In This Issue
TCNA General Meeting, June 12
Neighborhood Committees
- Public Safety Updates: Crime Charts
- Greens Committee:
- TCNA Tree-Keepers
- TCNA Gardens Update
Streets Committee Updates:
- Tuscany Road Traffic Calming Work Group
- 39th Street Update
- Calvert School Liaison Committee
- Report of Spring Meeting with Calvert School
- Rental for Squash Courts Approved by TCNA Board
- Calvert Calendar Including Summer Camp Schedule
- Communications Committee: Website: History of Homes on Tuscany and Ridgemede Roads
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Neighborhood News
- List of Recommended TCNA Officers and Board Members 2024-2025
- Bio of John Warshawsky, proposed new TCNA board member
- Thank You to Retiring Board Members
- The Social Request for Daily Parking
Resident Permit Parking CHANGES
- Dumpster Dates for 2024
- Demographic Data: Housing in Tuscany-Canterbury
Johns Hopkins University
- Early Childhood Center Move: Updates
- Eisenhower Library Renovations
- Graduate Programs Again Ranked Among Nation's Best
Restaurants In Tuscany-Canterbury
Home & Condo: Sale Prices, Active Listings
Events In and Around Tuscany-Canterbury
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Save the Dates in 2024
June 8, Dumpster available, Canterbury at Tuscany
June 12, TCNA General Meeting
Reception 6 - 7 PM
Meeting 7- 8:30 PM
Calvert Middle School
Resident Parking Permit Pick-up
- June 21, 6-8 PM and June 23, Noon - 2 PM
Home of Eugene O'Dunne 4220 North Charles Street
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Tuscany-Canterbury is a beautiful and safe neighborhood. Neighbors and owners take great care of their homes, condos, and buildings. TCNA supports various efforts to keep our neighborhood a Baltimore treasure.
TCNA is stronger with you as a member!
We’d ❤️ to have you join us or renew your dues.
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Tuscany-Canterbury Public Safety Updates
Paul Gallo, Chair of TCNA Public Safety Committee
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Tuscany-Canterbury (with 4000 residents and 1800 homes and condo/ apartments) is one of the safest neighborhoods in Baltimore. But we do live in an urban area. Crime IS waiting to find us. We are including this information in our newsletter so you know that things can randomly happen here and that you can make our neighborhood SAFE. | |
28 Day Comparison
One larceny was on Stoneyford Road and the other was on University Parkway.
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Year to Date Comparison
All of these except for 1 burglary happened before Feb 18.
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Special thanks to all the neighbors who lock their car doors and report any crimes to the police. This helps make Tuscany-Canterbury a safe neighborhood. | |
Special thanks to Paul Gallo who has been the chair of the TCNA Public Safety Committee for the past 6 years. He has worked closely with Northern District Police Department to provide the neighborhood this information for the TCNA newsletters. Six years ago when we had a person dealing drugs from a car in the neighborhood, Paul quickly organized a Neighborhood Watch Group and within a month the drug dealer was gone and this has not been a problem since 2018.
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Paul plans to resign and is looking for his replacement. If you are interested in this neighborhood responsibility, please let us know at
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TCNA Annual Meeting at Calvert Middle School
Wednesday, June 12 at 6-8:30 PM
Reception 6-7 PM, wine, beer, soft drinks, cheese, fruit
Meeting Begins at 7 PM
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Meeting Agenda
Keynote Speaker, Johns Hopkins, Director, Baltimore Heritage
From Country Estates To Municipal Parks: How Baltimore Created a First Class Public Park System
- President's Report for 2023-2024
- Election of Officers and Board Members for 2024-2025
- Concerns and Priorities for 2024-2025
| Join Baltimore Heritage director Johns Hopkins to learn about Baltimore historic parks and how they have shaped our city. William Patterson donated five acres of land in 1827 for Baltimore’s first public park and from there the city has created a first-class network of parks that cover thousands of acres. Family estates that at one time ringed Baltimore City, including the Hopkins, Carroll, Wyman, Rogers, Winans and other estates, were converted into promenades, nature walks, ballfields, and swimming pools. | |
Summary Biography Johns Hopkins
Johns Hopkins has been the director of Baltimore Heritage since 2003, working to preserve historic places and revitalize historic neighborhoods in Baltimore. Johns also serves on the board of directors of Civic Works, Inc., Baltimore’s youth training and neighborhood revitalization corps, the Coppin Heights Community Development Corporation that is working to rebuild communities in West Baltimore, the Garrett Jacobs Mansion Endowment Fund, The Friends of Clifton Mansion, and Evergreen House.
