Weekly e-News from Epiphany Parish
July 18, 2023
From Rev Christen

Dear Epiphany Parish,

Dan and I have spent the last few weeks getting small projects done around the Rectory. We replaced batteries in our smoke detectors, we unclogged a sink that was draining slowly, and a new couch we had ordered for our living room finally was delivered. It feels good to get these projects checked off the seemingly never-ending list! 
As you can imagine, there is also a never-ending list of projects that need to be done around the church property too! 

First of all, with all the rain we’ve been getting lately, the plants at the church are thriving…but that means that the weeds are also living their best life this year! It is time to clean up the gardens that surround the church building. I invite you to stay after church next Sunday, July 23rd for an hour to help us weed, prune, and clean up our gardens! Many hands will make light work and we’ll have plenty of snacks on hand. Please feel free to wear clothes you can get dirty to church and stay after for a while to help out!

Also, I wanted to share that this past Sunday at a special vestry meeting, your vestry approved an application for a diocesan loan of $57,600. This summer we will be contracting with workers for two important projects, painting the exterior of the church building, the Parish House, and the garage and replacing the boiler in the Parish House.   Because these are important projects that need to be done this year, the plan is to begin the work soon, borrowing money from our parish endowment funds to begin. Then, if we are approved for the diocesan loan, that money will be used to repay the money we’ve borrowed from the endowment. Tonight at our Vestry meeting, we hope to begin some of the planning for this work. 

Just a reminder- our regular vestry meetings are open to the parish. They take place on the third Tuesday of every month from 7pm-9pm. Our next meeting is tonight at Epiphany.
I hope everyone is staying cool during this hot weather we’ve been having!

Epiphany Parish News
We began the summer bi-weekly e-news schedule.
Our next e-news will be Tuesday, August 1st.

Church Cleanup Day: We need your help to make our church beautiful!
On Sunday, July 23rd from 10:30am-11:30am we need all volunteers available to help us clean up/weed the church gardens and yard. With all the rain we've been having the gardens are thriving but so are the weeds! Snacks and drinks will be provided. Please dress in clothes that can get dirty and bring gardening gloves/work gloves if you have them.
Email office.epiphany@verizon.net to let Cindy know if you plan to be there on Sunday, July 23rd from 10:30am-11:30am. Thanks!
**Summer Schedule**

Sunday, July 23rd
Eighth Sunday after Pentecost
9:30am - Rite I with Holy Communion & Live streamed
10:30 - Church Garden Clean up

Sunday, July 30th
Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
9:30am - Rite II with Holy Communion & Live Streamed

Join us each Sunday after the 9:30am service for
Coffee Hour for an informal time of fellowship!
We are looking for folks to host Coffee Hour! It's easy and if you provide the treats we can help you make the coffee! Sign up in the undercroft or at the link below:
Notes from the Office
common cathedral - We are not signed up for a common cathedral drop-off in July.
Weekly Calendar
Sunday Morning - 9:30am worship alternating between Rite I & Rite II weekly - in person & live streamed on Facebook
Sunday Youth Group - every other week 5-6:30pm - Resumes in the Fall.
Monday Bible Study - 7:00-8:00pm - Resumes in September
Tuesday - Open Vestry Meetings - every third Tuesday
Wednesday Morning Prayer - 7:15am by Phone
Wednesday - Finance Committee - every first Wednesday
Friday - AA Meeting - Undercroft 8:00pm
Office Hours - The office hours have returned to Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 10:00am-2:00pm. Please email to arrange a time to meet in person for different days or times. As always, please contact Rev Christen directly if you have a pastoral emergency.
Safe Church Training - The staff and the vestry members of Epiphany Parish are required to take the Safe Church Training. If any other members of the parish would like to also take the training, please email the office and an invite will be sent to get you started on the online training.
Epiphany Parish Welcome Statement
Epiphany Episcopal Parish welcomes all those who seek a spiritual connection to God. We embrace the young and the old; the seasoned and the newcomer; the married, single, separated, divorced and widowed; those of all sexual orientations and gender identities; those from any economic, ethnic, cultural or religious background; and those of all abilities. We not only welcome diversity at Epiphany, we celebrate it.
Epiphany Email Policy
 Fraudulent emails are continuing to become more common and more sophisticated, please note that Rev. Christen, Epiphany Parish staff, and/or the members of our Vestry will never solicit money, gift cards, or personal information via email. If you have any questions or concerns about an email request you receive from a leader or staff person in our parish, please do not hesitate to contact the parish office.