Table of Contents

  1. Message from the CEO
  2. Program spotlight
  3. Dates of significance
  4. Family Leader Program
  5. From the Archives
  6. Your voice matters
  7. Community corner
  8. Research opportunity
  9. New Build update
  10. Upcoming events & programs

Message from the CEO

September feels a little bit like New Years for Team Grandview and the clients we serve, with a flurry of activity as we prep for the “beginning of the year” with school starting in only a few days.

For those with kids (or teens) heading back to school, best wishes for a successful year, with extra well wishes for all the little ones starting Kindergarten! Refer back to our June Gather newsletter for tips for helping with these important transitions.

In this issue of Gather, we introduce a Table of Contents, helping you more easily navigate to sections you’re interested in. Thanks to the reader who made this suggestion in our last feedback survey. If you have other ideas about how to improve Gather, or questions about Grandview Kids, please submit them via our “Ask us anything” form. We enjoy hearing from you about what’s important and how we can make this a meaningful resource for all Grandview Kids families.

Last month, we also received a number of comments about the wait times many families experience after being referred to Grandview Kids. This is an unfortunate reality, one that we have struggled with for a long time.

Like so much of the health care system, funding for Children’s Treatment Centres (CTCs) has not kept up to demand, especially in Durham Region, which has experienced significant growth in the last decade. That’s why we are especially reassured by the government’s recent, historic investment into paediatric health care, which was announced on July 19.The Ontario government recognized that kids can’t wait, and that funding was needed to ensure our youngest generation can access the support needed to thrive as they get older.

With this new funding comes a daunting challenge, too. We must thoughtfully consider how to ensure our programs and services continue to respond to the needs of our community. We have kids with more complex needs. We have one of the fastest growing populations in Ontario. There is a health human resources crisis across the system, worsened by the pandemic. And, we know that early intervention matters for paediatric clients.

That being said, we have momentum. Grandview Kids increased annual service volume by over 70% since 2018-19. And, after a brief pause in growth due to the pandemic, Grandview Kids completed over 126, 000 visits this past year. We also have a team of passionate, skilled professionals that work hard, every day, ensuring quality care is delivered to children and youth with communication, physical and developmental needs throughout Durham Region.

With a new Strategic Plan on the horizon, we anticipate a renewed focus on access, considering how to reduce wait times. As we look ahead, we will not waiver in our commitment to providing evidence-informed, culturally-safe and family-centred care, but we are very interested to consider innovative ways to support clients and caregivers throughout their paediatric journey. We are in the early stages of this work, but I want to reassure you – the people who count on us: We hear you. We know wait times are a big concern. We are working on it.

Tom McHugh

CEO, Grandview Kids 

Program spotlight: Family Engagement

Our Family Engagement Team (FET) is comprised of caregivers to Grandview Kids clients and former clients (grads), who use their lived experience and specialized training to support other parents, caregivers and clients in their journey. Caring for a child or youth with physical, communication or developmental needs can leave some caregivers feeling isolated and alone. By offering peer support, mentoring and education from individuals who have first-hand, personal experiences, we are cultivating an authentic, non-judgmental environment where families feel empowered, understood and supported.

Grandview Kids is a leader in Family Engagement, building the premier program within Ontario’s CTC sector, which has garnered national and international recognition. We are one of few programs of this kind in Canada.

Grandview Kids' Family Engagement Team (missing two members)

The FET is integrated into the multidisciplinary care approach at Grandview Kids, supporting our Complex Care Program, Ontario Autism Program and Adolescent Transition Program. We also offer Family Engagement services through Online Parent Support (OPS) pages, help with filling out paperwork and funding applications, caregiver education sessions and coffee chats, and our lending ‘Resource Library.’

In addition, our Family Leader Program – comprised of all those who serve as Grandview Kids ambassadors, advisors and advocates – is overseen by our FET; this includes our Family Advisory Council (YAC), Youth Advisory Council (YAC), Working Groups and volunteer Ambassador Program.

One key thing the FET does is host events and networking activities throughout the year to support Grandview Kids clients and caregivers. Popular ones include accessible Trick-or-Treating, Sensory Santa, Resource Fair, Park Playdates and Youth Meetups. These events provide amazing opportunities for parents, siblings, clients, family members and others to meet people who share similar experiences. Connections are made that inspire fun, friendship, learning and advocacy.

Click here to view photos and highlights from our recent FET events!

Photo taken at the Complex Care Program Networking Event hosted by the FET.

Photo taken at a Park Playdate hosted by the FET at the playground at our Oshawa Main Site.

To get connected to the Grandview Kids Family Engagement Team, please email

Dates of significance

September: National Sickle Cell Awareness Month

Written by Grandview Kids Communications Summer Student, Ayanna S.