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List of Candidates 2024-2025
TCNA Officers and Board Members
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The TCNA Nominating Committee chaired by Garth Thompson has proposed the following TCNA officers and board members for 2024-2025.
TCNA Officers and Board Members 2024-2025
- President: Pat Hawthorne (Gardens of Guilford, Stony Run Lane)
- Vice President: Garth Thompson (Ridgemede Road)
- Past President: Julia Frazier (Canterbury Road)
- Treasurer: Bill Bass (Cloverhill Road)
- Secretary: Bonnie Boland (The Colonnade, Canterbury Road)
Board Members
- Josh Cohen (Cloverhill Road), Events, 100th Celebration
- Linda Eberhart (Tuscany Road), Newsletter Coordinator
- Eric Elton (Cloverhill Road), Greens Committee, Co-chair
- Nancy Lee LaMotte (Ridgemede/Ridgewood Condo, Ridgemede Rd), Residential Permit Parking Coordinator, Membership Committee
- Maureen LaPorta (Ridgemede Rd), Neighborhood Restaurant Liaison
- Rosalyn Mansouri (Winthrop House , Charles Street), Membership Committee
- Amy Mutch (Tuscany Road), Calvert Liaison Committee Chair
- Jo-Ann Orlinsky (St. James Condo, Charles Street), Membership Committee
- *John Warshawsky, St. James, Charles Street
- Julie Watson (Canterbury Road), Webmaster
* New board member
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John Warshawsky
Proposed New Board Member 2024-2025
John Warshawsky and his spouse, Susan, moved from Washington, D.C., to Baltimore in early 2018 and reside in the St. James Condos. John is a semi-retired trial attorney who specialized in commercial litigation, primarily for the U.S. Department of Justice. As a retiree, John continues to practice law part-time and handles pro bono matters for undocumented immigrants.
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In addition, John has served on the boards of various not-for-profit organizations over the years and has often worked on financial matters for the boards. John and Susan are patrons of numerous arts organizations in Baltimore, and when John is not dealing with legal or financial matters, he plays the viola and performs with community orchestras and in chamber music settings. | |
Five board members are leaving the Board this year
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We want to give a very special thank you to them. Please remember to thank them also.
- Paul Gallo, Chaired Public Safety Committee, Board member 6 years
- Sam Park, Board Secretary, organized Neighborhood Dumpster Day, Board member 4 years
- Mat Leffler-Schulman, co-chaired 100th Celebration University Homes, Board member 3 years
- Brian ten Siethoff, Chair Streets Committee, Board member 5 years
Mike Travieso, Co-President TCNA, Chair of Calvert Covenant Committee, 1 year
TCNA is a strong and effective neighborhood organization because of the willingness of all of these volunteers who do the work to make things happen. We appreciate everything that they do. Many of them have committed to stay involved with various committees and projects.
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Streets Committee
Brian ten Siethoff, Committee Chair
CLICK HERE to contact Streets Committee or Visit TCNA Website for information about all the Streets' On-Going Projects
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39th Street Plans
Great news! After years of effort and negotiation, the City has finally granted approval to begin work to install traffic calming on 39th Street! The first phase of work on this multi-phase project will begin this summer. We'll have more information when we know specific dates the work will take place.
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TCNA's Greens Committee, with advice from landscape architect (and TCNA resident) Charles Brenton, will help select appropriate greenery for new planters to be installed along 39th Street at the new crosswalks and at the intersection of 39th and Stony Run Lane. Many, many thanks to Tom Knoche and The Broadview for funding the majority of the project and for their perseverance in getting this project through all the required approvals. Also thanks goes to our always-dedicated Councilwoman Odette Ramos for intervening at several key milestones when this project could have sunk, and to TCNA, JHU and Hopkins House for contributing funding to the project.
While we're excited to see this much-needed project finally get underway, one unfortunate consequence of the delays has been inflation in construction prices (they've been rising 15-20 percent per year). We don't have funding to complete all of the traffic calming measures we'd hoped could be completed in one fell swoop. Therefore, we'll have to continue fundraising to build out the rest of the project in future phases. Our work is never done! On a positive note, we'll have an opportunity to monitor the initial improvements and make adjustments if needed when we advance each subsequent phase of work.
We'll be updating the website shortly with current information on the 39th Street project and all the other street improvements being planned for Tuscany-Canterbury.
