Procurement Services Newsletter 

April 2024

FY24 Year-End and Fund Type 100 Schedule

As we approach the end of fiscal year 2024, please take a moment to visit our website and familiarize yourself with the information and deadlines pertaining to fiscal year-end and the Fund Type 100 initiative. This will ensure that your financial transactions are processed in a timely manner.

Access Benco Dental and Fisher Scientific Catalogs Exclusively Through Labviva

As previously communicated, the standalone Benco Dental and Fisher Scientific catalogs in RU Marketplace have been transitioned to the Labviva purchasing platform within RU Marketplace, effective Monday, April 15th. All purchases with these suppliers will now be made through their catalogs within the Labviva punchout in RU Marketplace.

University Procurement Services, in collaboration with Fisher Scientific, will be hosting an informational session to provide more details about this change and other exciting information. 

  • Wednesday, April 24th, 10:00am -11:00 am via webinar

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