May 31, 2024

Preparing for the 2024 HURRICANE SEASON

As soon as we finish the Memorial Holiday Weekend with the cookouts and road trips along comes June first, the start of Hurricane Season. This date has struck dread in the hearts of many Floridians as we get ready for another season of weather watching, preparing, and if we are lucky breathing a sigh of relief that we were spared. If we are not so lucky, there are days of picking up the pieces, making repairs, and living without electricity and clean water.

The 2024 Hurricane Season is predicted to be an active one, at least according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The ocean temperatures are already warmer than normal and that is likely to develop into an engine that creates more storms this year.

As you can see in the illustration below, NOAA officials predict there will be 17 to 25 named tropical storms or hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean region this year before the official Hurricane Season draws to a close Nov. 30.

At least eight of those storms will develop into full hurricanes with winds of 75 mph or above, according to NOAA’s projection. Some four to seven of those hurricanes could become major storms, meaning Category 3 hurricanes or stronger.

We at Florida Rural Water are preparing for the worst and hoping for the best. Our warehouse is stocked with different sizes of generators and many other types of emergency equipment so that we can be ready for any type of emergency. We have developed Standard Operating Procedures in case of an emergency, that can be deployed on a moments notice. The office in Tallahassee is set with emergency generators so that we are able to monitor our members needs at all times.

Is your system ready for what may befall them this hurricane season? Have you updated your information on WATER Tracker at Is your Emergency Response Plan up to date? With the start of hurricane season, here are some more suggestions that you may want to consider to be sure that your system is ready for "the storm":

  • Contact Electrician to Check Emergency Generator & Run on Load Bank 
  • Contact Electrician to Check Running Amps on Pumps
  • Make Sure Unnecessary Equipment is Properly Decommissioned
  • Clean, Inspect & Disinfect Aerator/Degassifier Screens, Sprayheads & Gaskets

Be sure to take advantage of the tax break holiday that begins on Saturday and runs through June 15 to help out with purchases that you may need to prepare for the season ahead. Remember the peak of Hurricane Season doesn't come until August and September.

For more information on the upcoming hurricane season, please refer to the articles below:


A Look at the Programs that Make Us FRWA

EPA Water Training and Technical Assistance

The Florida Rural Water Association employs Jim Cagno as our Training Specialist. Mr. Cagno provides operator certification training, board member training, and on-site technical assistance that supports the specific needs of small water system personnel, tribal systems, and overburden systems. He has experience working with small systems and possesses expert knowledge regarding their compliance challenges.

Classroom sessions are designed to meet state-specific compliance challenges. They are geographically located in areas to reach the most significant number of small system operators. This is important because many small public water systems lack the financial resources to allow operators to travel to central or urban areas for training, and these operators have no backup to respond to emergencies while they are absent.

Please contact Mr. Cagno at for any questions or training needs.

2024 FRWA Annual Conference

Plan now to take your family along with you and let them play while you learn! Daytona Beach is a perfect place to take the family for a last minute vacation before school starts!

You will want to be there early on Monday morning to take advantage of earning 0.5 CEUs as you tour our sold out Exhibit Hall and learn from the best in the industry! Click here for complete information.

July 29-31, 2024

Hilton Daytona Beach Hilton

100 N Atlantic Avenue

Daytona Beach FL 32118

Room rates start at $159, with no resort fee and a $10 discount on parking, this rate is hard to beat in a location such as Daytona! You must reserve your room by July 8, 2024, to take advantage of the discounted rate. Be sure to select the arrival date of July 28th and departure date of July 31st to view the available $159 rooms.

Click here to reserve your room.