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Streets Committee Chair Brian ten Siethoff also will rotate off the TCNA board this summer and therefore pass the baton to another member of the Board. So look out for a reboot of the Streets Committee and announcements of more regular meetings restarting later this year. Brian has done the incredible tasks of putting together a team that secured capital funding to connect the upper and lower portion Stony Run trail through Tuscany-Canterbury. His committee worked with the City to develop the pilot changes to University Parkway. He has also worked closely with the Broadview on phase 3 of the traffic calming plan for 39th Street. Thank you, Brian, for the amazing work that you and the Streets Committee has accomplished.
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Tuscany Road Traffic Calming
Dave Urbanek, Work Group Leader
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At the TCNA May Board Meeting, the Board formed a Tuscany Road work group. It will be coordinating with the City DOT to explore traffic calming options along Tuscany Road. If you are interested in being on the work group, please let Dave know. | |
Greens Committee
Eric Elton and Patrick Mutch, Committee Co-Chairs
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Would you like to become a Tuscany-Canterbury Tree Keeper?
First Meeting June 15
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Several neighbors have volunteered to be tree keepers. We would still like a few more volunteers. | |
Part of what makes our neighborhood unique is the number of beautiful trees that grace our streets, alleys, and parklands. Unfortunately, not all of our trees are healthy and a few are now beyond saving. The TCNA is working with the city to try and remove those trees that have been tagged as “dead” and to have stumps left behind after the removal of previous dead trees ground up.
Trees, like all living things, need TLC and that’s where volunteer Tree Keepers can make a difference. Kids are also welcome to be Tree Keepers.
There are many things a Tree Keeper can do but most important would be to adopt a block or two in the neighborhood and keep watch over the trees in that area.
- Do the trees need to be pruned?
- Is ivy or other harmful vines choking the trees?
- Are there any new dead trees that need to be removed?
- Are there empty spaces where a new tree should be planted?
- Do new trees need watering?
- Have spotted lanternfly nymphs or mature flies invaded any of the trees?
TCNA will log all reports from our volunteer keepers and will coordinate contacting the appropriate city agencies to complete the necessary work.
If you or your children would like to be a T-C Tree Keeper, please contact us and we will be in touch with you to discuss what duties you are able AND WILLING to do.
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Spring Update: Tuscany-Canterbury Gardens | |
P&L Landscaping has been hired to weed and clean our 4 garden areas - Tuscany Oval, Ridgemede, 39th Street and the entrance to the bridge. The staff recently worked on a very rainy and cold day to weed three of the four gardens. The bridge entrance will have to be done at another time. The TCNA budget should cover several weedings and some minor plantings. | |
Calvert School
Liaison Committee Report
- Covenant Extension Work Group
- Calvert's Calendar
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Calvert School Liaison Committee
Amy Mutch, Chair
The final meeting for the school year 2023-2024 of the Calvert Liaison Committee was held May 22. Calvert School graduation is June 6 and summer camps will start June 10. Camp drop off and pick up are in the middle school lot so Tuscany Road should be relatively clear.
Calvert sent an email several weeks ago alerting parents and staff of traffic concerns noted by TCNA residents that included improper use of alleys and Ridgemede Road, speeding, and blocking intersections during carpool. An immediate improvement was reported. The afternoon carpool line has seen an increase in slowdowns in March and April. Calvert is committed to work with the neighborhood to improve the situation and supports all traffic calming strategies. Speed tables are a possibility and Calvert suggested they be snowplow friendly as their staff responds quickly to snow clearing before Baltimore City.
Patch repair of the Stoneyford sidewalk was agreed upon until Baltimore City replaces the damaged sections. General landscaping will continue through the summer and the Tuscany bank will be mowed after the spring bloom.
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I would like to thank Ned Lewison, Arna Margolis, Ferd Latrobe, and Nick Kouwenhoven for serving on the committee. Anyone interested in serving in the future please contact Amy Mutch,
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Squash Courts Rental Agreement Renewed between Calvert School and TCNA
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The TCNA Covenant between TCNA and Calvert School requires TCNA to approve Calvert's rental of its squash courts. TCNA approved the rental for the 2023-2024 School year. There were no issues with this arrangement and Calvert requested to continue the agreement for two more years from 2024-2026. At the May 15, 2024 TCNA board meeting this request was approved. | |
Calendar Events for Calvert School
June 5, Wednesday School Closes at 12:30 P.M. Lower School Moving Up Ceremony – 9:30 A.M.
