Please join us for worship. Services will be both in person and live streamed. Contact Pastor Berg or Kristin Smith for the streaming information.
Hear and Then Listen
from Pastor Berg's Monthly Blog
Susan and I are sitting in our car in a parking lot at Westport Marina. We are working away on our laptops because the reception is pretty good here. It seems also to be a great place to birdwatch since we ran into Joe and Linda Siebert. That is right, some four hours away from church, we still run into parishioners. What a delight.
I start my blog with this because of the conversations we've been having around 1 Peter. One of the notions of the author is that you never know when the Holy Spirit may call you...
Council Corner for May 2023
The Church Council would like to thank all the volunteers for their gifts of time and support and our staff for making our Lenten journey through Holy Week and culminating with a glorious Easter celebration possible.
Speaking of volunteers, starting with June’s monthly newsletter, please watch for a new column called Spotlight on Volunteers. Each month a different committee will share information about the committee and their guilds, their work and the members who dedicate their time and talents to the service of our church and our Lord.
Yours in Christ because He lives,
Ho Brown
Council President
From FLC's Altar Guild
In case you did not notice, the Altar Guild left some subliminal sacred numerical messages in the Easter Sunday plant arrangement. First, did you notice that there were 12 lilies that represent the 12 tribes of Israel or the 12 apostles? Further, seven of the lilies were placed in the back of the cross to symbolize the seven days of creation and the seven Sundays until Pentecost. The remaining five were placed in front of the cross to denote the first five books of the bible, which is commonly known as the Pentateuch. On either side of the plant arrangements were two daisies (four in total) that imply the four evangelists (i.e., Mathew, Mark, Luke and John); each have versions of the Resurrection. The remaining plants, 5 pairs in total, signify the numerous pairs of animals that entered Noah's Ark and repopulated the Earth. Happy blessed Easter to all and we hope you enjoyed our arrangement.
From FLC's Sound Technicians - Ancillary Speakers for Zoom
Being in church in person is the best for a rewarding sound experience and fellowship. I encourage you to attend in person when you can. But if you cannot attend in person Zoom and YouTube continue to be options.
Have you been disappointed with Zoom sound from your computer or tablet? I was. I bought an ancillary speaker from Amazon to boost the Zoom church services sound during Covid. It made a big difference in the sound quality. We now use the ancillary speaker for all Zoom meetings.
Listed below are some products that are available online. You will likely find similar products at Best Buy or Fred Meyer.
Speakers for Zoom/You Tube Listening from Your Computer or Tablet- Others Available:
* Amazon Basics USB Plug-n-Play Computer Speakers for PC or Laptop, Black - Set of 2(No Bluetooth)- $19.00
* Upgraded, Anker Soundcore Bluetooth Speaker with IPX5 Waterproof, Stereo Sound, 24H Playtime, Portable Wireless Speaker for iPhone, Samsung and More-$28
* Anker Soundcore Mini , Super-Portable Bluetooth Speaker with FM Radio, 15-Hour - $25
* DOSS SoundBox Pro Bluetooth Speaker with 20W Stereo Sound, Active Extra Bass, IPX6 - $40 (I own this one.)
Happy Listening – Ann Bormann – Sound Tech for FLC
Widows Support Group
May 8, 10 am
(formerly known as Friends Supporting Friends)
We are not a therapy group, but we are a place for widows to find friendship, support, and fun.
We meet the 2nd Monday of the month at 10:00 am in the library. Please join us!
Call Paula Glandon for more info. 425-483-1783
Women's Bible Study & Fellowship opportunities available:
Rebecca Circle: May 17, 10:00 am.
Hannah Circle: May 20, 9:00 am.
Contact: Linda Siebert 206-369-7047
FLC circles welcome all women of the congregation! Please contact the persons listed above for meeting locations.
Men’s Breakfast and Bible Study! (Also available on Zoom)
Saturday, May 20, 9 – 10:15 am.
Join other congregation and community members for breakfast and conversation! There will be “food for the body, food for the soul and food for thought!” A group of 17 men typically attend. Please join us for discussion and enrichment. Questions to Roger Steinke
Registration has been extended for one more day, so call the church office right away if you wish to attend!
Join our congregation as we attend the
NW Washington Synod Gathering
"Equip the Saints
for the work of ministry"
Saturday, May 13 at
Salem Lutheran Church, Mount Vernon
Saturday, May 20 at
Saint Andrew’s Lutheran Church, Bellevue
8:30am – 3:30pm
Worship, fellowship, conversations, learning & lunch. There are 21 forum topics to choose from! $40 / person
The Church Bus will be
heading to both events.
Reach Ministries
Opportunities for all Ages!
