Join Us!
If you're curious to learn more about USAC and how we operate, our bi-monthly business meetings are open for staff to join as guests. Guests are also encouraged to view our business meeting agendas at the USAC Website.
Next Business Meeting:
Hybrid Meeting
Wednesday, July 26, 2023
In-Person Location: Ohio Union - Barbie Tootle Room (3rd Floor)
Please note agenda items/topics may change and some information shared during the meetings might not be ready for public dissemination. Guests who plan to attend are encouraged to review updated agendas closer to the business meeting date.
We strive to host inclusive, accessible events that enable all individuals, including individuals with disabilities, to engage fully. To request an accommodation or for inquiries about accessibility, please contact Shelby Dawkins at At least two weeks' advance notice will help us to provide seamless access.