June 6, Thursday Graduation – 9:30 A.M.
June 10, Summer Camps Start (Drop-off and Pickup in Middle School Area only)
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Communications Committee
Linda Eberhart, Newsletter Coordinator
Julie Watson, Webmaster
John Robinson, Photographer
Committee: Ann Finkbeiner and TCNA board members contribute articles, photos, and other support for newsletter and website.
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TCNA Website History Feature
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At the end of the 1920s.the homes were built on Ridgemede and Tuscany. Building in this area posed an engineering problem compared to the homes on Cloverhill and Canterbury built on level ground. The houses had to conform to the slopes and hills, or the land would have to be leveled. Fortunately, the developers and builders followed the Roland Park Company’s example and Frederick Law Olmsted’s design theory and built with respect for the land as it is. | | |
In and Around Tuscany-Canterbury
Questions, Comments, Messages
If you see a problem, have a question, or want to help, let TCNA know.
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Public Parking at The Social High Rise Apartments, 3900 North Charles Street
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On April 18, TCNA met with Councilwoman Odette Ramos and The Social's parking manager and property manager. Information was provided about the parking plan and what The Social must do for any parking changes to be approved.
The Social removed all the public parking signs and no public parking signs will be put up in the future without TCNA's approval.
The main goal for the The Social's"Public Parking" was to control the visitors to their building and charge those visitors to park on the 45 space outdoor lot.
At the May 15, 2024 TCNA Board Meeting, it was decided to wait to hear from The Social if they want to pursue legislation to allow for daily parking. Signs are no longer an issue and would not be included in any legislation.
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Residential Permit Parking (RPP)
TCNA Board Member Nancy LaMotte, Coordinator RPP
June is the month that Tuscany-Canterbury parking permits are due for renewal. Renewals can be purchased on-line or in-person beginning June 1. Only residents who live on blocks with the Resident Permit Parking sign are eligible to purchase a permit.
There are 3 ways you can renew your permit.
- Go to the Parking Authority downtown and pick it up.
- Have it sent to you by paying a small additional fee.
Pay for it before June 18 and pick it up at Eugene O'Dunne's home, 4220 N Calvert Street on Friday, June 21 6 - 8 PM or Sunday, June 23 Noon -2. NO PICK UP AT THE TCNA MEETING on June 12th as they will not be ready.
Contact Nancy if you have any questions or need help
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June 8
Canterbury at Tuscany
September 14, Linkwood at Tuscany
October 12, Canterbury at Tuscany
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Neighborhood Dumpsters
Baltimore City allows each neighborhood to schedule a dumpster 4 times each year. Anyone in the neighborhood may use the dumpster.
It is delivered in the morning and is available for 4 hours. Please place your materials inside the dumpster.
Building materials and dangerous materials should not be placed in the dumpster
Thank You to Sam Park iwho is the TCNA neighbor who coordinates this effort.
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Tuscany-Canterbury Housing Data
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One reason Tuscany-Canterbury is a beautiful and appealing neighborhood is the combination of housing types. Large high-rise buildings, either rental or condominium, occupy the perimeter of the area but do not overwhelm the neighborhood’s inner core, which is a mixture of townhouses, smaller condominium buildings, co-op buildings, and a few smaller apartment buildings.
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Spotlight: Neighbors, Places, Events in Tuscany-Canterbury
Let us know about anything that should be featured.
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Classic Residence at the Top of the Warrington
by Meg Fielding, May 28, 2024
Baltimore Fishbowl
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The Warrington is Baltimore’s most beautiful and classic apartment building, and this apartment is at the very tip-top in terms of location, elegance, and uniqueness. When you look at the drone photos, the apartment looks like a classical Georgian mansion landed on the top of an elegant brick apartment building.
As the neighborhood of Guilford was being built, the architects, Wyatt & Nolting, understood that any building they designed for the area would need to be equal to or exceed the design of the single homes. And at the Warrington, they fulfilled their mission.
There is no other building that offers the elegance, the amenities, and the view that the Warrington has.
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- Eisenhower Library Renovations
- Early Learning Center Move - Updates
- JHU Graduate Programs Again Ranked Among Nation's Best
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Relocation of the JHU Early Learning Center to University Parkway and San Martin Drive | |
JHU 's Early Learning Center, currently at Wyman Park Drive and San Martin Drive, will be moving to University Parkway by late 2025 or early 2026.
