Monthly News & Updates

July 28, 2023

September 5 – October 3

4-week institute (asynchronous with a

1-hour weekly synchronous meeting)

$500  Academy Members receive a 35% discount!

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PE Lead Facilitator Certification Program

This is a fast-track program to help promising faculty members become leaders in teaching effectiveness and facilitating change. It integrates the events and coaching, giving you Facilitator SUPER powers. It also supports the implementation of all these processes in your own life and work so you can be your OWN superhero too!

We're ready to help you choose the right combination of events to cultivate the performance capabilities YOU want to develop.



Featured Blog Post

Clueless and Confident:

Self-Validation of Learning

Dunning and Kruger, authors of the eponymous Dunning-Kruger Effect (Illusory Superiority) suggest that, across many intellectual and social domains, it is the poorest performers who hold the least accurate assessments of their skill and performances, grossly overestimating how well their performances stack up against those of their peers. These are the performers who not only perform poorly, but who believe they perform well. Or, put another way, clueless yet confident.

Their explanation is that “poor performers do not learn from feedback suggesting a need to improve”... 

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Featured Blog Post

My Life

Starring YOU

Directed by YOU

with Screenplay by YOU

We use many different metaphors for the living our lives: Weaving a tapestry (it has a larger pattern that emerges over time), Riding a roller coaster (it has its ups and downs), Playing poker (sometimes you’re the dealer and sometimes you’re dealt to), Climbing a mountain (getting to the summit means accepting the struggle to get there), Making a journey (it’s about the process itself, not the destination)…even seeing life itself as a box of chocolates (learn to expect and appreciate the unexpected—thank you, Forrest Gump).

Each of these has its advantages because it highlights an important insight that can be, at once, amusing and comforting...

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We at Pacific Crest support SAG-AFTRA and the Writer's Guild of America. You can too!

Active Learning and Facilitation

All genuine learning is active, not passive. It is a process of discovery in which the student is the main agent, not the teacher

M. J. Adler (1982)

Active learning is learner-centered and the opposite of a lecture-type presentation, where the teacher, as the proverbial “sage on the stage,” shares their expertise. 

We usually think of “learning” as the receiving end of “teaching.” But in an active learning environment, it is the learner who drives the learning process, not a teacher. If the learner is responsible for learning and is actively engaged in that process, then instead of teaching, the teacher must consciously shift to a role of focused on supporting the learner. That is, facilitating the process of learning. A facilitator is a “guide on the side”.  

Here are a few tips for being a super facilitator (from the Faculty Guidebook)…

Don’t make assumptions Whenever the facilitator is on a different page than the audience, the facilitator will quickly lose their attention and confidence. Therefore, ask questions frequently, do perception checks, pre-assess, and fill in missing gaps by assessing continuously. Inquire before intervening.

Shift ownership of the process to the participants. The performance of a process and its outcomes must be valued by participants for optimal results. This requires full engagement and commitment of all parties involved, especially the facilitator.

Establish shared expectations The outcomes of any facilitated process must be defined clearly, connected to its goals, and agreed upon by the participants and facilitator. These outcomes should be specific, measurable, achievable, results-oriented, and time-bound.

Develop a strong, flexible facilitation plan Have an infrastructure and plan for each facilitation. This is enhanced by a set of resources and tools for making on-the-spot changes. Remember that improvisation is 90% preparation and practice—and only 10% inspiration.

Perform continuous real-time assessment Determine and then continuously update your understanding of individuals’ needs. Determine which needs are being met and how to meet those that aren’t. Also, work to improve the dynamics governing the interactions of the participants

Intervene in process, not content Whenever an expert or outsider, acting as a facilitator, introduces their content expertise, it is implicitly communicated that the participants’ abilities are less important. This reduces participant ownership of the content and outcomes. As participants become more passive, the facilitator will often step in to do more without thinking. By focusing on the learning skills and processes that underlie learning new content, facilitators affirm participant abilities and build greater capacity for future performance.

Shift role to consultant when the participants use the facilitator as an expert Whenever the participants need the facilitator’s expertise as a resource, the facilitator can switch roles and answer questions freely. It is helpful to place restrictions on the number of questions or the time allocated to consulting. The key is to assume this role only when invited by participants.

Connect with each participant During the facilitation, make each participant aware that they are valued. This can be done directly or indirectly, with spoken words and with body language.

Make the process rewarding and growth-oriented for the participants Learning should be enjoyable, even fun, and the facilitator is responsible for keeping the participants challenged—not angry or disengaged. Growth requires a well-maintained balance between support and challenge.

Do not compromise the means for the sake of the ends The results should never be more important than the people in the learning process. Do not be afraid to make adjustments if learning objectives are not possible with the participants’ levels of preparation or personal development.

We're wading into the world of social media and are pleased to announce our first short-form video!

Auston shares some great tips about Getting Student Buy-in for Learning Activities. It's on TikTok (surprisingly, they let us in, gray hair and all!) but we're also moving along on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Medium. And of course our blog.

Infographics! Role cards! Posters! We're in creative overdrive these days and wanted to share a glimpse of what we're working on. We'll share more next month!

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