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6200 Gulf of Mexico Drive

Longboat Key, Florida 34228

(941) 383-6491

The Chapeline

May 7, 2024

From Rev. Brock Patterson

“Read This Important Message”

Early in my vocational career as a pastor, I wasted far too much time to create creative sermon titles that would entice people to come to church, stay awake, and hear something helpful. I know that’s awfully far-fetched. Most people don’t like to come to church. The ones who do attend church struggle to stay awake and very few take anything away. 

The same is true for newsletters. The staff works hard only to hear those familiar words from our church folks, “I didn’t know that!” Oh, the joy!

For instance, did you know that the Chapel is about to begin a large construction project? Yes, we are. If you want to know more about it, call me, because I’ve already written about it. (

How am I doing with all of this? Eh, don’t worry about me. I know that God will complete what is needed and supply the funds required. However, I am a little concerned because I don’t know who the financial “Big-Hitters” are in the Chapel. (Even if I knew someone could help, I wouldn’t know who to ask.) Instead, I’m trying to bang the war drums hoping that everyone will be able to give at least $1,000 over the next several months towards the project. 

As an incentive for everyone, I’m offering two stylish hot/cold, stainless steel, Chapel-engraved beverage tumblers to every person who is able to donate at least $1,000 to the Building Fund. Of course, even if everyone gives that much, we still won’t reach our goal. We still need some folks who can contribute more. So, yes, as a larger incentive, I’m willing to sell one of the restrooms, offices, or even the Prayer Chapel if that will help. I’ll even put your name on the toilet if you wish to be so generous as to buy one. Maybe we could hang a sign over a urinal in your honor, such as “Jane Smith made this possible.” Hmmm. Maybe not.

The name of our fund-raising campaign is “Share the Light”, referring to the Chapel’s focus on providing our community with a place of love, joy, and generosity. Special envelopes are now located in the sanctuary to receive donations for the “Share the Light” Building Fund. Or, if you aren’t in the area, you are welcome to give by credit card at our website (www.longboatislandchapel) or by contacting the Chapel office at (941) 383-6491. I’ll also be sending a few of those yellow envelopes to you, as long as I’ve got your address and you’ve been here in the last couple of years. (If that doesn’t include you, please let us know and we will send you some special envelopes!)

In the Chapel’s sanctuary, we have also installed a “Giving Tree” to help as a visual aid of our progress. For each $1,000 we receive, a white light will be lit. If folks are able to reach much higher marks by giving $10,000, $25,000, or $50,000, a colored light will be added in their honor. I’m hoping and praying that the tree will eventually be lit by at least 640 white lights and a few colored lights, symbolizing that we would have reached our goal.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. I’m sorry I guilted you with a creative title for this article but I thought it might help to get your attention. Did it work? If you're still reading...then yes!

I love it here. I’m guessing you love it as well. But even more, God loves it here. That’s why God launched the Chapel on Longboat Key 67 years ago. That’s also why we’ll reach our goal this year: God provided to us so that we can "Share the Light" with everyone.

See you this Sunday (10 am EST), online or in person, at the Chapel!

God Bless, Brock.

Worship Sunday, May 12

10:00 a.m.

Happy Mother's Day!

 "Mom is God's Promise"

Rev. Brock Patterson

Ruth 1:1-18

Watch Sunday Worship LIVE at 10 am (EST) on our Website.

Streaming Link

Prayer shawls, handmade and provided by the Prayer Shawl Ministry are available in the Sanctuary during worship services on Sundays.

There are some shawls draped over the ends of the pews for your use and comfort.

If it feels chilly, please use one during worship.

Longboat Island Chapel

“Share the Light” Capital Campaign


We are excited to announce the launch of our Capital Campaign to raise funds for expanding and upgrading our facilities. By donating to our campaign during 2024, you will be investing in our future and helping all of us achieve our long-term goals.


The tree at the front of the sanctuary will “light up” with one white light for every $1,000 received.


                                                     Individual Donations Totaling:

· $10,000; a green light is lit

· $25,000; a blue light is lit

· $50,000; a red light is lit 

 Bright yellow envelopes in your pew backs are designated for our “Share the Light” donations and may be used for your contributions.

 Place in the offering bowls during Worship service or drop off at the Welcome desk.

Day of Prayer

Prayer in the Sanctuary

Thursday, May 9

8:45 am to 9:45 am

We invite you to join us at the Chapel for this special morning of prayer, as we come together to bring faith and hope for a brighter future.

Gather and Give Social

Tuesday, May 21

5-7 pm

Meredith Piazza, a social worker, will be speaking on behalf of the Cyesis program.

Sign up in Shook Fellowship Hall or call the office at 941-383-6491.

Bring your own beverage and if you'd like, a dish to share.


The Charitable Outreach Committee presents:


Oh Baby!


The focus for the month of May is toward the Riverview High School Cyesis Program. They provide a daycare service for high school students who are parents and are in need of this service to help them graduate high school and provide for their new family.

Feel free to drop off items in Shook Fellowship Hall by the community chest.

The daycare really appreciates diapers!  

Island Time Caribbean BBQ

Demo Party Feast!

Sunday, May 26

11:00 am

Shook Fellowship Hall


You Won’t Want To Miss This Event!


In anticipation of the renovation work starting soon, we are having a special blowout BBQ party at the Chapel, sponsored by the Events Committee. Please join us!


Sign up in Shook Fellowship Hall

or call the office at #941-383-6491

Sponsor Sanctuary Flowers for May/June

Are you interested in sponsoring Sanctuary flowers during Sunday Worship (include your own special message)?

Simply call the Chapel Office at:

#941-383-6491 or sign up in Shook Fellowship Hall.

Thank you to our Ushers and Greeters

We appreciate all that you do to help provide excellent service. Your dedication does not go unnoticed, and we are so grateful for your commitment!

Sign up to be an usher or greeter over the summer months.

All that is required is a smile and a welcoming attitude!

We will train!

Sign up in Shook Fellowship Hall or contact the office with any questions at:

Thank you to last Sunday's ushers and greeters:

June Hessel, Becky Hopf, Muriel Klosterman, Michael Nunes and Dia Wilson

Chapel Book Club

"The Widows' Wine Club"

by Julia Jarman

Next meeting:

Monday, May 20

Noon at Lazy Lobster

Suncoast Blood Drive is Coming!

Chapel Parking Lot

One Day Only!

Saturday, May 18

9 am to 1 pm

Donors receive a coupon for 10% off their purchase at the Lord's warehouse. Each donor is also entered into a drawing to win a Macbook Air!

On Sunday, May 5th, the Charitable Outreach Committee hosted a Ukrainian Children’s Easter Party in the Chapel Gardens. There were over 30 children and their parents decorating Easter eggs, having an Easter egg hunt, eating cotton candy and popcorn. With a surprise visit from the Easter Bunny being the highlight of the day!! As you can see a great time was had by all!!

The Ukranian Easter Bunny visited too!

Many eggs were hidden. Some in plain site!

The Search is on!


Always in our Prayers...

Our Service Men and Women

Giving to The Chapel

  • Checks and/or money orders written out to Longboat Island Chapel.

  • Direct withdrawal from your bank to ours. Call the Chapel office at (941) 383-6491 for our routing and account numbers.

  • All major credit cards are accepted. Simply contact the Chapel office at (941) 383-6491 to charge your one-time gift.

  • Ongoing monthly support via your credit card. Office staff will be happy to debit your card at the beginning of each month in an amount established by you.

  • Support the Longboat Island Chapel via the "donate" button, located on our website at This may be a one time or ongoing contribution, whichever you prefer!

Thank you for your generosity!