Articles of Interest


EPA accused of misconduct in PFAS pesticide testing - EHN - Environmental Health News The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is facing allegations of misleading the public about PFAS contamination in pesticides, as a watchdog group claims the agency withheld critical test results.  more

Farmers threaten to sue the EPA over PFAS contamination spread to their farms through biosolids The EPA could soon face a lawsuit for not protecting farmers from “forever chemicals.” Few states regulate PFAS in biosolids fertilizer, but farmers in the northeast are now calling for federal standards.  more

Consumer Reports finds PFAS in handful of milk samples - WMUR The Environmental Protection Agency has put new limits on PFAS, also known as forever chemicals, in drinking water in a step that could potentially reduce exposure to the chemicals and their health risks for approximately 100 million Americans, but there are still no federal guidelines when it comes to those same chemicals in food.  more

Swarms Of Miniature Robots Clean Up Microplastics And Microbes When old food packaging, discarded children’s toys and other mismanaged plastic waste break down into microplastics, they become even harder to clean up from oceans and waterways.  more

Drinking Water Map Shows States With High Contamination Levels - MSN A drinking water map created by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) from a collection of national data reveals the concerning number of drinking water systems with levels of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, exceeding proposed limits across the U.S.  more

Enviros push EPA to retract PFAS study - E&E News by POLITICO A watchdog group alleges EPA fraudulently ignored concentrations of “forever chemicals” in pesticides.  more

Federal Water Tap, May 28: EPA Alerts Water Utilities to Inadequate Cybersecurity Protections “We cannot be open for business if we cannot keep the lights on.” – Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) speaking at a Senate committee hearing on the nation’s rising demand for electric power.  more

Water Sector Cybersecurity Evaluation Program Please share your information to receive more information about EPA's Water Sector Cybersecurity Evaluation Program.  more

Cybersecurity Helpdesk for the Water Sector Please share your information to request cybersecurity technical assistance.  more

Water Sector Cybersecurity Case Study With cybersecurity threats growing every day, and news that other local entities had experienced ransomware disruptions, this utility decided to reduce its cyber risks while increasing staff cybersecurity awareness and culture.  more

Top Cyber Actions for Securing Water Systems Fact Sheet This joint fact sheet, co-sealed by CISA, EPA, and FBI, outlines the following cyber actions Water and Wastewater Systems Sector entities can take to reduce risk and improve resilience to malicious cyber activity and provides free services, resources, and tools to support these actions.  more

Combatting the Ongoing Threat of Cyberattacks | June 13, 2024 | 2:00 pm CDT Water utilities have increased automation over the past two decades to improve efficiency.  more

State of the Water Industry 2024 For the first time in the AWWA State of the Water Industry survey’s 21-year history, source water protection has emerged as the top issue for water professionals, surpassing the long-standing top concern of aging infrastructure.  more

EPA missed opportunities to prevent Jackson's water crisis - EHN  The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency overlooked key issues in Mississippi's use of federal water infrastructure funds, which could have averted the 2022 Jackson water crisis.  more

Is your child drinking enough water? Here's a guide. - WPTV  'Depending on their age, some of them are not able to tell us when they need water or they don't even know when it's time to drink water,' Dr. Amanda Thomas says.  more

Water systems warn Americans could soon see major rate hikes to filter out toxic 'forever chemicals'  In exchange for cleaner water, Americans around the nation may soon have to pay hefty prices.  more

EPA Proposes Water System Restructuring Assessment Rule and ASDWA Releases Summary EPA proposed the Water System Restructuring Assessment Rule (WSRAR), which would provide a regulatory framework for states, public water systems (PWSs), and the communities they serve to identify and assess restructuring options for systems that struggle to provide safe drinking water.  more

New Clean Water Act Discharge Permit Comment Guide for Protecting Drinking Water Sources A new guide entitled, “Using Clean Water Act Discharge Permits to Protect Drinking Water Sources,” is now available on the Source Water Collaborative (SWC) website.   more

EPA Announces $25 Million in WIIN Grants for States and Territories to Help Small, Underserved, and Disadvantaged Communities EPA announced $25 million through the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation (WIIN) Act grant program for states and territories to help Small, Underserved, and Disadvantaged Communities (SUDC) with drinking water needs.   more

EPA Increases Enforcement Activities to Ensure Drinking Water Systems Address Cybersecurity Threats EPA released an enforcement alert for water systems to address cybersecurity threats, given the increasing number and severity of these threats.   more

