May 2, 2024


10:00 am

To live-stream the service - go to, click on the "All Angels Enter Here" picture and you will be routed to our YouTube channel.

Zoom - go to and watch and listen live. Be sure to stick around after the service for our coffee hour chat-with-your-neighbor time.

The bulletin can be found on the All Angels Website: or at the following link: 

Bulletin for Sunday, May 5

Scripture Readings for May 5, 2024

Acts 10:44-48

Psalm 98

1 John 5:1-6

John 15:9-17

Click Here for the Readings

The flowers for Sunday, May 5th are given by Ginny and Ed Upshaw

for the blessings of the covenant of marriage. 

That we all may love, honor and cherish each other in faithfulness and patience, in wisdom and true godliness,

that our homes may be havens of blessings and peace.



4 Sandy Jose

10 Gay Bowles

11 Agie Knowles

14 David Beliles

14 Fan Oleson

15 Jan Webb

22 Judy LeWin

28 Hank Kochan

31 Pam Toft


20 Paul & Sandy Wood

21 Dave & Christi Marshall


Last Sunday's Service

Sunday Sermons

If you would like to read Rev. Dave's recent sermon,

please click the link below

Sermon: Abide in Me, 4.29.24


A Prayer for Peace Among the Nations (BCP 816)

Let us pray in this time of conflict for peace in Israel, Palestine and Ukraine.

Almighty God our heavenly Father, guide the nations of the world

into the way of justice and truth, and establish among them

that peace which is the fruit of righteousness, that they may become

the kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

Centering Prayer

Centering Prayer invites you to pray with them, every day, at 8 am, wherever you are. When you enter into prayer at 8 am (Eastern), you will know that others are praying at the same time. 

We Pray for our People

Breathe your healing and peace on all those who suffer, especially Downs IV, Holden, Anne, Victoria, Kim, Michael, Barbara, Lorraine, Maria Christine, Caitlin, Amelia, Dennis, and Alice. Guide them and us along the right pathways for your Name’s sake. Help those recovering from injury, especially Agie. We pray for Turning Points, Manatee Food Bank, and all those who feed others. Give comfort to all who receive the care of skilled nursing, especially Timothy, Barbara, Kim, Lou and Ann. Give peace to those going through cancer treatments, and those in remission, especially, Margaret, Downs III, Victoria, Alex, Connie, Douglas, Frank, Gerta, Lauren, Jennifer, TJ, Jim, Stephanie, Cara, Todd and Nancy. We pray for those in Hospice that they will have comfort in you, especially Mary Jo.


Podcast: A Bridge Between

Episode 74: As I Have Loved You

Also available on Spotify:

Spotify: A Bridge Between


Choir News

  • Choir meets every Thursday (October – May) at 10:00 am – ALL are WELCOME!
  • Bell Choir meets every Thursday (October – May) at 11:15 am – ALL are WELCOME!

Gallery Artist

Our featured artist for April is iconographer Christine Hales. Please stop by and enjoy the work of this talented local artist. Checks should be written to All Angels by the Sea

Men's and Women's Discussion Group

We have two competing pieces on aging. The first one page article is about "super-agers" who are, "Individuals, age 80 and up, but they have the memory ability of a person 20 to 30 years younger." Unfortunately, the research shows very little on how to be a super ager (except for the last sentence of the second to last paragraph which is the reason why we're reading this article). 

The second one page article is how to have better brain health. I sure hope drinking coffee and having a weekly discussion about age is on that list. Regardless, I'd like to know what you think. 

For those in person, I'll have the coffee ready. For those on Zoom, here's the link:

To read the articles, click the link below:

Super Agers and Keys to Longevity

Coffee Hour Hosts Needed

One of the most important things we do is gather after the service for coffee hour. If you are interested in hosting, the sign up sheet is on the Gallery table. If you would like help, sign up and we will find someone to show you how it is done. 

Online Giving

If you would like to give to the offering plate electronically, you can find the online giving link on our All Angels website by clicking the link below:


The Final Final

My son Ethan has taken his final final – it is his last exam to achieve his undergraduate degree. Prior to this week, I gave him some advice. I did not savor my final final. During the exam, it dawned on me that this was it. There are no other exams, or tests, or papers due. A weird feeling stirred in my stomach – both joy and grief, hopeful expectation, and as if I was falling off a cliff. I asked Ethan to take time this week to ponder his entire educational career. And, as such, I am doing that now.

Ethan’s first teacher was Ms. Cathy at Head Start at Christ Episcopal Church, Alameda California. An inspiring woman of African descent who loved all her students as if they were her own children, who had strict rules to follow, and a heart big enough to swallow up the entire city block. She put Ethan on the right path for inquisitive learning, knowledge, and care for others. After graduation from seminary, we were called back to our home diocese. He enrolled in the Lutheran Academy of the Master in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. As a “LAM” they taught extensively about Jesus our great shepherd. Again, he had a fantastic teacher who gave the children a thirst for knowledge and a caring heart for those around them.

When the Spirit called, we moved to the San Diego area during his kindergarten year. He enrolled in a public school; it was a difficult environment for him. It wasn’t clicking the way Head Start and LAM did. I shared this with my bishop. That conversation led me to accept his invitation to lead and serve at Saint John’s Episcopal Church and School (pre-k through 8th grade). Although this was by far the hardest pastoral assignment I had received, it was the best academic environment for Ethan. Starting in 4th grade, Christi and I watched him come out of his shell. Episcopal education is special and so were his teachers. They challenged, encouraged, pushed, and rewarded him. He was the salutatorian at his 8th grade graduation. From there he attended a Roman Catholic High School and continued to excel.

Halfway through his sophomore year, the Spirit called again – this time to southwest Florida. He said goodbye to his San Diego friends and started the spring semester at Bradenton Christian School. He remarked that the teaching style from a Catholic school to BCS was substantially different, but he excelled with the diversity of style. At BCS, four years ago, he met Mackenzie, his soon-to-be wife. During his time at BCS, the world struggled through a global pandemic. Yet, Ethan found that he could thrive in an online environment. After graduating with honors, he started his freshman year at the University of South Florida at the Sarasota campus. Over the last three years, Ethan has taken classes at all three USF campuses. They say one’s GPA normally drops a full point in college. Ethan’s has not. In fact, from my perspective, many of his classes seemed easy when compared to his rigorous High School experience. One thing Christi and I observed was that Ethan was way ahead of many of his classmates when it came to academic preparation and performance.

I have felt guilty for moving-with-ministry because it interrupted his academic life. Yet, as I reflect on his final final, I can see that he has learned how to adapt to changing scholastic situations. Moving from one USF campus to another did not faze him. As you can imagine, I am more proud of him than I am able to express. I am thankful for Ms. Cathy and all of his teachers who have helped him along his journey. This is probably not his last final in academia. But it is a life-changing, permanent step that he has taken. I thank God that I have the privilege of walking with this amazing man and calling him my son who has taught me about love, connection, and has given me a thirst for knowledge and helping others. 

- Rev. Dave