July 21, 2023

Spirit of Adventure

Community Emergency Response Team

Train the Trainer Course Completed


On Saturday June 10, 2023 the Spirit of Adventure Council “Preparedness Initiative” graduated the first class of training instructors for the Hybrid Basic Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program. This course was a combination of virtual and hands on classes in May and June. The seven graduates (six from SoA) are Ronnie Anderson, Pete Mancuso, Steve Rogers, Anthony Sousa, Kenneth Fung and Dan Perenick. This, first in the nation, training program was designed and implemented by Arlene Magoon, ret. FEMA National Preparedness, Individual and Community Officer and David Muse, Founder and CEO Emergency Management by Design.


CERT training is recognized by the State of Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency and the Federal Emergency Management Agency as a standard in excellence for immediate citizen emergency response. The course meets many of the Scout badging requirements and compliments the Scout motto, “Be Prepared”.

Special thanks to the Methuen Police Department for hosting all past Hands-On training days including four Basic CERT and this one Train the Trainer course. The willingness of the whole department to welcome this community training is clear demonstration of their commitment to community preparedness.

The next council wide Basic CERT class will be offered to all senior scouts (age 14-18), Venture Crews, Explorer Post, Sea Scouts, adult leaders, advisors, and parents in September. For more information about this initiative or to sign up for an upcoming “no cost” course email Dan Perenick at  Visit both links below for more information on CERT/Teen CERT and our councils’ program.

This Week at T.L. Storer

This Week at New England Base Camp, Milton

This Week at Topsfield Day Camp

Calendar of Events

7/24-7/28 - NEBC Day Camp - Milton, MA

7/26 - Citizenship in the World Merit Badge Online

7/27 - Art Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

7/27 - Textile Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

7/31-8/4 - NEBC Day Camp - Milton, MA

8/3 - Weather Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

8/3 - Citizenship in Society Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

8/7-8/11 - NEBC Day Camp - Milton, MA

8/9 - Graphic Arts Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

8/10 - Painting Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

8/10 - Leatherworking Merit Badge - Woburn, MA

8/14-8/18 - NEBC Day Camp - Milton, MA

8/16 - Citizenship in Society Merit Badge Online

8/21-8/25 - NEBC Day Camp - Milton, MA

8/21-8/25 - Chelmsford Day Camp - Chelmsford, MA

8/26 - Swimming Merit Badge - Manchester, NH

Spirit of Adventure Council

Customer Service Center 

2 Tower Office Park

Woburn, MA 01801

(617) 615-0004


New England Base Camp

411 Unquity Rd.

Milton, MA 02186

(617) 615-0004

Contact Us