September is National Sickle Cell Awareness Month, aiming to raise awareness and support research about the disease. Sickle cell affects the oxygen-carrying protein, hemoglobin, which is found in red blood cells. Although it’s not officially recognized in Canada, many sickle cell advocacy groups celebrate the month. This results in stiff, sickled red blood cells that have difficulty flowing through blood vessels. When Ayanna's parents were told she had sickle cell disease when she was just six-months-old, they probably couldn’t predict the profound impact the inherited blood disorder would have on her life.

Read Ayanna's story >

September 23: International Day of Sign Language

Written by Grandview Kids Speech-Language Therapy Assistant, Nicole N.

On September 23, we recognize and continue to raise awareness of the use of sign languages around the world, the importance of protecting the linguistics surrounding it, and respect for deaf individuals and their culture. Today, there are over 300 different sign languages used globally. The International Day of Sign Languages is not only significant to deaf individuals, but also to those who are allies to the Deaf community. Here at Grandview Kids, we take great pride in educating others about the Deaf community, being an advocate for equality of language rights, and sharing knowledge about American Sign Language (ASL).

Read Nicole's blog post >

Family Leader Program

KPR SEAC: Spot available!

Grandview Kids is fortunate to work with school partners by helping identify parents or caregivers that would be eligible to participate on Special Education Advisory Committees (SEAC), using your lived experience to influence change in the school system for children and youth with communication, physical and developmental needs.

The Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board (KPRDSB) is looking for a new SEAC member to fill a spot reserved for a Grandview Kids family. Parents/caregivers of a child or youth attending a KPR school, who currently or formerly received Grandview Kids services, may apply.

What is the purpose of a SEAC?

A SEAC may make recommendations to the school board in respect of any matter affecting the establishment, development and delivery of special education programs and services for exceptional pupils of the board. Every Ontario school district is required to have a SEAC.

In some districts, spots on the Committee are reserved for individuals with affiliations to certain community agencies also serving the population, such as Grandview Kids.

A SEAC’s responsibilities include:

  • Participating in the board’s annual review of its special education plan;
  • Participating in the board’s annual budget process as it relates to special education; and
  • Reviewing the financial statements of the board as they relate to special education.

To apply to the KPR SEAC, or for more information, email

Seeking Grandview Kids Ambassadors

The Ambassador Program was created to give Grandview Kids families an opportunity to share their journey with the community.

Ambassador Families must have and/or had a child or youth receiving services at Grandview Kids. These families have a passionate story to tell of how much Grandview Kids has made a difference in their lives. They also provide a strong message about the importance of giving in order to help children and youth with communication, physical and developmental needs in our community. Through the Program, Ambassadors share their stories in an authentic and personal manner, allowing emotion and the power of experience to resonate.

If you would like to join the Ambassador Program, please email to express your interest. Don’t miss this chance to tell your story to make a difference for other families in your community!

From the Archives

At Grandview Kids, we have always been extremely grateful for the outpouring of support that we have received from our community. For this month’s glance into the Archives, we would like to take you back to the 1950s when we received one of our first donations: a television (TV). The TV was donated by Sunbeam Chapter No. 73, Eastern Star, and purchased at the local Oshawa Loblaws. Pictured in the photo from left to right: Mrs. Rachel Cooper, Mrs. Alice Leaman, Mrs. Bruce Glover, and Miss. Sybil Langmaid. Photo courtesy of Oshawa This Week.

If you have Grandview Kids stories or artifacts you would like to add to our growing collection, please email

Want to hear more about Grandview

Kids' history?

Click here to watch the first episode of our #ArchiveMoments series, led by Grandview Kids’ Archivist, Mitchell Daniels. In this Archive Moment, Mitchell discusses the first meeting of the Oshawa and District Cerebral Palsy Parents Council (now Grandview Kids) in the 1950s!

Your voice matters

Spring/Summer 2023 Caregiver Experience Survey: Results

Earlier this year, we asked caregivers to share their feedback and opinions on Grandview Kids programs and services. From 130 responses, we found that 92% of respondents felt like they were treated with courtesy and respect at their last appointment. To see an infographic summary of the survey results, click the button below.

Summary of survey results

Ask us anything

Got a question about Grandview Kids? Send it our way for possible inclusion in a future edition of the Gather newsletter. Submit your questions in this survey.

Last month, people asked:

“How will clients and families be engaged throughout the Strategic Planning process?”

Our Family Advisory Council (FAC) will participate in a dedicated engagement session, where they will suggest priorities for the organization’s next Strategic Plan. Once similar engagement sessions are complete with all Grandview Kids’ stakeholders, the FAC will once again have a chance to review, endorse and provide feedback on the proposed Strategic Plan during its development phase. Our Youth Advisory Council (YAC) will also participate in a focus group, ensuring both client and caregiver perspectives guide us throughout the strategic planning process. Further, an online survey will be released in Fall 2023, where any Grandview Kids client/caregiver can provide feedback to inform our strategic planning process. The survey will be promoted on our website, social media and in flyers at Grandview Kids sites. You are our most important partners in care and your voice matters as we plan for our future!

“What informs your policy decisions around certain types of therapies? Why do you not support CIMT therapy, kinesiotaping or tens/ems, despite a lot of recent research, especially for the CIMT and TENS? My therapists over the years have never been able to answer why these things are policies. How am I supposed to get access to this information?”

Thanks for your question! Grandview Kids strives to provide an evidence-informed model of care. This means we find a balance between high-quality research, clinical expertise, and each family’s unique needs. Grandview Kids clinicians work with you to assess your child or youth’s needs, understanding your/their goals, and work with you to develop a care plan. If you have concerns about your child/youth’s care plan, call our main line and ask to talk to the clinical leader with oversight for the program area that your child/youth receives care.

To address concerns related to the listed therapies in this question:

  • Constraint Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT) is an evidence-based motor therapy that aims to improve arm and hand function for infants and children with arm and hand asymmetry and suspected or diagnosed hemiplegic cerebral palsy. Grandview Kids can do CIMT, even hosting a camp with this focus in the past, but participation was low, so it was discontinued after a few years. CIMT was approved through our formal internal clinical review process. Most CIMT is very labour intensive, so is not something Grandview Kids can consistently provide due to the long hours required. However, we can provide coaching to caregivers, should they wish to proceed with this therapy at home. We also have therapists that have casted and provided splints to support constraint for a child.
  • KinesioTM Taping may be used to used to reduce pain, swelling, improve strength, encourage optimal alignment and decrease muscle fatigue. We can provide this therapy, based on clinical need and assessment of a client’s needs.
  • A transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) machine is a small, portable and battery-operated device which is worn on the body to help treat chronic pain. There are currently few studies that show strong evidence in support of TENS for the general paediatric population. In order for Grandview Kids to adopt TENS as a reliable, safe option for families, the quality of evidence must be presented in the published scientific research, sharing the risks and benefits to this approach.

"How does Grandview Kids update their clinical practices?"

The Interprofessional Practice Team (IPT) is a group of expert clinicians representing each discipline at Grandview Kids. The IPT welcomes all clinicians and physicians to submit ideas for practice improvement through the IPOC process: Information Practice and Outcomes Committee. Through this work, Grandview Kids IPT thoroughly assesses the scientific evidence supporting the idea, the feasibility of the new therapy/treatment/equipment, and the potential impact it will have on clients and caregivers. This is a thoughtful process. The IPT takes their role very seriously and commits to continuous improvements that are safe and meaningful.

“Why are there such long waitlists if you say you deliver early intervention?”

Grandview Kids continues to optimize its operations to deliver innovative, evidence-informed, equitable care to our clients and their caregivers. Every member of Team Grandview comes to work every day, exemplifying compassionate, quality care in their approach. Our shared goal remains to help every child and youth live life at their full potential, which includes accessing early interventions for communication, physical and developmental needs.


Like so much of the health care system, funding for Children’s Treatment Centres (CTCs) has not kept up to demand. In 2021, CTCs received the first increase to base funding in 11 years; this meant that for over a decade, demand increased, without the resources to support meeting that need, creating significant wait times for children and families requiring rehabilitation services.


We were reassured by the government’s most recent investment into the paediatric health system, announced on July 19. This additional base funding increase was allotted based on local needs and population growth. This is especially important to Grandview Kids, as Durham Region is one of Ontario’s fastest growing communities, with regional growth outpacing the provincial average. Whitby, Oshawa and Clarington are within the top fastest growing municipalities in Ontario; 18% of our population are children between the ages of birth and 14 years, with an additional 6% who are youth ages 15 to 19 years. These demographic changes, combined with increasing complexity of needs in our client population, have put incredible pressure on our organization… but this also translates across the entire paediatric health care system.


Harnessing innovative care models, the passion and excellence of Team Grandview, and now – more sustainable resources, we are able to re-focus our efforts on addressing our waitlist. This will be a significant focus of our new Strategic Plan, currently under development. We will continue to deliver evidence-informed programs and services to improve outcomes for our children and youth, while considering new ways to optimize supports and services (e.g., group-based therapies, caregiver-mediated sessions and coaching, tiered models, etc.) to better serve our community.

Community corner

Elexicon Energy Awards – call for nominations

Elexicon Energy is a proud and longstanding supporter of Grandview Kids. In partnership with the Grandview Kids Foundation, Elexicon Energy is hosting a fundraising dinner on October 19. The event is called “Dream Big, Dream Brighter.”

We are asking staff and families to submit nominations for the “The Spirit of Grandview Kids Awards,” which will be presented at the event on October 19. There will be TWO awards: one for a current client, and one for a former client (grad). Families/caregivers can self-nominate their child who is or was a Grandview Kids client.

The Spirit of Grandview Kids Awards will be presented to winners who:

  • Embody Grandview Kids’ values (caring and commitment, whole child and family centred, trust and respect, innovation and continuous learning, accountability and excellence);
  • Have achieved their goals – inchstones, milestones, reducing barriers for others – we know “success” looks different and means different things to different clients and their caregivers, and we want to celebrate it all; and,
  • Dream big, and wants to make the future brighter for them and other Grandview Kids.

How to submit a nomination: If this sounds like a client (current or former) that you know, please send a few sentences describing why they deserve to win to The Family Engagement Team will anonymise each nomination and provide them to Elexicon Energy. Elexicon will select the winners, who will be notified by Grandview staff.

Nominations are due by Monday, Sept. 18. If you have questions, please email

Get involved in research!

Participate in a research study and join the fun with Bootle Blast, a game designed for movement and hand-arm skills training. Made by kids, designers, clinicians and researchers, Bootle Blast can be customized for different abilities and therapy goals. Let's find out together if Bootle Blast is a fun and easy activity to do at home.

To learn more, visit the Grandview Kids Research webpage and to sign up, please email us at

New Build update

The New Grandview Kids project is progressing well and construction is well underway. Substantial completion is expected in early Fall 2024. This is the date when the facility is ready for use in accordance with the contractual requirements. So far, we have completed half of the reinforced concrete frame. To make best use of the sloped site, the building was designed as a split-level to take advantage of the grade difference. The design adds to the aesthetic of the building by providing a whimsical look.

Ajax Public Library

Head into fall with Ajax Public Library, with a number of fun and insightful activities!

  • Outdoor Explorers with Abilities Centre: Designed to get everyone outside on Saturdays from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. Open to children, youth and families of all ages and abilities with a different activity each week. Sessions will be outside the Library's Main Branch, and run by Abilities Centre staff. Click here for more information.
  • September 23: Nature Bingo
  • October 21: Competitive Games
  • Bird Watching Kit: Check out this kit on your library card and discover the birds in your neighbourhood.
  • October is Dyslexia Awareness Month: Celebrate with the new decodable book collection supported by the International Dyslexia Association.

Upcoming events and programs

Family Engagement events

Find all Family Engagement and Grandview Kids-hosted events here on our website!

Park Playdates

  • When: The last three Tuesdays (12th, 19th and 26th) in September, from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. (weather permitting)
  • Where: Grandview Kids' Oshawa Main Site - 600 Townline Rd. S., Oshawa (in the playground)

No registration is required to attend Park Playdates.

Please note: There are no themes for the September Park Playdates.

Let's Get Active Program

Let’s Get Active is a program for children and youth with developmental disabilities, including Autism, that promotes physical activity, physical literacy and socialization.

  • Click here to register your child (ages 7 to 12) in the program
  • Click here to register your youth (ages 13 - 18) in the program

Photo taken at the ages 7-12 Let's Get Active session.

Photo taken at the ages 13-18 Let's Get Active session.

Grandview Kids Foundation

Golf Fore Grandview Kids Golf Charity Classic

We're still riding high on the excitement of the Golf Fore Grandview Kids Charity Golf Classic that took place on August 10. The participation of our sponsors and golfers, and the support from our volunteers, made all the difference. We can't thank you enough for everyone’s dedication and support.

The turnout was beyond our expectations, and the enthusiasm throughout the day added a vibrant energy to the event. From the satisfying *thwack* of the clubs to the friendly competition and shared laughter, the day was an absolute blast. The mouthwatering food and the thrill of winning prizes added an extra layer of fun to the event.


Mark your calendars, because we're already gearing up for another exciting Golf Fore Grandview Kids event next year. Until then, please stay tuned for updates on the incredible impact everyone’s participation has had the Grandview Kids community.

Get Active Challenge

The Get Active Challenge has officially wrapped up, and we're thrilled to announce that the winners will be revealed shortly. Get ready to celebrate the top individual and team champions!

A huge shout-out to all those who joined us in this Get Active journey. Your involvement truly counts, and we're grateful for your dedication to making this summer event a success. Your contribution has left a positive impact that will ripple through our community.

As summer transitions into the back-to-school season, we hope you carry this energy forward. Keep finding ways to stay active – it's not just a challenge… it's a lifestyle! Thank you again for being a part of our active community.

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Content in Gather is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor. Views expressed in posts and resources listed do not signify endorsement by Grandview Kids.

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