July 2023

Upcoming Worships
Make a Donation Here

Picture above: Our new sanctuary is already framed in! Construction is ahead of schedule. Here is a view from the back of the sanctuary looking towards the stage area at the front.

Construction Updates: Notes on worshipping at "The Barn"

We are currently worshiping at the Barn at Stratford while our building is under construction. You can read all about our Building Expansion project here.

The Barn at Stratford is operated by the Delaware County Historical Society. It is located just nine minutes from our church building, just South of Delaware in the community of Stratford. It is immediately north from the junction of routes 315 and 23. The address of the barn is 2690 Stratford Road, Delaware, OH 43015.

While we will miss our beautiful building, the Barn provides a comfortable, historic temporary space that supports all of our regular Sunday morning activities. Please join us! Worship begins at 10:30 AM. Virtual Access to worship will continue to be offered via Zoom. 

Some notes about our new space: the parking lot looks small, but it isn't! The entire grassy area North of the barn is available for parking. We recommend that most folks park on the grassy, reserving the paved lot for person with mobility issues. We'll serve coffee and water as usual, but as we will not have our own cups, we'll need to use disposable. So if you can, please bring your own reusable coffee mug and/or water bottle to reduce the amount of our waste.

Moving Out of Nielsen House--We Could Use Your Help on July 9!

Part of our financing for our construction project will come through the sale of Nielsen House, our Religious Education Annex across the street from our main church building. Can you help us get Nielsen House ready for sale? We are looking for volunteers who can join us on Sunday, July 9 from Noon-? to help box items in Nielsen House in preparation for the movers relocating these items to our new outbuilding. We'll provide pizza and beverages. If you can volunteer, please let Rev. Ritchie know at minister@nuuc.org

Submit a Question to the Question Box Sermon!

The “Question Box Sermon” has become an annual tradition at NUUC. Rev. Susan takes one Sunday in the summer to respond to the questions you ask—and forms a worship service around the answers. If she cannot get to all of the question that Sunday, she uses them to create worship services later in the year. So here’s your chance to submit any question you would like! The Question Box Sermon will take place Sunday July 8, 2023. Submit your question by noon on Wednesday, July 5.

To submit a question click here.

Update on our Children's Programming!

Child Safety Policy

Our child safety policy is being updated! You are welcome to view the draft of the policy. Please provide any comments by July 14 to Susan at minister@nuuc.org or Morgan at morgan@nuuc.org. The draft and any comments will be shared with the Board during their July meeting. The Board may vote to approve a new policy.

Religious Exploration in July

Children and youth will be working on creating stories to share during the Time for All Ages in August services. Everyone should bring their creativity as youth will have the option to get crafty, use video, and explore stop motion animation.

Morgan Patten

Commissioned Lay Minister

Director of Religious Exploration

Can You Help? Looking for a Volunteer Treasurer and Volunteer Assistant Treasurer


We’re in the process of dividing up the current role of congregational Treasurer into two positions in order to reduce the total workload. If you have the skills and interest to serve in either capacity, the Nominating Committee would love to hear from you. Please reach out to Martha Filipic, chair of Nominating Committee (marthafilipic@gmail.com), or Rev. Ritchie (minister@nuuc.org) with questions or to express your interest in serving the congregation in this way. 

Assistant Treasurer: Pays invoices; update transactions records as expenses are paid or money transferred; prepares, processes and documents monthly payroll and taxes as set up in Quick Books software; updates budget and salary recommendations annually; other/different duties as arranged with the Treasurer. 

Treasurer: Holds overall responsibility for the integrity of the financial oversight that is the work of the board; Responsible for understanding and reporting the financial status and health of the congregation to the Board and congregation; Responsible for proposing policies that provide secure checks and balances regarding financial matters and that relevant government laws and rules are followed. 

Ways to Connect

Mindful Writing: Because a number of the usual participants have "summer plans" in July, we decided not to meet until August.

Brown Bag Books Discussion Group: On July 18, the group will meet at Judy Johnson's home at noon to discuss Black Cake, a novel by Charmaine Wilkerson. If interested, please contact Ruth Rusk so that she can send you an email with Judy's address and directions to her house. rutharusk@gmail.com

Wednesday Noon Check In

Join us using the regular NUUC zoom connection at noon everyday Wednesday for informal check- ins and chat with your fellow members. Write revritchie@aol.com for a direct link.

Life has a way of rushing by. Sometimes we feel the need to pause or to reflect more deeply. Join me for a virtual half hour of mindful contemplation that is inclusive, non-judgmental and expectation free. I’ll bring a mix of poetry, music, breathwork, silence, or meditation to create a space for you to relax. Participants are muted. Feel free to turn your video off. Please engage in whatever way feels most meaningful to you. A Space for Reflection is freely offered the third Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm on Zoom. Registration is required (link here).

As for me, Karen McGuire, the facilitator, I’m a lifelong Unitarian Universalist, a retired educator, and a trained Interspiritual Companion who finds it necessary to stop every once in a while, and pay attention.