The Church of God Chaplains Commission has announced special discounted rates for Community Service Chaplaincy training set to take place June 26-30. The courses are interactive and provide clergy and laypeople with training and support to reach outside the walls of the church and serve in their communities. 

The five-day intensive course will include critical topics chaplains encounter, including Crisis and Stress, Violence Cycle, PTSD, Ethics and Legalities, Death Notifications, Theology of Chaplaincy, Moral Injury, and more.

“Anyone interested in serving as a Community Service Chaplain can join students around the world in this Community Service Chaplaincy Training from our classroom in Cleveland or via live Zoom video conference,” stated Dr. Brenda Pace, Coordinator of Community Service Chaplains. “Participants will have the opportunity to learn from Chaplains in the field, discuss practical advice for ministry, and offer their first-hand experience and guidance.”

The Chaplains Commission offers a special rate for participants registering for levels one and two together. This combined course is only offered twice a year at a significant savings. The individual cost for the combined Level 1 and Level 2 course is discounted from $720 to $450. Married couples can attend both levels for $675 compared to the regular rate of $980. The discounted rate for participating in a single level course is $360 for individuals and $490 for married couples. Students enrolled at the Pentecostal Theological Seminary may take the training for three (3) hours credit.

The course fee includes the training manual, Community Service Chaplain (CSC) ID, certificate, and background check.

The dates for the Community Service Chaplaincy Training Course are June 26-30 (Level 1 Monday/Tuesday 9:00-5:00 and Wednesday 9:00-12:00; Level 2 Wednesday 1:00-5:00; Thursday/Friday 9:00-5:00). All classes are Eastern Time either on location at the Pentecostal Theological Seminary, or from your home via Zoom.

Space is limited. Pre-registration and a $50 deposit is required and reservations can be made by visiting Additional details and information about the Church of God Chaplains Commission is available at: