Connections: Week of August 21, 2023

Dear Friends,

What a journey we have been on together! For months, the spirit of engagement,

collaboration and creativity has moved through the congregation — and soon we will cross an

exciting threshold into a future of unimaginable possibilities, when our new settled pastor

arrives. None of this adventure would be possible without your enthusiastic involvement and God’s consistent encouragement.

Admittedly, some days have felt like a soap opera! However, some days, the divine

intervention has actually been tangible, whether the surprise availability of Rev. Álvaro to guide

our Latino Ministry, or unexpected donations toward the shortfall, or simply a wise and precious

comment just when needed.

As last week’s sermon title urged, “Open Your Eyes.” If you missed the service, click the

link below to enjoy the music of John Denver, meet some of our children by name, and question the “cultural Christianity” to which we have become accustomed. Most importantly, say aloud

Dave Olson’s prayer for us. As co-chair of the search committee, he knows what CCSM has

been through and shares our hope for an “exciting future” as we cross that threshold into a

new ministry together.

Dear God. Help us to be grateful for the past fifteen months. For the uncertainty and the

hopefulness and the patience (or not). For the challenges and the successes and the

failures. For everyone who led. For everyone who expressed their opinions. For everyone

who wished we might communicate with one another a little better than we did or who

wished that everyone else might have the same opinion that we had. We’re not always

perfect, but we learn from our experiences as best we can and we move on together.

Dear God. Help us to prepare for an exciting future. A future of love and joy and of

spiritual and personal growth. A future that we know will bring its own challenges and

successes and failures. Help us to know that it is a future of our own making and help us

to build it using the best of the tools available to us: optimism and hope and a

welcoming spirit. The best is yet to come, I think.

Dear God. Help us to understand that we are on this journey together. Creating a

community that means something to each of us and has room for all of us. A community

that works through the challenges and experiences, the successes and the failures

together. We don’t know what the future will bring, but I expect the future to be bright

and for it to shine with the beauty that is within each of us to share in the months and

the years to come.

“Amen” means “so be it” or “let it be so.”

Amen and Amen—with love, Kibbie




Rev. Kibbie Ruth's inspiring sermon: "Open Up Your Eyes"


Come to a Stewardship Campaign Planning Meeting

Sunday, August 27th

Right after church Sunday, come to the Buckham Room, where the Stewardship Team will be meeting. Just observe, or chime in with your ideas. Childcare will be provided. We are all in this together!

Come Back for Homecoming Sunday!

September 10th 

Please join us for the start of a new CCSM season on September 10th. We have a new senior minister, a revitalized Council of Ministries, new members to welcome, and there will be food, fun, and games for the kids. The Connect & Celebrate Ministry will be serving up chili (veggie style available) with all the fixings (including a "walking chili" option — come to find out what that is). This lunch will be served on the lawn, so there's plenty of space and fresh air.  It's time to turn off your screen and come back to your friends. (You might want to change out of those pajamas first.) Questions? Contact Sandy McNabb (; 650 678 5650) or Nancy Nugent (

Vocal Workshop with Dr. Bryan Baker, August 30th

You are invited to join a special vocal workshop with Dr. Bryan Baker, director of Masterworks Chorale. All singers at CCSM are welcome. Join us Wednesday, August 30 at 7 pm in the sanctuary. A graphic of Music Notes or Treble Clef would be great if you have one.

Contact Lynnelle at with any questions.


Friday, September 15th, 12:00 pm

The opening meeting of Music and Art will be on Friday, September 15, at noon in the Buckham Room. We will have a special program called QUILTS AS ART, presented by our own member, Susan Bell. She will introduce us to designing and making quilts and bring some of her own quilts from her collection of 150!!  Members may also bring their own “show and tell” quilts or quilted items (e.g. pillows) or pictures of them. The meeting will begin as usual with our BYOL (bring your own lunch) — beverages are provided as well as dessert by hostesses who have signed up. A brief business meeting will be included, and it will help our treasury if members could bring a check or cash for the $20.00 dues. Checks should be made out to CCSM, with Music & Art on the line. We’ll be off to a great start of the 2023–2024 season. Bring a friend to introduce to our wonderful group!


