April/May 2024

President's Message


I am humbled to serve the California Society Sons of the American Revolution as your President. It is a privilege I take seriously, and I commit to giving you my best during my term in office. I thank you in advance for your support. 

For those members, spouses, and guests who attended the 149th Annual Meeting of the California Society in Burlingame, I hope that you enjoyed the Hyatt Regency SFO and the camaraderie of your SAR friends. Thank you for attending. This meeting was made possible by the support and efforts of the California Society, the Northern California Chapters, and a great team of hard-working meeting planners. It was a great environment for conversation, laughter, and focus on our shared objectives.

For those who did not attend, we missed you. Where were you? We missed hearing what you have been doing back home. We missed hearing your ideas and opinions about the business at hand. We missed getting to know you better and to the opportunity to create a lifelong bond. We missed learning what works great in your chapter and what you struggle with. Conversely, you missed the opportunity to talk with us, pick our brains, and get to know us as fellow compatriots. We are all SAR.

I’d like to thank Jim Klingler for his extended service to the California Society as President and for leaving it in great shape! I also wish to thank President General John Dodd and First Lady Karen for attending as well as Joe Dooley PG 2013-2014; Rob Moore, VPG Western District; Edmon McKinley, Chancellor General; and Alan Greenley, Registrar General, for attending at their own expense from their homes back east.

We have a busy 2 years ahead of us before the Nation’s 250th Celebration of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. We still have time to grow our ranks, lay our plans, and accomplish great things if we join together in honoring our Patriot Ancestors. With Spring upon us and Summer ahead, now is a great time to check your uniforms, order those “I’m Proud to be an American” door hangers and get out among the public and celebrate being citizens of this great country.

Don Littlefield


California Society Sons of the American Revolution

Welcome New Compatriots


"We will remember our compatriot brothers with thanksgiving."

134th Annual Congress

Lancaster Pennsylvania

July 10-16, 2024

There is still time to REGISTER for this year's Congress. Besides being able to participate on a National level in the SAR, attendance this year will enable you to witness our own Derek Brown receive his well-deserved Minuteman Medal.

ALSO, very important: If you are going to Congress, please let Secretary Chris Cerillo know. He is responsible to inform national who will be able to vote at the meeting. If the Credential Committee at National does not have your name, you will not be able to vote. Secretary Cerillo needs the information by May 15th in order to be timely with the state's submission.

Regulatory Deadlines -- May 15

It is that time of year when tax filings must be submitted to the IRS and the California FTB. For any that are having challenges in getting the filings on time, please reach out to Treasurer Kevin Bidenkap or Executive Vice President John Ferris or Chancellor Michael Hirman. Any one of us will be happy to help ensure your chapter is compliant with the State of California tax laws. Compliance affects not just your chapter and its members; it affects all the members in our Society.

In addition, the California Department of Justice Registry of Charitable Trusts requires all 501(c)(3) entities to file the RRF-1 Annual Registration Renewal and the CT-TR-1 Annual Treasurer's Report.

149th Annual Meeting of the California Society

The 149th Annual Meeting of the California Society of the Sons of the American Revolution recently held in Burlingame was a great success! Compatriots blended business with good food, drink and comraderie. The following are some highlights of the meeting.

Our meeting starts out on Thursday evening for dinner at the Saltyard Restuarant. Lots of laughter and relaxation breaking bread with friends.

Friday's Public Service Luncheon

Dr. Pat Scannon, founder of Project Recover, received the Gold Good Citizenship Award from President General Dodd. Standing next to Dr Scannon is President Jim Klingler.

Project Recover is a collaborative effort to enlist 21st century science and technology in a quest to find and repatriate Americans missing in action since World War II, in order to provide recognition and closure for families and the Nation.

President-elect Don Littlefield with Project Recover founder Dr. Pat Scannon, Project Recover CEO, Dr. Derek Abbey and Vice President South, John Ferris.

Saturday's Youth Award Luncheon

President Jim Klingler presents the Youth Education Medal with Lifetime Achievement Bar to Jim Faulkinbury.

CAR Senior President Sue Fitzgerald receiving the America 250 Bronze Medal from President Klingler and CASSAR Chair of America 250 John Ferris

The announcing of the Poster Contest Winner. From left to right: President Jim Klingler, Orange County (Larry Stratton), Harbor (Brandon Villardi), Sacramento (Don Littlefield), Yosemite (Randy Dhindsa), Redwood Empire (Bill Van Valkenburg.)