More information about the JHU Early Learning Center
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July 2024, JHU Renovation
Milton S. Eisenhower Library
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Johns Hopkins University has announced that work will begin July 10 on a $130 million “transformation” of the six-level Milton S. Eisenhower Library. The building will be closed to students and faculty while work is underway.
The Johns Hopkins Club building on the Homewood campus, a three-level dining and meeting facility that has been shuttered since 2021, will be repurposed as a temporary library when the Eisenhower Library closes in July, and other study and research spaces will be available on campus as well.
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In and around
Maureen LaPorta, TCNA Restaurant Liaison
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One World Cafe is a vegan and vegetarian restaurant owned by sisters Cindy and Sue. They have been in place at One World cafe for 22 years and the majority of the staff has been there for more than 20 years!
Hours: Tuesday through Friday 10- 8 Saturday 9- 8 Sunday 9 -4
Outdoor tables are available.
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Happy Hour is 4-6 PM, Sunday through Thursday, with 50% off all alcoholic drinks.
There will be specialty nights with lower prices on specialty items of the night. One of its specialties and its most ordered entree is braised short ribs.
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Happy Hour 5:00 -9pm six days per week (closed on Mondays). Happy Hour includes half-price appetizers, a decrease in drink prices, and approximately half price beer.
There is a lunch buffet on Friday, and alcohol can be purchased separately as it is not included in the buffet price. On Saturday and Sunday the brunch buffet includes mimosas and Bloody Marys in the price of the buffet.
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National Cheese Day
Tuesday June 4th
We love 'cheesy' holidays like this! Join us for National Cheese Day June 4th!
11:00 AM - 09:00 PM
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Kanom has new management. Sirin is the manager and Ann is the owner and chef. Ann is also looking for an additional chef who could be part or full time. If anyone is interested, please call Ann at 410-829-5393.
Coconut cake is a speciality that they have on occasion. Tiramisu and almond croissants are their most popular items.
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Hopkins Market
Almost ready to open. No date yet
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Tuscany Canterbury Homes & Condos
Sold Prices, Active Listings, Under Contract
List Now Also Includes Rentals
Active means currently on the market. .
Closed means the property has sold and no longer for sale.
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Thanks to TCNA member and realtor, Julia Frazier, who provides this information.
Note: The information is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed.
Source: This information is gathered from BRIGHT MLS, Inc and is provided courtesy of Julia Martin Frazier of Monument Sotheby's International Realty, Realtor for the Sales, 42 Village Square, MD, Cell: (410) 908-1760; Office: (443)708-7074 email:
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Events In and Around
If you have an event that you would like included in the newsletter, send information to the month before the event.
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Hampden Highlights is a day of celebration: uplifting our diverse local community and all of the amazing things it has to offer. | | |
Tuscany-Canterbury in the Spring | |
Highfield and Canterbury
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TCNA Officers and Board Members 2023-2024
- Co-President: Pat Hawthorne (Gardens of Guilford Condo, Stony Run Lane)
Co-President: Mike Travieso (Tuscany-Lombardy, Stony Run Lane)
- Past President Julia Frazier (Canterbury Road), Events Committee
- Vice President: Garth Thompson (Ridgemede Road)
- Treasurer: Bill Bass (Cloverhill Road)
- Secretary: Sam Park (Tuscany Court)
Board Members:
- Bonnie Boland (The Colonnade, Canterbury Road), Gardens Committee
- Josh Cohen (Cloverhill Road), Events, 100th Celebration
- Linda Eberhart (Tuscany Road), Newsletter Coordinator
- Eric Elton (Cloverhill Road), Greens Committee, Co-chair
- Paul Gallo (Tuscany Court), Public Safety Liaison
- Nancy Lee LaMotte (Ridgemede/Ridgewood Condo, Ridgemede Rd), Residential Permit Parking Coordinator. Membership Committee
- Maureen LaPorta (Ridgemede Rd), Neighborhood Restaurant Liaison
- Mat Leffler-Schulman (Cloverhill Road), Events, 100th Celebration
- Rosalyn Mansouri (Winthrop House Condo, Charles Street), Membership Committee
- Amy Mutch (Tuscany Road), Calvert Liaison Committee Chair
- Jo-Ann Orlinsky (St. James Condo, Charles Street), Membership Committee
- Brian ten Siethoff (Cloverhill Road), Streets Committee Chair
- Julie Watson (Canterbury Road), Webmaster
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