If we get at least 1,000 subscribers, the YouTube algorithm bumps our CCSM site higher on people’s search engine.  CCSM Media has 426 subscribers today. Let’s pump it up! 

So, please go to

 and click the “Subscribe” button.  Cost: Nothing.  Benefit: HUGE!

Youth and Family News

Recruiting 2023–24 CCSM Youth Peer Leaders! Sheryl is putting together a small team of youth to help plan youth social events, service projects, intergenerational programs, etc. Are you interested? This is a great thing to put on your college apps, resumes, etc. High school youth in 10th, 11th, and 12th grade are invited. Please let Sheryl know if you are interested. We will meet once/month on Sundays after 60 Minutes and/or on Wednesday evenings before the Wed night service (it’s ok if you can’t make 100% of the meetings).

Saturday, August 26 – LifeMoves Bike Ride to End Homelessness. This is a fun ride for a great cause. There are routes for all ages - kids included! (See below for more information) Please consider signing up as a family.

Sunday, September 10 – Homecoming Sunday! Please plan to stay after church for facepainting, balloon animals, games, and more! Youth are encouraged to help out—and can earn volunteer hours. Please let Sheryl know if you're available! 

Saturday, September 16 – City of San Mateo Annual Bayfront Cleanup More info/register


Friday, September 29–Sunday, October 1 – Join our local UCCs for a fun youth retreat weekend! More details to follow.

Go to to register


Board of Directors


all meetings are Sunday at Noon

in the Buckham Room

(unless noted)

September 17

October 8

November 12

December 10

To view June 14 Board Meeting Minutes,

click here or go to


Council of Ministries


all meetings are Sunday at Noon

in the Fireplace Room

(dates in yellow are combined BoD + CoM)

September 24

October 22

November 12

December OFF

CCSM Council of Ministries
Contact COM:

Kay Harris - Council of Ministries Lead

Jim Schwandt - Buildings and Grounds

Kim Rey and Troy Grabow - Children, Youth, and Families

Diane Kalliam - Congregational Care

Alison Schwandt - Engagement

Gary White - Energy + Environmental Justice

Sandy McNabb - Connect and Celebrate

Julien Phillips - Latino/a Ministry

Linda Stoick - Liturgical Arts

Sue Bell - Music

Genel Morgan - Service and Justice

Chris Wuthmann - Spiritual Life/Adult Ed.

Martha Bronitsky - Stewardship

You don't need to wait for the Ministry Fair to learn more, or join a ministry. Contact the Ministry Lead anytime!
Click HERE for CCSM's Governance Manual, and HERE for CCSM's Bylaws



The "Blessing Box" outside of the entrance of CCSM is a project of the Ministry of Service and Justice, responding to the need for families in our neighborhood to access food and an expression of our call to be the "hands, feet, and face of God" in our community. The container will be in the narthex to collect food (canned, dried and boxed, no fresh food please! donations must be full UNOPENED containers, no fruits, vegetables, or bread) on any Sunday of the month. Thank you for your continuing generosity!

Pray for Ukraine Every Tuesday at 7:30pm

CCSM held a powerful live Prayer Ritual for Ukraine on March 6th, 2022, and will share this ritual ONLINE every Tuesday until the war ends. These are challenging times and this offering is a way to bring our community together and magnify our prayers.

Please share this link with your friends and family so we can extend this offering to as many people as possible.

Link for Prayer Ritual on YouTube:


9am - 1pm

Monday - Thursday
225 Tilton Ave. • San Mateo, CA • 94401
Scan the QR code above or go to
to make a donation or pledge to CCSM.
Don't forget to ask your employer if they have a charitable donation matching program to make your pledge go farther.
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