The winners: First, Gold Country; Second, Harbor; Third, Mother Lode; Fourth, Orange County; Honorable mention, Redwood Empire and Yosemite.

The Outstanding Eagle Scout awardee, Sean Smile, delivering his essay.

Oration Contest Winner, Danial Hernandez, delivering his speech.

SAR California President Jim Klingler being presented with a $2,000 check from the Ladies Auxiliary. The Ladies Auxiliary is a major contributor to the various activities of CASSAR. L-R: Second Vice President Karen Carlson, President Janet Brown and CASSAR President Jim Klingler.

Lastly, presentation of America 250th Anniversary Recognition Gold Medals. From Left to Right: President Jim Klingler, Randy Dhindsa (receiving for Yosemite Chapter), Brian Stephens, Scott Brooks, Barry Michaels (receiving for South Coast), Dave Gilliard, Kent Gregory and John Ferris, Chair, America 250.

Western District Meeting

After Lunch, Rob Moore VPG Western District, held the District Meeting.

VPG Moore addresses the California Society on ideas to further America 250 as well as his involvement with the Western District over the past year.

VPG Western District Rob Moore presenting Executive Vice President Don Littlefield with the Silver Roger Sherman for his involvement with the Western District.

VPG Western District Rob Moore presenting the Silver Roger Sherman Medal to Brian Stephens for serving as Secretary for the Western District.

SAR California Banquet

After a day of meetings and a memorial service for our recently departed Compatriots, it was time to conclude our business and celebrations with an installation banquet.

Our guest speaker was Thomas Jefferson (Steve Edenbo) direct from Philadelphia. He delivered an informative and highly entertaining talk. Though speaking from 250 years ago his message was timely for today. For those who missed his talk you may click the following: Meet Thomas Jefferson

President Klingler acknowledging the hard work needed to pull off such a successful event by handing out Certificates of Appreciation: L-R Scott Brooks, Greg Owens, Andy Martinez, John Dedo, Bob Ebert, Larry Brasher, Russ Kaiser, Jim Faulkinbury.

President Jim Klingler presenting John Ferris with the State Meritorious Service Medal.

President Klingler presenting the Patriot Medal to Randy Dhindsa, Scott Whittman and Kevin Bidenkap. The Patriot Medal is the highest honor the State Society may confer upon a Compatriot.

President Jim Klingler reflecting on past year as President and thanking everyone for their support.

President General John Dodd performing the swearing in ceremony for our new President Don Littlefield. President Littlefield is accompanied by First Lady Mary Ann.

President Littlefield expressing heartfelt thanks to Past President Klingler.

News from Around the California Society

Delta Chapter

Presents JROTC awards at local high school

Scott Eliott and Charles Newcomb from the Delta chapter presenting JROTC awards at East Union High School in Manteca  

Coachella Valley Chapter

SAR Members in uniform attend DAR Student Awards at Palm Springs Air Museum, April 26, 2014.

L to R: DAR Program Chair Janet Dagley, SAR Ray Allen, DAR Regent-elect Wendy Becker, SAR Ed Oehler, SAR Bill Haines, DAR Regent Alice Barnhart.

Harbor Chapter

Point Vincente Chapter NSDAR America 250 Event

On Monday April 22nd, a combined Harbor and South Coast Chapter Color Guard presented the colors for the Point Vincente NSDAR Chapter’s America 250 event aboard the Battleship USS Iowa. 

L-R: Jim Olds (H); Scott Whitman (SC); Jim Hernandez (SC); Kevin Bidenkap (H); Bob Maples (SC); Kevin Forrest (SC); Brandon Villardi (H)

The event included the presentation of NSDAR JROTC Awards, and a presentation from VADM Brendan McLane, on the National Museum of the Surface Navy, scheduled for October13, 2025 opening.

At the conclusion of the meeting, Harbor Chapter & California State Color Guard Commander Brandon Villardi was presented with the DAR America 250 Commendation for “Demonstration of Extraordinary Effort in Raising Awareness of Revolutionary Patriots and America’s 250th Anniversary.”

Brandon Villardi (Harbor Chapter) receiving the NSDAR Award

Redwood Empire Chapter

Past President and CASSAR NSCC Chairman William Nay attended the meeting of the Pyro Division of the U.S. Naval Sea Cadets. On the recommendation of Commanding Officer Shawn Knight, Cadet PO2 Orin Ross was presented with the Redwood Empire Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution Sea Cadet Medal for being selected Sea Cadet of the Year.

Commandant William Nay of General J.C. Breckenridge San Francisco Detachment 010, Marine Corps League presented PO2 Ross with his Commandant's Challenge Coin and encouraged him to consider joining the USMC.