Pinpoint Leak Detection On Plastic Pipes Now Possible As plastic water networks replace ageing Victorian mains, leakage detection methods are also evolving, writes Barbara Hathaway, Ovarro’s technology leader for leakage solutions.  more


Not what they promised:' Army Corps of Engineers releases new plan for Lake Okeechobee | WPTV  New LOSOM schedule expected to reduce discharges by at least 40%.  more

Removing PFAS from public water systems will cost billions and take time - Ocala Gazette  Chemists invented PFAS in the 1930s to make life easier: Nonstick pans, waterproof clothing, grease-resistant food packaging and stain-resistant carpet were all made possible by PFAS.   more

Fort Lauderdale's yellow tap water safe to drink, city says - Yahoo  Fort Lauderdale has two water treatment plants, but the one that produces clear water has been offline since Thursday.  more

Hydrant repair leaves more than 100 St. Johns County residents without water | Action News Jax More than 100 customers in St. Johns County are without water tonight. It’s part of a fire hydrant repair project.  more

Water Worries | Solutions: Four sustainable steps to preserving Florida's freshwater - WUSF  Protecting the Floridan Aquifer — the main source of our drinking water — is arguably the most important conservation step going forward.  more

Water Worries | Aquifer recharge becomes key to preserving tap water access - WUSF  Few things are taken for granted in modern society as much as tap water. Fresh, drinkable water is available at the twist of a knob or the turn of a wrist.  more

Florida Dam Safety Program  The Florida Dam Safety Program (FDSP) provides training for dam owners/operators, regulatory staff, professionals, and interested parties on the importance of dam safety to reduce the risk of loss of life and damage to property, infrastructure and the environment.  more

City of Wildwood to slow down new development approvals - WESH "We're reaching a time where we're getting a little bit close to comfort with our wastewater capacity," McHugh said. "We're a very growing city, so we were once a rural city, but I don't think that we could really say that we are anymore."  more

Environmental groups, Stuart to request EPA to intervene in clean water efforts | WPTV 'The state is not doing their job to protect that water, so the federal government and the EPA needs to step in,' Laurie MacDougall says.  more

This Week in Water History

May 27, 1755: Hans Christopher Christiansen installed the first municipal water pumping plant in America at Bethlehem, PA; city supplied from a 70 foot high tank that was filled with water pumped from a spring through wooden pipes.

“Begun in 1754 and enlarged in 1762, the Bethlehem Waterworks is thought to be the first municipal pumping system to provide drinking and washing water in the United States. Johann Christopher Christensen devised the system in 1754 to transfer spring water from the Monocray Creek flood plain to the Moravian settlement on the bluff above it. Six years later, Christensen enlarged the waterworks and installed it in a 24-foot-square limestone rubble structure with a red-tile covered hipped-bellcast-gable roof. The system’s 18-foot undershot waterwheel powered three single acting cast-iron pumps which forced spring water through wood (later lead) pipes 320 feet (94 vertical feet) by a collecting tower, and from there water flowed by gravity to strategically placed cisterns throughout the community. Machines to raise water had been in use in Europe for centuries, but until the construction of the Bethlehem Waterworks, none had been erected in the American Colonies.

In 1652 the Water-Works Company of Boston had constructed a gravity conduit system that used bored logs to convey water from wells and springs to a 12-foot-square reservoir, but the system had not fulfilled the expectations of its promoters and had fallen into disuse. Christensen, born in Schleswig-Holstein in 1716 and trained during his youth in a royal mill in Hadersleben, probably took his ideas for the Bethlehem system from his knowledge of the forcing pumps that had been in use in many German cities since the end of the 15th century. The system served the city until 1832.

By the 1960s the area had become an automobile junkyard. The stone pumphouse was restored in the 1970s, and the waterwheel and pumps were subsequently reconstructed based on the original plans that had been preserved in the Moravian Archives in Germany. The Old Waterworks is a National Historic Landmark.”


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