gary Clinton for developing the information plaque.    

Second, at night, you will notice new wagon rack lighting. This refurbishment has been spearheaded by Randy Wilson, assisted by Gary Clinton, Chris Mai, Bob McGarity, and Joe Micheels, FIPPOA’s Facilities Manager. In addition to the aisle lighting, low voltage lights on motion sensors will be in place soon. This will enable anyone using the rack after sunset to get about while also adding a beautiful, soft aesthetic to the harbor. 

Third, you will notice flags on display that were designed by Clifford Prince King, BOFFO’s current artist in residence. These flags are part of a series of photos of black joy and intimacy that he took while on Fire Island and will be displayed during the holiday weekend.  

And if that were not enough to have you walking – no running – to the harbor this weekend, please also notice and appreciate the landscaping work recently completed: 13 new Pines trees, 4 Bayberry’s, and (to be planted later this season) 5 Cherry trees. 

On this Memorial Day, we honor and remember the individuals who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect our freedom and secure a better future for us all.

Enjoy the holiday weekend!



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Henry Robin, President

Allan Baum, Vice President

Alan Brodherson, Secretary

Eric Sawyer, Treasurer

Gary Clinton, Greg Henniger, Andrew Kirtzman, Chris Mai, Charles Montorio-Archer, Jay Pagano, Nate Pinsley, Leland Rechis, Russell Saray, Ed Schulhafer, and Matt Tague.