Sunday, May 21, Noon - 3:30 pm
End of School Year Party at Pump It Up! In Lynnwood
Kids in Preschool through High School are invited to celebrate an End of School Year Party at Pump It Up! in Lynnwood. We will leave from First Lutheran at 12 PM – right after the worship service and return to the Church by 3:30 PM. You can either ride in the church bus (round/trip) or drive with your own family. A pizza lunch will be served at a in the Pump It Up! party room.
Pump It Up! in Lynnwood is located at 18027 Highway 99 (Suite J). Our discounted price for First Lutheran Church Members and Friends is only $20 per participant. Price includes admission and pizza lunch. Scholarship help is available. Questions? Please contact Roger Steinke for more information.
Vacation Bible School Registration is now open!
Monday, July 24 – Thursday, July 27
Ages 3 years - 6th Grade
Click here or scan this code to register and pay online.
NO May 2023 Movie Review Meeting
Due to the limited number of available Sundays in May, there will NOT be a Movie Review Meeting in May. The next Movie Review will be on Sunday, June 25 at 3 PM. The movie will be, “Mars One,” released in January 2023.
Book Club!
Discussion Book: The Oregon Trail by Rinker Buck
May 23, 7:00 pm on Zoom
Discussion Leader: TBA
Rinker Buck's The Oregon Trail is a major work of participatory history: an epic account of traveling the 2,000-mile length of the Oregon Trail the old-fashioned way, in a covered wagon with a team of mules--which hasn't been done in a century--that also tells the rich history of the trail, the people who made the migration, and its significance to the country.”
Spanning 2,000 miles and traversing six states from Missouri to the Pacific Ocean, the Oregon Trail is the route that made America. In the fifteen years before the Civil War, when 400,000 pioneers used it to emigrate West--historians still regard this as the largest land migration of all time--the trail united the coasts, doubled the size of the country, and laid the groundwork for the railroads. The trail years also solidified the American character: our plucky determination in the face of adversity, our impetuous cycle of financial bubbles and busts, the fractious clash of ethnic populations competing for the same jobs and space. Today, amazingly, the trail is all but forgotten.”
Apart from charting his own geographical and emotional adventure, Buck introduces readers to the evangelists, natives , trailblazers, and everyday dreamers who were among the first of the pioneers to make the journey west.
With a rare narrative power, a refreshing candor about his own weakness and mistakes, and an extremely attractive obsession for history and travel, The Oregon Trail draws readers into the journey of a lifetime.
(Summary by goodreads)
Please contact Clint Bastin, Ann Aagaard or Roger Steinke for additional information about the Book Club. A copy of this Featured Book of the Month is available in the First Lutheran Church Library. Please join us!
Our current library magazine subscriptions include: Christian Century, Living Lutheran and Gather (Women's Bible Study; Ten Commandments).
Check it Out!
International Compost Awareness Week (ICAW) is celebrated annually during the first full week of May, both nationally and throughout the world. Its goal is to raise awareness on why to compost and how to use compost. This year’s theme is “For Healthier Soil, Healthier Food…Compost!” and was chosen because of the grim global issue that every nation faces: hunger.
Bike to Work Week/Day this year is from May 15th thru 21st, with Bike to Work Day celebrated on Friday, May 19th. Did you know that it’s estimated 40% of all trips in the U.S. are less than two miles? This makes bicycling a wonderful option for those short trips, and a terrific way to reduce our carbon footprint. If you’d like to review a downloadable pdf version of Washington State Department of Transportation’s (WSDOT) 2-year program, entitled “The Pedestrian/Bicyclist and Safe Routes to School Programs 2023-2025 Prioritized Project List and Program Update,” go to:
Endangered Species Day 2023 - Each year, on the 3rd Friday of May, people all over the world recognize Endangered Species Day by celebrating and learning about these species as well as actively protecting endangered and threatened species. In 2023, the day is celebrated on May 19th with the theme of “Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Endangered Species Act.” The act, which was passed in 1973, was once called the Magna Carta of the environmental movement. According to the World Wildlife Federation/UK, 10 of the world’s most endangered animals are: Javan Rhinos; Amur Leopard; Sunda Island Tiger; Mountain Gorillas; Tapanuli Orangutan; Yangtze Finless Porpoise; Black Rhinos; African Forest Elephant; Sumatran Orangutan; and Hawksbill Turtles.
Here in Washington, we have more than 1,900 species of animals, including at least 40 that aren’t found anywhere else on Earth! Our state’s Department of Fish and Wildlife has identified 268 species that are in the greatest need for conservation help, including golden eagles, fishers, wolverines, and pygmy rabbits. Here is a downloadable pdf that lists the 46 species that the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission has classified as Endangered, Threatened, or Sensitive and a list of the 71 species that have been identified as candidates to be classified as the same. The list was last updated in March, 2022. If you’d like to get involved or find family education resources, click here.