San Diego Chapter

Chapter members requested to pose for a photo shoot for Discover magazine.

Chapter members posed for a photo shoot at the Green Dragon in April.

L-R, Duncan Campbell, Carolyn Campbell, Rico Buhay, Andrew Fagen (kneeling) and Jim McAdory. Top, Alan Winters and Peter Fagen.

The photos were taken by Discover Magazine, which plans to do a multi-page spread with them. They also plan to attend our May 18th meeting for photos for a second spread in a different edition.

Discover Magazine is a locally distributed, slick publication, that is distributed six times per year in the San Diego area.

San Diego chapter members at the ready.

L-R: Front, Duncan Campbell, Carolyn Campbell, Rico Buhay; Back: Andrew Fagen, (Chef), Alan Winters, Jim McAdory and Peter Fagen.

L-R: Duncan Campbell, Peter Fagen, Andrew Fagen

America 250

PG Manning’s America 250 Daily Minute

If you want to find out how your chapter can be apart of this celebration, contact John Ferris, Chair, America 250 SAR, at .

America 250 SAR Update

There is new information on the America 250th SAR website. I hope you will be impressed at what you will find. Please visit the America 250 Programs Library.

SAR Tab: 185 Programs on the Revolutionary War, 225 videos, podcasts, and YouTube Videos, 175 website programs that you can use from the SAR, DAR, PBS, History Channel and the Museum of the American Revolution.

Educational Tab: 1900 Lessons on the Revolutionary War, 150 videos, podcasts, and YouTube videos, 175 website programs.

Color Guard Tab: SAR Color Guard Handbook, Magazine and Reporting Forms, Download Color Guard Programs and News Releases, Color Guard Training videos and YouTube videos on uniforms, ceremonies, how to load and fire your musket, and the Baron de Steuben manual, YouTube Website links to the National SAR Color Guard Committee, State Color Guard Sites and the Baron Von Steuben's Revolutionary War Drill Manual

After you have perused the content, reach out and let me know what you think. I'd like to know if you used any of the information to help you or others on your America 250 journey. For any questions concerning America 250th SAR or the America 250th Anniversary Recognition Program, please contact John Ferris at


SAR Education Center and Museum Video

SAR YouTube Channel

Revolutionary War Rarities | Facebook

Revolutionary War Rarities | YouTube

Upcoming Events

  • May 15, 2024 -- All Regulatory Filings Must be Complete
  • June 14, 2024 -- Flag Day
  • July 4, 2024 -- Independence Day
  • July 10-16, 2024 -- 134th Annual Congress, Lancaster, PA

Youth Protection Training

Every member who participates in SAR programs and interacts with youth under 18 years of age

is required to successfully complete SAR Youth Protection Training. Training is online, takes about 20 minutes, and is valid for 3 years.

Send your certificate of completion to Dan McKelvie:

SAR Websites


SAR Foundation

SAR Western District

California Society SAR

SAR Dues and Transaction Fees

California Society Officers


Donald B. Littlefield


Executive Vice President

John R Ferris

Vice President North

Randy Dhindsa

Vice President South

Brandon Villardi

Vice President Membership

Scott Whitman


Christopher Cerillo


Kevin Bidenkap


Terry L. Briggs


Michael R. Hirman, Esq.


David Morrow


M. Scott Brooks


Rev. Scott Elliott


Dr. Matthew Bowdish, MD

Investment Fund Trustee


John L. Dodd, Esq.

Investment Fund Trustee


Dr. M. Kent Gregory

Investment Fund Trustee


Stephen R. Renouf

Past President

Jim Klingler

National Trustee

James Klingler

Alternate National Trustee

Dr. Mathew Bowdish

Cyber Scams

If you receive an email, text, or voice mail from a purported Officer or Compatriot seeking any kind of financial transaction, consider it a hoax. Phishing messages are very sophisticated and may include the unauthorized use of the SAR logo, a compatriot's name, or a pseudo SAR email address. Stop Think Verify !!!

From the Editor's Desk

CALL FOR ARTICLES — May20, 2024 Deadline

Please send news of events and high-resolution digital photos to:

John Ferris at


All photos or other materials that show or name any

minor under the age of 18

must be accompanied by a signed Release Form.

Click here to download the Release Form

The California Compatriot is the official newsletter of the California Society, Sons of the American Revolution. Unless explicitly stated, the opinions expressed herein are the opinions of the authors and not necessarily those of the California Society SAR.

Editor: John R Ferris