




As well as training service dogs, PPP program participants foster cats - providing socialization and enrichment for paroled pet adoption.

We have expanded the cat foster program to include incarcerated individuals who are not enrolled in the program as students or program participants. Individuals will be required to meet the same program criteria as program participants and will receive intense training before a cat is placed in their care. 

Individuals must agree to be a committed cat foster catering to the demands for attention, enrichment, play, love, snuggles, cuddles, worshipping, praising, and adoring. (They also have to agree that cats are better than dogs – as demanded by the cats)

Individuals will benefit from the positive mental health impacts of caring for an animal, and local shelters and rescues will be able to experience some relief in their numbers. We are excited to continue working with local shelters and rescues, including our partner, Harbor Hope Cat Rescue.

The expansion and implementation of the cat foster program is supported by Correctional Program Manager, Sonja Alley, and inspired by Correctional Unit Supervisor, Ed Schulze – a multi-cat servant, himself. It is because of CUS Schulze and his unyielding advocacy on behalf of our cat overlords that we are able to implement this expansion. We thank them both for their dedication to our feline friends. 

Thank you for supporting the first and oldest Prison Pet Program in the world.

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