The above link will be updated with the previous month's financial information after the Finance Committee is able to review the financial statements at their monthly meeting.
Do you use pew envelopes for your Sunday morning giving? FLC's preprinted book of offering envelopes is the most economical and easiest way to give to FLC with a check or cash. You will be assigned a personalized giving number that is printed on all your envelopes. These preprinted books of offering envelopes are much more cost effective to FLC than the pew envelopes. Please call the church office to be assigned a book of envelopes! 425-486-2314
(Lutheran Immigration & Refugee Services)
Monthly Outreach
CHANGE FOR CHANGE All money received in the Change for Change jar will be used to support HOPELINK food bank.
HOPELINK helps homeless and low-income families, children, seniors and people with disabilities gain stability, while providing others with the tools and skills they need to exit poverty for good. HopeLink is not accepting food or other goods at this time. Click here for donation information.
January Monthly Outreach: Earth Ministries
February Monthly Outreach: Hopelink
March Monthly Outreach: Lutheran Community Services
April Monthly Outreach: Poor Peoples Campaign
May Monthly Outreach:
Spring Community Food Drive - May 2023
First Lutheran Church is partnering with the Northshore Nourishing Networks to collect donations of non-perishable food items. Donations will be distributed to local food pantries and to several school food banks. Thank you for supporting the 2023 Spring Food Drive and giving what you CAN! Learn more about the Northshore Nourishing Networks
Scrip is a Great Way to Increase Your Giving
with Purchases You'd Make Anyway!
Proceeds from FLC's Scrip program recently paid for the shipment of quilts and school/health kits to Lutheran World Relief. Your purchases really do make a difference!
Purchase your Scrip gift cards on Sunday morning before and after worship. (No Scrip sales on Easter Sunday, so get your Easter Basket gifts on Palm Sunday!) You can also set up Shop with Scrip and Presto Pay for instant Scrip purchases and redemption on your smart phone. This is a super easy way to continue to support FLC's Scrip program. (See below for more information.)
If you are unable to attend worship or purchase Scrip online, you may mail a check to FLC Scrip, attention Gordy Phelps, with a note of what scrip cards you wish to purchase, and he will mail the cards back to you.
Another other opportunities for earning money while you shop, for FLC's many social ministry programs:
Link your Fred Meyer rewards card to their Community Rewards program for First Lutheran Church. All of your purchases will result in a quarterly donation to FLC.
Looking Ahead - Important Dates
July 6 – 9, 2023 The Western States Youth Gathering (WSYG) at California Lutheran University. Youth entering Grades 9 – 12 in the Fall of 2023 (and 2023 High School Graduates) are all invited to attend. A group of youth and adults from First Lutheran Church Bothell is being assembled. Our group will leave Seattle on Wednesday, July 5th and return on either Tuesday, July 11th or Wednesday, July 12th. Please Sign-Up on the Youth Board. Registration for this event has opened. Please contact Roger with any questions regarding the WSYG.
Monday, July 24 – Thursday, July 27 Vacation Bible School at First Lutheran Church
Sunday, August 13 – Friday, August 18 Camp Lutherhaven Summer Mission Trip. This event is open to Middle School and High School students. Please watch for more information.
Helping Hands Day with FLC's chartered Cub Scout Pack #584
Saturday, May 6,10 AM to 12 PM.
The scouts are going to be helping with spring cleaning! Projects they will be working on include washing the church bus and trailer, cleaning the church parking lot, helping with general clean-up, picking up trash around the church and our neighbor’s properties. Special thanks to FLC's Garden Guild, who’ll help supervise several of these projects!
Imagine; A Ministry of Northlake Lutheran Church Presents:
May 19 & 20, 7PM
May 21, 3PM
Reservations Now Available!
A small group of people help Jesus Christ tell different parables by using a wide variety of games, storytelling techniques and hefty doses of comic timing. An eclectic blend of songs, ranging in style from pop to vaudeville, is employed as the story of Jesus' life dances across the stage. Dissolving hauntingly into the Last Supper and the Crucifixion, Jesus' messages of kindness, tolerance and love come vibrantly to life.
This show is Free, but due to limited space, you. must have a reservation to attend. While there is no charge, we are asking for donations to fund Imagine. $20 Suggested Donation, but any amount will be appreciated.10% of proceeds will be given to Camp United We Stand. Make Reservations at
All performances at Northlake Lutheran Church, 5520 NE 185th St, Kenmore 98028
A Publication of the NW Washington Synod
First Lutheran Church | 425-486-2314 | 425-297-4898 |